Farmacia Emergencias Suc. Civil Civil - 80030 Culiacán Rosales

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Contact Farmacia Emergencias Suc. Civil Civil

Address :

Av Agustín Verdugo No. 100, Gabriel Leyva, 80030 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77979
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City : Sin.

Av Agustín Verdugo No. 100, Gabriel Leyva, 80030 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico
KalaEstudios on Google

hola mi nombre es martin, soy clientes de farmacias emergencias ubicado en CANACO lo que les voy a pedir de la manera mas atenta y respetuosa despidan a la doctora quien se nego a proporcionar atencion medica a mi hijo de 2.5 años de edad que acudimos a sus servicios ya que presenta fiebre y infeccion de garganta y esta doctora del turno matutino. se nego a atendernos porque segun su dicho faltaban 10 min para salir ya ella sale a las 3.00 y seguia otro dr. vespertino que lo estuvimos esperando hasta las 3.10 pm y no llego y esta doctora a pesar de pedirle que nos atendiera nos dijo que no que ella ya habia terminado su turno sin llegar el medico que le verdad deberian tener a cargo personal medico con mas sensibilidad y etica profesional ojala le den su escarmiento,,,el personal de farmacia fue testigo de todo esto confirmenlo........
Hello my name is Martin, I am clients of emergency pharmacies located in CANACO what I am going to ask you in the most attentive and respectful way to fire the doctor who refused to provide medical care to my 2.5-year-old son who went to his services since she has a fever and throat infection and this morning shift doctor. He refused to attend us because according to his saying it was 10 minutes to leave and she leaves at 3.00 and followed another dr. Afternoon we were waiting for him until 3.10 pm and he did not arrive and this doctor despite asking him to attend us told us that no that she had already finished her shift without arriving at the doctor who was following her ..... the truth they should have medical staff position with more sensitivity and professional ethics hopefully give him his warning ,,, the pharmacy staff witnessed all this confirm it ........

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