Alamo Renta de Autos - 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

La Ciudad de México, una de las ciudades más grandes y pobladas del mundo con más de 8 millones de habitantes en sus 16 alcaldías, y más de 20 millones en su zona metropolitana compuesta principalmente por los alrededores del Estado de México; tiene una gran importancia en el turismo cultural, de diversión, salud y religioso debido a ser una ciudad globalizada y pluricultural, donde residen una gran cantidad de extranjeros y donde sus etapas históricas se combinan en un entorno de grandes edificios, casas de diferentes estilos artísticos como el art decó, art nouveau, minimalista, barroco, rococó, entre otros provenientes principalmente de Francia y España.


También denominada la Ciudad de los Palacios, se conservan una gran cantidad de imponentes construcciones antiguas que fungieron como palacios y que hoy en día son utilizados como museos, escuelas, casas y empresas. Dándole un toque multicultural a la ciudad. A la par de sus palacios, está constituida de culturales barrios a sus alrededores:


Colonia del Valle, Polanco, Corredor Roma - Condesa y la Colonia San Rafael son solo algunos barrios que se tienen que visitar cuando se turistea en la ciudad de México, muy conocidos por ser conservadores, mantener una gran cantidad de teatros, galerías de arte, cafeterías, librerías, parques, esculturas y fuentes, estas zonas son actualmente las preferidas para habitar debido a su calidad de vida.


Santa Fé, Presidente Masaryk o Interlomas, donde se mantienen tiendas de todo tipo, destacando los comercios de moda proveniente de las principales casas del mundo como Louis Vuitton, Coach, Cartier, Bvlgari, Tommy Hilfiger, Salvatore Ferragamo entre muchas otras.


Mixcoac y Coyoacán son ahora parte de la Ciudad de México, pero en años pasados conformaban la periferia de la misma; pueblos donde se establecieron las primeras fábricas de textiles en México y donde actualmente mantienen sus construcciones que se embellecen con sus parques y gusto por los árboles en las casas y antiguas fábricas de gigantes patios.


Si lo tuyo es la cultura, no puedes dejar de visitar los museos más importantes de la ciudad. Museo de Rufino Tamayo: uno de los pintores mexicanos más reconocidos, el Museo Nacional de Arte, ubicado en la calle de Tacuba: un palacio sumamente adornado que mantiene la colección más importante de arte mexicano con obras de sus principales pintores desde la época del virreinato hasta la pintura de vanguardia de la mano de Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Siqueiros y muchos otros más. Palacio de Bellas Artes; donde se exponen murales de los principales muralistas de México, así como la exhibición de obras de teatro y música clásica. El Museo Nacional de Antropología e historia por su parte se ubica en Polanco y se exhibe la vida de México precolombino, con piezas históricas rescatadas de la cultura mexica.


No te quedes sin conocer todos los maravillosos lugares que la Ciudad de México te ofrece. Visita cualquiera de nuestras sucursales, renta un auto y deja que el equipo de Alamo México te acompañe en esta gran aventura. No importa si tu viaje es por negocios o de placer, siempre tendremos promociones y ofertas para ti en nuestro sitio web.

Contact Alamo Renta de Autos

Address :

Mariano Matamoros 203 A, RUTA INDEPENDENCIA, Centro, 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8898
Website :
Categories :
City : Oax.

Mariano Matamoros 203 A, RUTA INDEPENDENCIA, Centro, 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
Michael Calder on Google

We arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes after the time we said we would pick up the car. They cancel all reservations after one hour. We had to arrange a different car at a different price. The only notice of this is a small sign on the reception desk. Not on the website. We booked through Expedia and bought insurance through them. Alamo doesn't accept this insurance. They also have a policy of charging you extra if you return the car more than 15 minutes late from the expected time. A zero rating.
KM on Google

Though I reserved a car and had a confirmation, when I arrived to the office, they had no cars available. Fortunately, Europcar next door was able to rent me a car with a seamless transaction.
Laura Roderickz on Google

A lot of the comments can definitely put you off. But honestly, I had a really great experience. I booked my car online with great rates. If you do your research you should know that you need third party liability to drive - and this is always more expensive than the car rate itself. But, that's it. You don't need any other additional insurance. I picked the car up right when they opened (they were punctual to open) and dropped it off at the same time a few days later with no issues. I even extended my rental with no problems - just a call. I will definitely book here again.
Emilio Maldonado on Google

Online prices are good but once you arrive to the location they claim they don’t have the cars and try to quote you differently. Do no trust them.
Perry Patraszewski on Google

Rubbish !! Arriving to the office we where told that our car is not available due to the mechanical problems, that would be fine , only though the car was being cleaned outside , question is why would you clean the car that is not going to be rented out ? Answer is - because it’s being rented out to someone at the higher price . Alamo office acted in the way that screwed our plans, we lost money from the reservation of the hotel we booked in other town as we could get out of the city . NEVER WILL USE IT AGAIN
Jennifer Chapman on Google

They had the car that we reserved which is a good start in Mexico, however they then forced us to purchase the additional insurance that our Expedia reservation very clearly and explicitly stated it already included - as it always does. We’ve rented a car 5 times in Mexico in the past year and always been able to avoid the insurance scam at the end of an hour long ‘discussion’, however seeing as we only had 1 day here we didn’t have the hour it usually takes to argue with them that we do not need to pay for it so reluctantly paid. If you need to return the car post 4pm you have to return it to the airport location which will cost you around $10 in a taxi to get back to the centre from.
Gary Donner on Google

There was no BS involved. The car was a bit beat up, but the price was right and I couldn’t beat the convenience. I literally walked around the corner from the hotel I was staying at to find the office. We dropped the car off at an airport 150 miles away nine days later. The Priceline price was incredibly inexpensive so I didn’t balk when the third party insurance basically doubled the price. They do have some strict rules so make sure you’ve got your ducks in a row with your reservation (paperwork) and allow plenty of time to get there since they might cancel your reservation if you’re late Take a video with your phone of the entire car, inside and out along with the attendant in one “take”. Then review the video before you leave. That way you can ensure you won’t get burned when you return the car.
Gaudi van den Boom on Google

We made a reservation online, about two weeks before. Didn't get any information about that the reservation was cancelled. However, when we arrived on the arranged time, there was no car available. They told us "reservations are subject to availability".. Bad service. Luckily we could rent a car nextdoor at Europcar for a good price and with great service!

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