Academia Europea - 37530 León

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Academia Europea

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Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 2540-Interior 3 y 4, Jardines de Jerez, 37530 León, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77798
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City : Gto.

Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 2540-Interior 3 y 4, Jardines de Jerez, 37530 León, Gto., Mexico
Ismael Rayas on Google

El nivel intermedio es demasiado aburrido, te lo hacen muy cansado, se los comentamos muchas veces a los profesores, lo publique en Facebook y solo borraron mi comentario, pero no fueron buenos para decirme nada. Así está como de mucha flojera ir a una clase que se supone, te deben de motivar a estudiar, no a dormirte. Grupo 6:15 a 7:15 fase 9 semana 1, centro Max.
The intermediate level is too boring, they make you very tired, we tell the teachers many times, I posted it on Facebook and they just deleted my comment, but they were not good at telling me anything. This is how lazy to go to a class that is supposed to be motivated to study, not to fall asleep. Group 6:15 to 7:15 phase 9 week 1, center Max.
Juan Pablo Perez on Google

Recomiendas la Academia Europea? No El plan de estudios fue bueno? Sólo El nivel Básico, los otros niveles aburrido es lo que le sigue. El costo beneficio te agradó? No Los maestro fueron buenos? Algunos Entre desde el nivel 1 básico y estuve a punto de pasar a nivel avanzado, mi decisión la tome muy tarde y les regale mi dinero que pude haber invertido en otras cosas, con los casi 2000 pesos que pague al mes, más gasolina, más todos los gastos que realizaba para llegar a la escuela. Todo para que, la coordinadora Kirsty me pidiera que borrará mi comentario de Facebook y Google para no afectar la reputación de la escuela, mi condición fue que reembolsaran EL ÚLTIMO MES, que ya no me sirvió de nada. Solo les quedó comentar el día de hoy aquí mismo, que recomienda la academia europea, claro a ellos solo les interesa el dinero y no el aprendizaje de los estudiantes "Negocio" pero esto depende de nosotros " Tomemos mejores decisiones y digamos que No a las escuelas de este tipo, INVESTIGUEN PRIMERO EL PLAN DE ESTUDIOS ANTES DE INSCRIBIRSE.
Do you recommend the European Academy? Do not Was the curriculum good? Only the Basic level, the other boring levels is what follows. Did you like the cost benefit? Do not The teachers were good? Some I entered from level 1 basic and I was about to pass to advanced level, my decision was made very late and I gave them my money that I could have invested in other things, with the almost 2000 pesos I paid per month, more gasoline, more all the expenses he made to get to school. All so that, the coordinator Kirsty asked me to delete my comment from Facebook and Google so as not to affect the reputation of the school, my condition was that they reimburse THE LAST MONTH, which no longer served me. They only had to comment today, which the European academy recommends, of course they are only interested in money and not the learning of the "Business" students but this depends on us "Let's make better decisions and say No to Schools of this type, RESEARCH THE STUDY PLAN FIRST BEFORE ENROLLING.
seungboba on Google

Hola! Me gustó mucho esta escuela especialmente para aprender Alemán. Lo recomiendo mucho pero me gustaría que las clases tuvieran un poco más de dinámica. Pero recomiendo llevar a tu hijos a este lugar 100% el Staff es MUY agradable y de limpieza 100%?
Hi there! I really liked this school especially to learn German. I recommend it a lot but I would like the classes to have a little more dynamics. But I recommend taking your children to this place 100% Staff is VERY nice and clean 100% ?
Rodrigo FloresKing on Google

Excelente sistema de enseñanza. Sus maestros son lo mejor!
Excellent teaching system. Your teachers are the best!
Beto Crespo on Google

Personalmente tuve una mala experiencia. Me apresuraron a hacer el pago de la inscripción para entrar a un supuesto grupo próximo a abrir, pero una vez hecho el pago, me dijeron que no hubo cupo suficiente y tendría que esperar a que abriera un nuevo grupo. A partir de ahí, no volví a tener noticias de ellos. Cuando me comuniqué semanas después con ellos, me dijeron que el horario que me prometieron, no existía, primer engaño. Aún así me ofrecieron una alternativa en otra sucursal, sujeto a que se abriera el grupo. Después de 3 meses sin noticias me desesperé y decidí cancelar y tajantemente me dijeron que no hay reembolso de la inscripción. Me estafaron con la cuota de inscripción. En resumen, la apertura de los grupos está sujeta a que haya suficientes inscritos. Te engañan diciendo que hay un grupo próximo a abrir para que pagues la cuota de inscripción, pero eso no garantiza que el grupo se abrirá. Pareciera que su negocio no es enseñar idiomas sino inscribir incautos. Tengan mucho cuidado.
I personally had a bad experience. They rushed me to make the registration payment to enter a supposed group about to open, but once the payment was made, they told me that there was not enough space and I would have to wait for a new group to open. From then on, I didn't hear from them again. When I contacted them weeks later, they told me that the schedule they promised me did not exist, first deception. Still I was offered an alternative at another branch, subject to the group opening. After 3 months without news, I despaired and decided to cancel and was categorically told that there is no refund for the registration. They ripped me off the registration fee. In summary, the opening of the groups is subject to having enough registered. They mislead you by saying that there is a group about to open for you to pay the registration fee, but that does not guarantee that the group will open. It seems that their business is not to teach languages ​​but to enroll the unwary. Be very careful.
Erick Navarro on Google

No recomiendo sus clases de Chino. No vale la pena gastar $1700 al mes por sus clases (y eso que estaba en descuento). Las primeras clases te enseñan lo básico como los números y saludos. Después de eso TODO lo que queda de esa semana y las tres consecutivas VIMOS EXACTAMENTE LO MISMO. Te hacen repetir las mismas preguntas básicas qué te enseñan al comienzo: qué, cuándo, quién, solo que con diferente vocabulario. Además de que sólo te permiten pedir una grabación POR SEMANA, situación que no me comentaron al inscribirme. No vale el dinero y mejor opté por tomar cursos en otras plataformas de internet.
I do not recommend his Chinese classes. It's not worth spending $1700 a month for her classes (and that was on discount). The first classes teach you the basics like numbers and greetings. After that EVERYTHING that remains of that week and the three consecutive WE SAW EXACTLY THE SAME. They make you repeat the same basic questions that they teach you at the beginning: what, when, who, only with different vocabulary. In addition to the fact that they only allow you to request one recording PER WEEK, a situation that they did not tell me when I signed up. It is not worth the money and I better opted to take courses on other internet platforms.
kirsty shaw on Google

This is an excellent school! Fabulous customer service and commited teachers. Would 100% recommend.
Masami A on Google

I woudn't recommend this school for spanish class for foreigners (private class). It is expensive (13k mxn for 30 hours.) but you don't learn much. I already had A2 DELE so when I started with this academy I had basic of Spanish but they wanted to start from the beginner class. I knew most of the stuff already and even I told the teacher and the staff that it was boring and nothing new, they just didn't seem to get what I wanted to learn. Also they ask you to buy an expensive book which I refused. Overall I wasn't happy and I still have a few hours left but I don't want to go back. If you are foreigners wishing to learn Spanish, there are better options for you out there.

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