1.4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Francisco I. Madero 1074, La Asunción, Tláhuac, 34159 México, DF, Mexico

Categories :

Francisco I. Madero 1074, La Asunción, Tláhuac, 34159 México, DF, Mexico
Luis Gerardo Ramirez on Google

Pésimo servicio ni un número de teléfono cuidado puede ser estafa
Terrible service or a careful phone number can be scam
Erick Ivan Gonzalez on Google

Fraude! Groseros, déspotas, no tengo cuenta con ellos y me hostigan, yo no autorice ser referencia de nadie. Me amenazan y me insultan los bxstardxs
Fraud! Rude, despots, I do not have an account with them and they harass me, I do not authorize being a reference to anyone. The bxstardxs threaten and insult me
Doris Corral on Google

Fraude! Rateros! Nunca me depositaron nada pero si me están descontando el prestamo
Fraud! Thieves! They never deposited anything for me but they are discounting my loan
ARIADNA GISELE Diaz de león on Google

Pésimo servicio, me he atrasado en los pagos porque su sistema no reconoce el pago que yo ya hice y su cobranza es exagerada, aparte que le están marcando a personas que yo no las puse de referencias, no se de donde sacaron esos datos, son ladrones aparte del dinero me robaron la información de mis familiares de mi teléfono y no se como hicieron eso, no confíen en ellos
Terrible service, I have been late in payments because their system does not recognize the payment that I have already made and their collection is exaggerated, apart from the fact that they are marking people that I did not put as references, I do not know where they got that data, they are thieves apart from the money stole the information of my relatives from my phone and I don't know how they did that, don't trust them
Irving Abel Perez on Google

Fraude! Fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude fraude no me explico porque me cobran algo que yo no les debo! De donde se robaron mi número telefónico? Fraude! Yo jamas autorice, les pondré una demanda y ojalá los multen, no saquen préstamos aquí, roban datos y quien sabe para que los usen, esto es fraude
Fraud! Fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud I can't explain why they charge me something that I don't owe them! Where was my phone number stolen from? Fraud! I never authorize, I will sue them and hopefully they will be fined, do not take out loans here, they steal data and who knows why they use it, this is fraud
Vicente Acevedo on Google

Me marcan a altas horas de la noche, y muy temprano, no me descuentan y es error de ellos y no mio, los intereses ya me están consumiendo, procederé a hacerles la denuncia en conducef, poco éticos
They mark me late at night, and very early, they don't discount me and it's their mistake and not mine, the interests are already consuming me, I will proceed to file a complaint with conductf, unethical
EMMA verónica Cisneros on Google

Ni se les. Ocurra sacar préstamos aquí, yo no saque préstamo con ellos pero de px ta, pxn de jx, no me bajan, me quejo y no me hacen caso, pésimo! Fraude!
I don't know. It happens to take out loans here, I didn't take out a loan with them but from px ta, pxn de jx, they don't let me down, I complain and they ignore me, terrible! Fraud!
Denis Rivas on Google

Ya me tienen harta! Se la pasan cobrandome un préstamo que no es mio, es fraude esto, yo no les debo! Y cuando trato de explicarlo me insultan, me estoy enfermando por culpa de ellos y no entienden razones, no saquen préstamos aquí, son la peor basura
I'm already fed up! They keep charging me for a loan that isn't mine, this is fraud, I don't owe them! And when I try to explain it they insult me, I'm getting sick because of them and they don't understand why, don't take out loans here, they are the worst garbage

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