121contact - 06080 Ciudad de México

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Contact 121contact

Address :

C. Nezahualcóyotl 192-Piso 1, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06080 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : https://www.facebook.com/121Contact-centro-103492192105319/%3Fref%3Dpages_you_manage
Categories :
City : CDMX

C. Nezahualcóyotl 192-Piso 1, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06080 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Raquel Cruz on Google

Pesima empresa. No pagan ni capacitacion ni los dias laborados despues de eso. No tiene prestaciones ni aplica medidas de seguridad ante el covid. Cuando quieres renunciar no te dan finiquito y te quieren obligar a firmar un documento de que la empresa no te debe nada y si no quieres te amenazan con ponerte como abandono de trabajo.
Bad company. They don't pay for training or days worked after that. It does not have benefits or apply security measures against covid. When you want to resign, they do not give you a settlement and they want to force you to sign a document that the company does not owe you anything and if you do not want to, they threaten to put you out of work.
Dereck Said on Google

MALA EN TODO ASPECTO Solo son estafas, básicamente no te pagan lo que es, mal ambiente laboral tanto de supervisores como en recursos humanos, al querer renunciar no te pagan por los días ya laborados. Si no vendes no sales a comer y al bañó, junto que además están muy sucios estos baños.
BAD IN EVERY WAY They are only scams, basically they do not pay you what it is, a bad work environment for both supervisors and human resources, when you want to resign, they do not pay you for the days already worked. If you don't sell, you don't go out to eat and take a bath, and these bathrooms are also very dirty.
Chavez Medina Jonatan on Google

FATAL EMPRESA. buen compañerismo, en cuanto a las ventas buscan cualquier pretexto para descontarte tus comisiones, con las falta te descuentan cantidades exageradas aunque sean justificadas.
FATAL COMPANY. good companionship, in terms of sales they look for any pretext to discount your commissions, with the lack they discount exaggerated amounts even if they are justified.
Tere Monjaras on Google

Deberían cuidar sus medidas de seguridad para los contagios de covid. Desgraciadamente mi primo trabajaba para esa empresa, se contagio, no le creyeron. Mi primo murió pero ojala que la Sra Aidee reflexione sobre su conducta y tengan mayor empatía hacia sus trabajadores. Muy mala empresa para laborar. E invitó a la Secretaria del Trabajo a revisar las condiciones en las que laboran.
They should take care of their security measures for covid infections. Unfortunately my cousin worked for that company, he was infected, they did not believe him. My cousin died but I hope that Mrs. Aidee reflects on her behavior and has more empathy towards her workers. Very bad company to work for. And he invited the Secretary of Labor to review the conditions in which they work.
Roberto Espitia on Google

No hay medidas de COVID en esta supuesta empresa, así que hay mucho peligro. No hay limpieza los baños estan muy sucios. Al inicio te dicen un sueldo y al final es mucho menor. Si no vendes te descuentan y no puedes hacer ni tus necesidades. Las de recursos humanos son unas personas horribles cero empáticas. Para colmo no dan Seguro Social ni las prestaciones básicas de Ley, la verdad no recomiendo nada trabajar aquí. Si estan pensado entrar por favor piénsalo bien. Hasta uno puede salir contagiado de COVID aquí y para un sueldo muy miserable.
There are no COVID measures in this supposed company, so there is a lot of danger. There is no cleaning the bathrooms are very dirty. At the beginning they tell you a salary and in the end it is much lower. If you don't sell they discount you and you can't even do your needs. HR are horrible zero empathetic people. To make matters worse, they do not give Social Security or the basic benefits of the Law, the truth is I do not recommend anything to work here. If you are planning to enter please think about it. Even one can get infected with COVID here and for a very miserable salary.
Ángela León on Google

*de tener cuidado* Fui solo a entrevista y no hay ninguna medida de contingencia. Entras y lo primero que ves es a una persona en recepción SIN cubrebocas, subes a dónde está el call Center y fácilmente hay +30 personas trabajando SIN cubrebocas y todas amontonadas, aire acondicionado NO HAY, solo hay un ventilador en mal estado que apenas y da aire. Medio mundo se anda muriendo de calor ahí dentro. LO QUE TE OFRECEN EN ESE "CALL CENTER" es un pago quincenal, en los días de capacitación solo te pagan $360 y eso sí tienes suerte y si te los dan. Explican que los días sábados debes conseguir al menos 3 comisiones para que te dejen salir. Me dió mala vibra en todos los aspectos y me fui.
* to be careful * I only went for an interview and there is no contingency measure. You enter and the first thing you see is a person at the reception WITHOUT a face mask, you go up to where the call Center is and there are easily +30 people working WITHOUT face masks and all piled up, there is NO air conditioning, there is only one fan in poor condition that barely and gives air. Half the world is dying of heat in there. WHAT THEY OFFER YOU IN THIS "CALL CENTER" is a biweekly payment, on training days they only pay you $ 360 and that you are lucky and if they give it to you. They explain that on Saturdays you must get at least 3 commissions to be let out. It gave me a bad vibe in all aspects and I left.
Andy Segura on Google

