0508 Santa Clara Miramontes, Coyoacán - 04830 Ciudad de México

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Contact 0508 Santa Clara Miramontes, Coyoacán

Address :

Canal de Miramontes 2716, Coapa, Cipreses, Coyoacán, 04830 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : CDMX

Canal de Miramontes 2716, Coapa, Cipreses, Coyoacán, 04830 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
José Antonio Israel “José Antonio Israel Band” Ramírez on Google

Me gusta el caramelato, pero está última vez que fui tenía chorro, así que me lo perdí. Lo bueno es que pedí una nieve de limón que estaba deliciosa y me asentó el estómago
I like caramelato, but this last time I went it had a splash, so I missed it. The good thing is that I ordered a lemon ice cream that was delicious and settled my stomach
Clau Zuniga on Google

Bien servicio. Los helados, una delicia. Promociones diversas. Miércoles 2x1 comprando un helado gourmet el otro de regalo. Viernes 2x1 en litros de helado. Maneras con vaso alusivo $139.00 etc..... Hay para escoger promo ?
Good service. The ice creams, a delight. Various promotions. Wednesday 2x1 buying a gourmet ice cream the other as a gift. Friday 2 x1 in liters of ice cream. Ways with an allusive glass $139.00 etc..... There is a promo to choose from ?
Sandra sanchez perez on Google

Visite esta sucursal, al mostrar que me parecía elevado el precio de un helado sin ser grosero los empleados comenzaron a atenderme mal a pesar que estaba consumiendo, se portaron groseros y déspotas como si ellos ganaran un porcentaje de las ganancias y sobre todo como si fueran dueños millonarios, me pareció clasista y hasta un tanto con aporofobia, el dinero vale lo mismo venga de quien venga, pésimo trato y actitud sobre todo por que iba con mi hija. discriminan
I visited this branch, showing that the price of an ice cream seemed high without being rude, the employees began to treat me badly even though I was consuming, they behaved rude and despotic as if they earned a percentage of the profits and above all as if they were millionaire owners, it seemed to me classist and even somewhat aporophobic, money is worth the same no matter who it comes from, terrible treatment and attitude especially because I was going with my daughter. discriminate
Gerardo Razo on Google

Acabo de estar en este lugar y no están respetando sus propias promociones, a la mejor, porque les urge cerrar, que lastima que pase eso en una empresa tan importante!!!
I have just been in this place and they are not respecting their own promotions, perhaps because they urgently need to close, what a pity that this happens in such an important company!!!
DiferenteMente on Google

