26km Customs Checkpoint - 88000 Nuevo Laredo

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Contact 26km Customs Checkpoint

Address :

Carr. Monterrey - Nuevo Laredo Km. 26, Ejido El Canelo, 88000 Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., Mexico

Categories :
City : Tamps.

Carr. Monterrey - Nuevo Laredo Km. 26, Ejido El Canelo, 88000 Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., Mexico
John Rodgers on Google

Maneje con precaución que durante la noche, decenas de camiones de carga (trailer trucks) aparcan al costado de la carretera y la iluminación en el área es poca. Cuidado con los baches. Look out for potholes.
Drive with caution that during the night, dozens of cargo trucks (trailer trucks) park alongside the road and lighting in the area is low. Beware of potholes. Look out for potholes.
Jose miguel Mejia herrera on Google

Rateros si no traes pasaporte traindo credencial mexicana aun asi te quieren bender a fuersas un " pasaporte " y te disen te quieres ir o te quedas a tramitarlo y para irte te piden dinero ese es un panson biejo ratero huevon
Rateros if you do not bring a passport I bring Mexican credential yet they want to bless you to be a "passport" and they design you want to go or you stay to process it and to leave they ask you for money that is a panson biejo ratero huevon
Armando Aguirre on Google

No tengo idea por qué siguen deteteniendo gente en este lugar: antes entendía que era una aduana (lo cual tmb me molestaba bastante, pues si venias de USA te tocaban dos aduanas), pero ahora que ya no lo es, solamente alenta el tráfico horrible y es básicamente tierra de nadie. Deberian quitarlo por completo.
I have no idea why people are still being held in this place: before I understood that it was a customs (which also bothered me quite a lot, because if you came from the USA two customs touched you), but now that it is not, it only encourages horrible traffic and it's basically no man's land. They should remove it completely.
Emmanuel Ramirez on Google

Que más quieren x 10 pesos carne azada o que es la clase de servidores públicos que tenemos en mi bello y adorado Mexico Siempre t van a quitar dinero o nosotros mismos pagamos para que nos dejen pasar aun siendo que estamos en el pais donde nacimos Viva mexicooooo??
What more do they want x 10 pesos meat hoe or that is the kind of public servants that we have in my beautiful and adored Mexico They are always going to take money away or we pay ourselves so that they let us pass even though we are in the country where we were born Viva mexicooooo ??
Gerardo Sánchez Trejo (Gero) on Google

La garita se encuentra prácticamente abandonada. Da la apariencia de zona de guerra. Solo hay algunos agentes de inmigración y policías. Nadie se ha preocupado por demoler completamente el lugar, lo que genera una imagen bastante negativa de la zona.
The sentry box is practically abandoned. It gives the appearance of a war zone. There are only a few immigration officers and police. Nobody has bothered to completely demolish the place, which generates a very negative image of the area.

Horrible solo sirve para robarle a los paisanos que regresan de EEUU.
Horrible only serves to steal from countrymen returning from the US.
Maria M on Google

Rápidos, eficientes y sobre todo profesionales para sacar la extra mordida después de que uno paga en el puente de Juárez-Lincoln aquí piden su tan ansiada y esperada segunda cuota. Así que listos para pagar por segunda vez paisanos!
Quick, efficient and above all professionals to get the extra bite after you pay at the Juarez-Lincoln bridge here they ask for their long-awaited and long-awaited second installment. So ready to pay for the second time countrymen!
Ivan Muniz on Google


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