Ajijic Rolfing - 45920 Ajijic

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

About Ajijic Rolfing

Like many of my colleagues, I came to Rolfing as a result of long-term chronic pain— for me it was my lower back. After years of seeing a chiropractor, trying to follow the “proper” core strength training exercises, and many visits to orthopedic and physical therapists, I was still experiencing pain. Although I felt temporary relief from the various therapies I tried, which included prescription drugs, my discomfort always returned.

At that time I was also working 60 hours a week in a New York City marketing firm, and was feeling the mental and physical toll the work was taking on my body and mind. I was missing out on the things I most enjoyed, like running in the park or going for a bike ride, because I was chained to a desk and rushing to meet arbitrary deadlines.

Contact Ajijic Rolfing

Address :

Guadalupe Victoria 94, 45920 Ajijic, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.ajijicrolfing.com/
Categories :
City : Jal.

Guadalupe Victoria 94, 45920 Ajijic, Jal., Mexico
Florencia Durón on Google

I met Will in Ajijic and I've had, thus far, 2 sessions with him. Will is a talented rolfer and a very kind human being –– my experience with him has been extremely positive. Before seeing Will, I had chronic pain in my neck. The pain wouldn't go away even after trying massages and chiropractic. Will and I discussed this in our 1st session; he listened carefully and asked insightful questions. Since our 1st session, my neck pain has completely disappeared. If you want to do something kind for your body, try Rolfing. Rolfing has made me more aware of my body. Furthermore, I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin now. I highly recommend Will –– you'll be happy with the results!
Cynthia Tree on Google

I was rolfed 45 years ago and felt it was time for another tune up. I had 4 sessions with Will and am very satisfied with the treatments I had and felt more balanced and aligned afterwards. Will is very professional and personable.
Elizabeth Bastable on Google

Having reached the stage of believing that I would have to live with chronic foot pain I discover the miracle of Rolfing I went for my first three sessions in Toronto and immediately noticed a change in the weight bearing through my feet. Instead of resting the weight on my heels I was centred through my feet without effort. As I was moving to Ajijic for the winter season I was thrilled to discover that Will was practicing here so I could continue with my sessions. Will is amazing. His sessions have allowed me to play tennis for 2 hours 6 days a week without pain such a joy for me. No more limping off the tennis court and morning agony getting out of bed. Having tried Pilates, yoga, myofascial release,massage treatments,his treatment has provided the only long lasting relief I have experienced. The wear patterns on my tennis shoes are objective proof that my body alignment has changed. Wills work on my upper body has released neck pectoral and subscapularis tension and improved my shoulder girdle alignment which will ward off rotator cuff problems so common in women of my age. If I was younger and not retired I would love to train as a rolfer so that I could like Will,release tight structures which have resulted from years of minor injuries and habitual movement patterns, thus restoring correct patterning and pain free movement We have only one body to carry us through life We need to care for it so that we can keep enjoying the things that give us pleasure and stay active to maintain our general health Thank you Will for being here in Ajijic to help us stay active and healthy Liz Bastable, Physiotherapist (retired)
Valerie Hughes on Google

I’ve just completed my 7th session with Will. My body has a whole new lease on life. The small aches and pains that one gets to accept as “forever aches/pains” have disappeared, and the major back pain is gone. Although my body feels great, I will complete the 10 session grouping as each session has a somewhat different focus. Even though I am in my 80th year, Rolfing is not just for the old. Both my daughter and I were Rolfed about 35 years ago. She was 10 years old, and had somehow twisted something so that one shoulder slumped and her head hung rather to one side. The photos of before and after the sessions were remarkable. The after photo showed my daughter standing up straight, and with a genuine smile on her face—I presume because she had no more pain, and it just feels good to stand up straight (my opinion!). My before and after photos were just as remarkable. To sum up, I find that Rolfing is an extraordinarily successful modality. I am so grateful that Will moved to our area, because to have an excellent Rolfer in such a small place is a true blessing. Will has done me a great service. I recommend him highly. Valerie Hughes
Barbara Seagram on Google

I was thrilled to discover Ajijic Rolfing and Will. He is excellent. I had 4 sessions (we had to return to Canada early due to virus scare) and would have liked 6 or 10 more. But I feel SO much better. There is a spring in my step now and all the kinks and knots are all gone. My husband went to Will also and he loved it also. We are both so pleased. He is knowledgeable and thorough. He has our highest recommendation. This is so much better than just having a massage. In fact, it does not even compare.
Tolo Perry on Google

Will is a phenomenon practitioner. He is conciencious, and has great empathy and concern for the welfare of his clients. I signed up for 10 sessions because of lingering painful sciatica. It was gone by the end of my 10th session. That was two months ago and I am still pain free. I highly recommend Will to anyone who is searching to become pain free! William tolo Perry
Brian Brody on Google

Will is a very professional and experienced Rolfer. I did 8 of a 10 series with the time I had in Ajijic. I have gotten more range of motion and pain relief from just 8 sessions. I would highly recommend Will for anyone committed to a deeper and higher level body healing. Dr. Brian Brody
Brian Ristola on Google

Last week, I wrapped up the 10 sessions with Will. This was my first Rolfing experience and decided to give it a try as my back had been feeling more weak than normal and in general, I just felt creaky and easily sore from exercise - I am 49 years old. The experience was quite good. Within the first 3-4 sessions, my back started feeling quite a bit better…enough so that I had started to forget to do daily stretches that I have done for years. The sessions are a bit physically challenging as Rolfing digs in deeper than massage, but I knew that going in, as a good friend had been midway through the 10 session Rolfing before I started. I definitely feel that there was some tension that really got ‘unwrapped’ through the course of the sessions….and for that, I’d recommend reaching out to Will to see if Rolfing would help you.

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