En estos momentos me encuentro laborando aquí, y hasta el momento he detectado dos anomaílas: Primera y la más extraña, al momento de firmar contrato, dicen que es Global Exchange no se qué, y no me dejaron una copia del contrato firmado. Y la segunda anomalía es que me pidieron mi número de seguridad social, y revisé mis cotizaciones, y resulta que no me dan seguridad social. Entonces me pregunto yo: ¿Para qué piden eso si no te van a dar seguro? En fin. En cuanto al ambiente laboral, reconozco que es muy bueno, los compañeros te acogen muy rápido y te enseñan varias cosas. Mi labor es convencer a clientes Movistar que realizan recargas telefónicas a migrarse a un plan de datos controlado, y aunque es una labor difícil no es imposible y es posible llegar a las metas que te piden, aunque hay días que es imposible. Los supervisores se la pasan grite y grite, lo cual te desconcentra demasiado y te llega a estresar cuando te exhiben, haciéndote ver como un "mal elemento", lo cual para mi es algo muy vergonzoso y ataca a la dignidad de la persona. SI me encuentro aquí es porque tristemente no hay otras alternativas para trabajos de medio tiempo para las personas que trabajamos y estudiamos. NO recomendable para personas con carácter frágil o que se estresan muy fácil
Right now I am working here, and so far I have detected two anomalies: First and the strangest, when signing the contract, they say that it is Global Exchange I don't know what, and they didn't leave me a copy of the signed contract. And the second anomaly is that they asked me for my social security number, and I checked my contributions, and it turns out that they don't give me social security. So I ask myself: why do they ask for that if they are not going to give you insurance? Anyway. As for the work environment, I recognize that it is very good, the colleagues welcome you very quickly and teach you several things. My job is to convince Movistar customers who recharge the phone to migrate to a controlled data plan, and although it is a difficult task, it is not impossible and it is possible to reach the goals they ask for, although there are days when it is impossible. The supervisors spend a lot of time yelling and yelling, which distracts you too much and stresses you out when they show you off, making you look like a "bad element", which for me is something very embarrassing and attacks the dignity of the person. If I find myself here it is because sadly there are no other alternatives for part-time jobs for people who work and study. NOT recommended for people with a fragile character or who get stressed very easily
Yasmin Ateno on Google

Pésima empresa, yo estuve laborando ahí y en primera el fraude se refleja en sus "cortes" ,por que firmas "contrato" y la primera quincena te pagan solo la mitad, y si renuncias tienes que regalar una semana de trabajo para que te paguen tu quincena completa si no no te la pagan solo te ponen trabas. Segunda, las comisiones no las pagan completas y solo te dicen que mandarán correo para solucionarte lo de tu pago de tus comisiones lo cual no es cierto. Los supervisores se la pasan jugando, platicando entre ellos, gritando que hagas ventas, condicionando tu breake, y a la hora de salida nos llaman los supervisores para pedirnos que nos quedemos más horas para laborar (no pagados), incluso no te piden, TE OBLIGAN a que vayas a trabajar los domingos que son los días de descanso y si no vas te amenazan con que te mandarán a suspender y si le dices que respete tu horario te dice que vayas a recursos humanos a quejarte que total lo que firmamos no era un "contrato" que solo un acuerdo.
Terrible company, I was working there and first of all the fraud is reflected in their "cuts", because you sign a "contract" and the first fortnight they pay you only half, and if you quit you have to give away a week of work to get paid your full fortnight if not they don't pay you they just put obstacles in your way. Second, the commissions are not paid in full and they only tell you that they will send an email to solve your payment of your commissions, which is not true. The supervisors spend their time playing, talking to each other, yelling for you to make sales, conditioning your break, and at dismissal time the supervisors call us to ask us to stay more hours to work (unpaid), they don't even ask you, THEY FORCE YOU to go to work on Sundays, which are days off, and if you don't go, they threaten you that they will suspend you, and if you tell them to respect your schedule, they tell you to go to human resources to complain that what we signed was not a "contract" than just an agreement.

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