Achto - 66062 Monterrey

3.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Achto

Address :

Privada Industria del Bronce 215, Parque Industrial Escobedo, 66062 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8877
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City : N.L.

Privada Industria del Bronce 215, Parque Industrial Escobedo, 66062 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Teresa Campos on Google

Exelente servicio
Excelent service
Alexandro Palencia on Google

Muy buen proveedor
Very good supplier
Denisse Luna on Google

Es un fraude ese lugar y lo llamo así porque no se le puede decir Empresa a algo que no tiene ética profesional, después de una entrevista que tuve con ellos, a los dos meses se comunicaron conmigo en ese entonces estaba trabajando pero aun asi me interesó su propuesta laboral, entre llamadas de que "te marco mas tarde" le mande un whatsap a la Señorita de recursos humanos comentándo que esperaba una oportunidad con ellos y que si no se podía que aun asi me avisarán, al otro dia me hablaron que si podía presentarme a las 8:30 con papelería el dia Lunes ya que un viernes iba a ir pero no contaba con las copias correspondientes y aun asi me dijeron que me presentara el Lunes a la misma hora, fui me pasaron a entrevista entregue la papelería que me habían pedido, me pusieron examenes psicrómetros y los presente todos; para ese entonces ese dia yo me tenia que presentar a mi trabajo al medio dia, pero antes de eso yo hable y le pregunte a la señorita de recursos humanos que si era seguro el trabajo para yo poder ir hablar con mis jefes y poder renunciar, 3veces le hice esa pregunta a lo que me contestaron que si, si era seguro, que me "hablaban" para poder decirme que dia me iba a presentar a laborar con ellos pero que si era "seguro"; ese mismo dia renuncie a mi trabajo, y con la sorpresa que ni siquiera tuvieron ética para poder hablarme y comentarme los cambios, se les hizo fácil solo mandarme un whatsap que decia: que no renunciara porque necesitaban una informacion, al cual respondí y jamas me volvieron a responder, me bloquearon y lo peor aun en la pagina de indeed donde estoy dada de alta aparece de nuevo la vacante de auxiliar de Diseñador pero ahora le pusieron edad de 19 a 25 años, cosa que en la informacion pasada no lo habian puesto; lo que mas me da coraje es que me quede sin trabajo al cual tengo que volver a empezar a buscar uno nuevo; que si me hubieran dicho desde un principio que no renunciara que ellos tenían que checar la información y despues se comunicaba conmigo otra cosa hubiera sido; si comento mi experiencia es porque no se vale que lugares asi juegen con los sueños y planes de muchas personas que estamos buscando un crecimiento laborar, no se vale que no tengan ni el valor civil para enfrentar, y lo único que hacen es bloquearte y no dar la cara espero que sirva mi experiencia a todos aquellas personas que tienen una idea de seguir creciendo profesionalmente que tengan cuidado a quienes depositan su confianza y despues no dan la cara! A ti Diseñador que buscas oportunidad no les recomiendo laborar en este lugar, ni se tomen la molestia de mandar tu curriculum a ese lugar que no toman enserio a las personas que como yo tenia un plan a seguir, pero debido esto tengo que volver desde el principio. Cero recomendable.
That place is a fraud and I call it that because you can't say something to a company that has no professional ethics, after an interview I had with them, two months later they contacted me at the time I was working but still interested me His job proposal, between calls that "I'll call you later" send a WhatsAp to Miss Human Resources, commenting that he was waiting for an opportunity with them and that if they couldn't, they would still notify me, the next day they told me that if I could present myself at 8:30 am with stationery on Monday since on a Friday I was going to go but I did not have the corresponding copies and even so they told me to present myself on Monday at the same time, I went to an interview to deliver the stationery that They had asked me, they gave me psychrometer tests and I presented them all; by that time that day I had to show up for my work at noon, but before that I spoke and asked the young lady of human resources if the job was safe for me to be able to go talk to my bosses and be able to resign, 3 times I asked that question to which they answered that yes, if it was safe, that they "spoke" to me to be able to tell me what day I was going to introduce myself to work with them but that if it was "safe"; That same day I quit my job, and with the surprise that they did not even have ethics to talk to me and comment on the changes, it was easy for them to just send me a WhatsApp that said: do not quit because they needed information, to which I responded and never They answered again, they blocked me and the worst thing even on the page of indeed where I am discharged appears the vacancy of Designer assistant again but now they put the age of 19 to 25 years, which in the last information they had not put it ; What gives me the most courage is that I am left without a job to which I have to start looking for a new one; that if they had told me from the beginning not to give up that they had to check the information and then contacted me, it would have been something else; If I comment on my experience, it is because it is not worth it that places like this play with the dreams and plans of many people who are looking for a job growth, it is not worth that they do not have the civil courage to face, and the only thing they do is block you and not I want to show my face and I hope that my experience will serve all those people who have an idea of ​​continuing to grow professionally, take care of those who place their trust and then do not show their faces! To you Designer looking for an opportunity, I do not recommend working in this place, nor take the trouble to send your resume to that place that does not take seriously people like me who had a plan to follow, but because of this I have to return from the beginning. Zero recommended.

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