He ido 2 veces cuando han puesto el 2x1 en litros (que no son litros, ni kilos, según los venden por kilo, no recuerdo cuantos gramos ellos te dicen que son sus litros de helado, pero no pesan ni 600gr), solamente para probar si vale la pena. En ambas ocasiones pasé el primer día de la promoción y ambas casi al momento de la apertura (me queda a una cuadra de casa la sucursal Miramontes). En ambas ocasiones pedí el de Vino, dijeron que lo tenían agotado, cuando yo era literalmente el primer cliente del día que comenzaba la promoción. (En ambas ocasiones) La primera vez que sucedió, les comenté exactamente esto, ¿Cómo lo van a tener agotado, justo el primer día de la promoción, siendo yo el primer cliente? A lo que simplemente de quedaron callados y me dijeron "Lo tenemos agotado, va a ordenar o no? Aún así, decidí darles la oportunidad. La siguiente vez que pusieron la promo fue del día de las Madres, fuí igualmente el día que inició, y yo ya iba con la mentalidad de que probablemente iban a venderme los sabores que les sobran, la merma, lo que no se vende. Efectivamente así fue. Solo 3 sabores disponibles... En total he probado los siguientes sabores. -Blueberry: Me dijeron que era de Mora con QUESO, no lleva absolutamente nada de queso. Le doy un CERO de calificación, porque en realidad es helado de VAINILLA con Mora, o ese es el sabor que se percibe. -Tiramisú: Sabe a café, NADA QUE VER con el sabor del postre típico italiano, no de cerca, creo que ni galleta lleva. Le doy un SEIS, pasa apenas, con 2 bolas tienes, porque es DEMASIADA GRASA Y AZÚCAR. - Triple chocolate: Sabe MUY SIMILAR al de Holanda, cremisimo, que vale $35 pesos el litro, la diferencia es que este tiene pedazos de chocolate, y le da un sabor muu rico. Le doy un SEIS, el sabor es IDÉNTICO a cualquier Helado de chocolate que venden en el super, pero los trozos de chocolate saben ricos. Café Supremo: Prácticamente es el mismo sabor que el Tiramisú, pero con los mismos pedazos de chocolate que le ponen al de Triple Chocolate. Le doy un SIETE, es exactamente el mismo sabor que el de Tiramisú, pero con los trozos de chocolate. Por $240 que cuestan sus litros, te compras casi 2 litros de Tepoznieves, que son mejores tanto en sabor, con menos azucar y grasa, pero lo mas importante, no son TRAMPOSOS NI MAÑOSOS, inventando promociones para venderte toda la merma. Si quieren probar algo muy similar, toda la linea "Cremisimo de Holanda" es muy parecida tanto en consistencia y sabor, tienen más variedad y por los mismos $240 compras minimo 4 litros. O la otra, por el costo de $240, mejor una pinta de Hagen, también seguido hay promociones. En general, esta PESIMA experiencia con estos de Santa Clara, me ha hecho definitivamente dejar de consumir la marca. Toda la vida he sido cliente de ellos, para mi la leche Santa Clara es la más rica y cremosa, pero que se inventen estas promociones para sacar sus sobras y mermas, pésimo trato al cliente, me quitaron todas las ganas de seguir siendo su cliente. Al mes le consumimos 48 lts de leche en casa, algunas veces incluso otros productos como las lechitas de sabor, siempre compramos 4 cajas de 12lts que nos sale en promedio en $240 cada caja de 12lts. Honestamente no sé que tanto valga la pena engañar a sus clientes y perder, en este caso, un cliente de $1.000 promedio como minimo al mes.
I have gone 2 times when they have put the 2x1 in liters (which are not liters or kilos, as they sell them per kilo, I don't remember how many grams they tell you that their liters of ice cream are, but they don't weigh even 600gr), just to test it is worth it. On both occasions I spent the first day of the promotion and both were almost at the time of opening (the Miramontes branch is one block from home). On both occasions I ordered the Wine, they said they had it sold out, when I was literally the first customer of the day the promotion began. (Both times) The first time it happened, I told you exactly this, how are you going to have it sold out, just on the first day of the promotion, being the first customer? To which they just kept quiet and said "We have it sold out, are you going to order or not? Still, I decided to give them a chance. The next time they put on the promo it was on Mother's Day, it was also the day that started, and I was already thinking that they were probably going to sell me the flavors that they have left, the waste, what is not sold. Indeed it was. Only 3 flavors available ... In total I have tried the following flavors. -Blueberry: They told me it was from Mora with CHEESE, it has absolutely no cheese. I give it a ZERO rating, because it is actually VANILLA ice cream with Blackberry, or that is the flavor that is perceived. -Tiramisu: It tastes like coffee, NOTHING TO DO with the taste of the typical Italian dessert, not up close, I don't think there is even a cookie. I give it a SIX, it hardly happens, with 2 balls you have, because it is TOO MUCH FAT AND SUGAR. - Triple chocolate: It tastes VERY SIMILAR to that of Holland, cremisimo, that it is worth $ 35 pesos per liter, the difference is that it has pieces of chocolate, and it gives it a very rich flavor. I give it a SIX, the taste is IDENTICAL to any chocolate ice cream they sell in the supermarket, but the pieces of chocolate taste good. Supreme Coffee: It is practically the same flavor as Tiramisu, but with the same pieces of chocolate as Triple Chocolate. I give it a SEVEN, it is exactly the same flavor as Tiramisu, but with the chocolate chunks. For $ 240 that its liters cost, you buy almost 2 liters of Tepoznieves, which are better both in flavor, with less sugar and fat, but most importantly, they are not CHEATFUL OR CRAZY, inventing promotions to sell you all the waste. If you want to try something very similar, the entire line "Cremisimo de Holanda" is very similar both in consistency and flavor, they have more variety and for the same $ 240 you buy a minimum of 4 liters. Or the other, for the cost of $ 240, better a pint of Hagen, there are also promotions often. In general, this HUGE experience with these from Santa Clara has definitely made me stop using the brand. All my life I have been a customer of them, for me Santa Clara milk is the richest and creamiest, but these promotions are invented to get their leftovers and waste, terrible customer treatment, they took away all the desire to continue being their customer . A month we consume 48 liters of milk at home, sometimes even other products such as flavored milk, we always buy 4 boxes of 12 liters that we get an average of $ 240 each 12-liter box. I honestly don't know how much it is worth fooling your customers and losing, in this case, an average customer of at least $ 1,000 per month.
Carlos Chavez on Google

aziz pesnani on Google

It's ok have had better in Mexico citi
Lazaro Vázquez on Google

A little expensive but it's worthy

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