Turibus Platino - 45625 San Pedro Tlaquepaque

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Turibus Platino

Address :

Salvador Hinojosa 2, Nueva Central Camionera, 45625 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Jal.

Salvador Hinojosa 2, Nueva Central Camionera, 45625 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico
Rosario Lopez on Google

Muy barata la gasolina si vale la pena
Very cheap gasoline if it is worth it
Lauriano Tostado on Google

Quiero hacer un comentario sobre el carro #39 las veces que me ah tocado viajar con el no eh podido llegar a tiempo a mi trabajo, pese a que toda la gente se queja de el por qué le da dos vueltas a la glorieta de el fraccionamiento "villas de Andalucía" aparte de que es muy grosero con sus pasajeros OJALÁ LEA ESTE COMENTARIO EL PATRON DE LA EMPRESA GRÁCIAS... Psdt SE VA CON ORARIOS DE OTROS CARROS
I want to make a comment about car # 39 the times that I have had to travel with it, I have not been able to get to my work on time, despite the fact that all the people complain about it why it goes around the neighborhood roundabout two times "villas de Andalucía" apart from being very rude to its passengers I WISH YOU READ THIS COMMENT THE COMPANY'S PATTERN THANKS ... Psdt GOES WITH SPEAKERS FROM OTHER CARS
E O on Google

Una empresa bastante mi3#da en cuanto a todo: servicio al cliente malisimo, el estado de los autobuses, nada de señalamientos, suerte con llegar a tu destino a tiempo o incluso poder llegar sin que te hayas equivocado de autobús... sienten que te regalan el pasaje aunque hayas pagado por el... En fin una empresa tipo monopolio en municipios como Zapotlanejo que no debería existir o por lo menos que hubiera alguien que les hiciera competencia para ponerle un poco de esfuerzo a su servicio... Manténganse alejados lo más que puedan de ellos.
Quite a mi3 # da company in terms of everything: terrible customer service, the state of the buses, no signs, luck with getting to your destination on time or even being able to get there without making the wrong bus ... they feel that They give you the ticket even if you have paid for it ... In short, a monopoly type company in municipalities like Zapotlanejo that should not exist or at least that there should be someone who would compete with them to put a little effort at their service ... Stay away from them as much as possible.
José Hernández on Google

Definitivamente es un pesimo servicio, nisiquiera digno de una ciudad conurbada a Guadalajara. Requerimos como sociedad un trasporte eficiente, en tiempo y forma.
It is definitely a terrible service, not even worthy of a metropolitan city in Guadalajara. We as a society require efficient transportation, in a timely manner.
César González Arroyo on Google

No tienen respeto a sus usuarios: No saben comunicar sus decisiones internas del horarios y salidas por tiempos Covid. Se le pregunta a un chófer, responde "no sé", una persona de boletos "no sé", a veces acompañado de groserías. Ojalá hubiera otra marca que los hiciera competir y mejorar su servicio que ya es PÉSIMO
They have no respect for their users: They do not know how to communicate their internal decisions about schedules and departures for Covid times. A driver is asked, responds "I don't know", a ticket person "I don't know", sometimes accompanied by rudeness. I wish there was another brand that would make them compete and improve their service, which is already AWFUL
Armando Ruiz campos on Google

El peor servicio que hay pero no dejan Que entre otra ruta no salen ala hora siempre salen 10 minutos tardes y van a vuelta de rueda se supone que es un servicio suburbano no urbano van ruteando si van hacer eso de rutear lo mas justo que cobren los 9.50 que cobran también como es posible que hagan una hora de santa Martha a la central
The worst service there is but they don't let That between another route they don't leave on time they always leave 10 minutes late and go around the wheel it is supposed to be a non-urban suburban service they go routing if they are going to do that routing as fair as they charge 9.50 that they also charge as it is possible that they make an hour from Santa Martha to the central
Alejandra Talamantes on Google

Pésimo servicio, salen a la hora que quieren y siempre van en el celular mandando mensajes, en llamadas y escuchando audios sin usar audifonos, hacen mas de una de Santa Martha a la Central. No quieren que entren otras rutas y su servicio es de lo peor.
Terrible service, they go out at the time they want and they always go on the cell phone sending messages, in calls and listening to audios without using headphones, they make more than one from Santa Martha to the Central. They do not want other routes to enter and their service is the worst.
lorenzo oswaldo neva carrillo on Google

Sinceramente es un servicio pésimo. Cómo es posible que hagan más de 1:00 hr de palmas a la central nueva ? Siempre los retacan de gente exponiendo a los propios usuarios. Ojalá nunca suceda un accidente que los haga entender que deben mejorar su servicio y los tiempos de recorrido de ruta no mams parece que son foráneos hago lo mismo de gdl a mi pueblo magdalena que de donde vivo a la central no inventen! Por último si alguien conoce un número u oficinas para quejarme o levantar un acta entre todos para que mejoren esto. Ya basta !
It's honestly a lousy service. How is it possible that they make more than 1:00 hr of palms to the new central? They are always filled with people exposing the users themselves. Hopefully an accident never happens that makes them understand that they must improve their service and route travel times no mams it seems that they are foreign I do the same from gdl to my town Magdalena than from where I live to the central do not invent! Lastly, if anyone knows a number or offices to complain or draw up a record together so that they can improve this. Stop !

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