ADT Guadalajara - 45050 Zapopan

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ADT Guadalajara

Address :

Av Moctezuma 144, Torre Madol, 45050 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : Jal.

Av Moctezuma 144, Torre Madol, 45050 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Erick Arturo Jiménez Ríos on Google

PÉSIMO SERVICIO, tratas de comunicarte para resolver un problema con la Alarma y al momento de llamar no enlaza o si enlaza te cuelgan, los número del sitio web no dan, los formularios para atención a cliente dentro del sitio web no te permite ingresar caracteres y más de 20 minutos en espera y NADIE CONTESTA.
LOUSY SERVICE, you try to communicate to solve a problem with the Alarm and when you call it does not link or if you link they hang you, the website numbers do not give, the customer service forms within the website do not allow you to enter characters and more than 20 minutes waiting and NO ONE ANSWERS.
Patricia Valencia Baqueiro on Google

Es EL PEOR DE LOS SERVICIOS que he recibido. Intenté en varias ocasiones comunicarme. En una de mis llamadas esperé una hora con 30 minutos a que álguien contestara y no contestaron nunca. Las demás llamadas tuvieron una espera de 15 o 20 minutos aproximadamente y NADIE CONTESTA. No recomiendo ni recomendaré NUNCA este servicio. Les califiqué con una estrella no porque la merezcan sino porque si no la marcaba, mi comentario no se podía publicar, pero no merecen ni una.
It is THE WORST OF SERVICES I have received. I tried several times to communicate. On one of my calls, I waited an hour and 30 minutes for someone to answer, and they never answered. The other calls had a wait of approximately 15 or 20 minutes and NO ONE ANSWERS. I NEVER recommend or recommend this service. I rated them with a star not because they deserve it but because if I did not mark it, my comment could not be published, but they do not deserve one.
Vicky Gonzalez on Google

Pesimo servicio. Contrate y no me hicieron llegar las trate de comunicar y nunca contestaron. Enseguida empece a recibir hostigamiento por un empresa de cobranza ALORICA. Me comunique y les informe que no habia recibido la factura del mes que me estaban reclamando como faltante y de forma burlona me dijeron que no era su problema. Me comunique con adt no contestaron. Hasta que la empresa de cobro me paso otro numero al cual llame. Tardaron dias en contestarme me pasaron el dato del mes faltante y del mes en curso que tampoco se habia enviado. Solicite levantar una queja por no recibir el aviso de la factura ni la factura y se negaron a levantar dicha dieron informacion que para cancelar tenia que pagar incumplimiento de contrato y un mes mas de servicio. ME ACLARARON QUE SU EMPRESA NO ES Y NO TIENE ATENCION AL CLIENTE y que solo aplica cancelacion por falta o falla en el servicio de monitoreo y que no me podian levantar la queja por falta de facturacion o aviso de la misma.prosedi a realizar el pago y cuando llego a mi casa el servicio estaba cancelado con fecha del 19 de mayo aun cuando ya habia realizado el.pago faltante y el pago de mayo. Me estan cobrando segun ellos junio.julio.agosto por un servicio que no se ha prestado y del cual esta cancelado por ellos desde el 19 de mayo. NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR.
Terrible service. I hired and they didn't send me the invoices. I tried to communicate and they never answered. I immediately began to be harassed by an ALORICA collection company. I contacted and informed them that I had not received the bill for the month they were claiming me as missing and mockingly told me it was not their problem. I contacted adt they didn't answer. Until the collection company gave me another number that I called. It took days to answer me they passed me the data of the missing month and the current month that had not been sent either. I asked to raise a complaint for not receiving the notice of the invoice or the invoice and they refused to raise that complaint. They gave me information that to cancel I had to pay breach of contract and one more month of service. I was clarified that his company is not and has no attention to the client and that only cancellation for failure or failure in the monitoring service applies and that I could not raise the complaint for lack of billing or notice of the same.Prosedi to make the payment and when I arrived home the service was canceled dated May 19 even though I had already made the missing payment and the May payment. They are charging me according to them June.July.August for a service that has not been provided and which has been canceled by them since May 19. DO NOT BE FOOLED.
Guillermo Corona Gil on Google

Alejense de esta empresa, soy cliente desde hace 15 años y tienen un deficiente servicio, desde la parte de la seguridad, si se activa la alarma de tu domicilio, acude una persona de seguridad privada el cual no puede ingresar al domicilio, tienes que ingresar tu solo a verificar que no haya ladrones, con posibilidad de que estén ahí y te hagan daño; cuando quieres cancelar te tardan hasta 2 meses en poder lograr cancelar tu cuenta, solo por el hecho de que así son sus políticas, cabe aclarar que esos 2 meses que tú ya no quieres servicio lo vas a pagar de todos modos, además el equipo ya no lo desinstalan, tú tienes que hacer ese proceso; tampoco se les ocurra querer hacer cambio de domicilio, tardan 1 mes en ir a retirar el equipo del domicilio y 3 meses más después de retirarlo para instalarlo en el nuevo, además debes de pagar estos 4 meses que ya no utilizas el servicio con la promesa de que después de estar instalado te lo bonificarán a tu factura, otro de los problemas es que cuando marcas para hacer efectiva esa bonificación nunca está el supervisor que puede autorizarlo, tarde 1 semana porque nunca se encontraba en ningún horario hábil y fue hasta que enojado les exigí. Lo peor de todo es cuando solicitas información como los datos para pagar, te los dan mal y cuando vuelves a comunicarte se molestan cuando les haces ver su error. Sinceramente están más seguros sin este servicio.
Stay away from this company, I have been a customer for 15 years and have a poor service, from the security side, if the alarm is activated at your home, a private security person comes in who cannot enter the home, you have to enter you only to verify that there are no thieves, with the possibility that they are there and harm you; When you want to cancel, it takes up to 2 months for you to cancel your account, just for the fact that this is their policies, it is worth clarifying that those 2 months that you no longer want service you will pay anyway, also the team already they don't uninstall it, you have to do that process; Do not even think about wanting to change your address, it takes 1 month to go to remove the equipment from the address and 3 more months after removing it to install it in the new one, in addition you must pay these 4 months that you no longer use the service with the promise that after being installed they will discount your invoice, another problem is that when you dial to make that bonus effective, there is never the supervisor who can authorize it, it takes 1 week because he was never at any business hours and it was until he was angry I demanded of them. The worst thing of all is when you request information such as data to pay, they give it to you badly and when you communicate again they get upset when you make them see their error. They are honestly safer without this service.
Enrique Páez on Google

La peor experiencia en seguridad. Colocan el equipo y se largan: literal. Solo sirve para las falsas alarmas. Dos veces he tenido emergencias y nunca respondieron al llamado. Los equipo fallaron justo después de vencida la garantía. Nunca llegan los recibos de pago. Una experiencia desastrosa. Para demandarlos.
The worst experience in security. They put on the equipment and go away: literal. It only works for false alarms. Twice I have had emergencies and they never answered the call. The equipment failed just after the warranty expired. Payment receipts never arrive. A disastrous experience. To sue them.
Fernando Rodriguez (FeR) on Google

El peor servicio de Alarmas, Ni responden en el momento que se les requiere, la atención es pésima nadie sabe dar una explicación y todo son supuestos. Y lo peor incumplen sus promociones. Cuidado cuando te dicen que te regalan algo al terno del plazo te lo cobrarán o quitarán. Revisen bien el contrato o de preferencia ni contraten con ellos. Esto lejos de ser una empresa de seguridad solo son buenos para cobrar, eso si es un éxito, su cobranza puntual y con altas facilidades. Creo que deberían cambiar su giro.
The worst alarm service, they do not respond when they are required, the attention is terrible, nobody knows how to give an explanation and everything is supposed. And worst of all, they fail to fulfill their promotions. Be careful when they tell you that they give you something after the term they will charge you or take it away. Review the contract well or preferably or contract with them. This, far from being a security company, they are only good at collecting, that is, if it is a success, their collection on time and with high facilities. I think they should change their twist.

Llevo dos días tratando de comunicarme para que revisen el sistema por un aviso de alarma, que marcó la caja alfanumérica y no responden o dice error en la marcación. No se si no estén actualizados sus números telefónicos.
I have been trying to communicate for two days so that they can check the system for an alarm notice, which marked the alphanumeric box and they do not answer or it says dialing error. I don't know if their phone numbers are out of date.
Claudia Gómez on Google

muy mal servicio, pésimo, no responden los tel, está restringido el número de atención a clientes, en el chat te cortan la comunicación adrede, las alarmas fallan demasiado, total, no hay quien resuelva los problemas, yo hago la recomendación de buscar otras opciones en cuestiones de seguridad, porque de plano está empresa, no me da la seguridad que necesito, ni la atención ni nada, muy mal servicio, no lo recomiendo.
very bad service, terrible, they don't answer the phones, the number of customer service is restricted, in the chat they cut off communication on purpose, the alarms fail too much, total, there is no one to solve the problems, I make the recommendation to look for others options in security matters, because this company does not give me the security I need, or the attention or anything, very bad service, I do not recommend it.

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