Alamo Renta de Autos - 68160 Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán

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La Ciudad de México, una de las ciudades más grandes y pobladas del mundo con más de 8 millones de habitantes en sus 16 alcaldías, y más de 20 millones en su zona metropolitana compuesta principalmente por los alrededores del Estado de México; tiene una gran importancia en el turismo cultural, de diversión, salud y religioso debido a ser una ciudad globalizada y pluricultural, donde residen una gran cantidad de extranjeros y donde sus etapas históricas se combinan en un entorno de grandes edificios, casas de diferentes estilos artísticos como el art decó, art nouveau, minimalista, barroco, rococó, entre otros provenientes principalmente de Francia y España.


También denominada la Ciudad de los Palacios, se conservan una gran cantidad de imponentes construcciones antiguas que fungieron como palacios y que hoy en día son utilizados como museos, escuelas, casas y empresas. Dándole un toque multicultural a la ciudad. A la par de sus palacios, está constituida de culturales barrios a sus alrededores:


Colonia del Valle, Polanco, Corredor Roma - Condesa y la Colonia San Rafael son solo algunos barrios que se tienen que visitar cuando se turistea en la ciudad de México, muy conocidos por ser conservadores, mantener una gran cantidad de teatros, galerías de arte, cafeterías, librerías, parques, esculturas y fuentes, estas zonas son actualmente las preferidas para habitar debido a su calidad de vida.


Santa Fé, Presidente Masaryk o Interlomas, donde se mantienen tiendas de todo tipo, destacando los comercios de moda proveniente de las principales casas del mundo como Louis Vuitton, Coach, Cartier, Bvlgari, Tommy Hilfiger, Salvatore Ferragamo entre muchas otras.


Mixcoac y Coyoacán son ahora parte de la Ciudad de México, pero en años pasados conformaban la periferia de la misma; pueblos donde se establecieron las primeras fábricas de textiles en México y donde actualmente mantienen sus construcciones que se embellecen con sus parques y gusto por los árboles en las casas y antiguas fábricas de gigantes patios.


Si lo tuyo es la cultura, no puedes dejar de visitar los museos más importantes de la ciudad. Museo de Rufino Tamayo: uno de los pintores mexicanos más reconocidos, el Museo Nacional de Arte, ubicado en la calle de Tacuba: un palacio sumamente adornado que mantiene la colección más importante de arte mexicano con obras de sus principales pintores desde la época del virreinato hasta la pintura de vanguardia de la mano de Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Siqueiros y muchos otros más. Palacio de Bellas Artes; donde se exponen murales de los principales muralistas de México, así como la exhibición de obras de teatro y música clásica. El Museo Nacional de Antropología e historia por su parte se ubica en Polanco y se exhibe la vida de México precolombino, con piezas históricas rescatadas de la cultura mexica.


No te quedes sin conocer todos los maravillosos lugares que la Ciudad de México te ofrece. Visita cualquiera de nuestras sucursales, renta un auto y deja que el equipo de Alamo México te acompañe en esta gran aventura. No importa si tu viaje es por negocios o de placer, siempre tendremos promociones y ofertas para ti en nuestro sitio web.

Contact Alamo Renta de Autos

Address :

Aeropuerto Internacional Oaxaca Carretera, Oaxaca - Puerto Angel km 5, 68160 Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8898
Website :
Categories :
City : Oax.

Aeropuerto Internacional Oaxaca Carretera, Oaxaca - Puerto Angel km 5, 68160 Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oax., Mexico
Flo Be on Google

Bad Service, charged us way more than they actually told us.
E Fig on Google

Did not honor my reservation because it was done online the same day.
Christian Flores on Google

Excelent service. We were not even looking forward to rent a car on our trip to Oaxaca. Obvioulsly It was the best idea and these guys help us a lot with their discounts and trip without risking the final rental price. Really reasonable guys. Recomended!
Norman Galimba on Google

Would definitely rent from them again. The pick up and drop off process takes about 20 mins so it's important to build in the extra time into your itinerary. It's slow, but compared to other car rental experiences in Mexico, is was considerably faster. Some people have complained about having to purchase third party liability insurance, but all car rental companies in Mexico require it.
Tim Weyrer on Google

Returned a car at this station and everything was fine. The guy how Took back the car was nice and friendly. Since I have rented cars at other companies in Mexico, I appreciated their service a lot! When returning the car I just stopped in front of the airport and run into the building to get one of the employees. My girdled was waiting kn the car. Don’t know how to do it when you are alone (didn’t want to pay for parking)
Jordan Quispia-Lang on Google

Absolute disgrace, tried to scam us. Booked a car online through Kayak the day before and paid half up front, on arrival they tried to charge us an additional $90. Even with the contract we had they kept tapping their computer screen and and basically the contract we had been emailed was worthless to them. Even the absolute minimum they would go to was still $50 more than agreed in our contract. The lady serving us was rude and also refused to allow us to speak to their manager. I would totally avoid this company unless you want to ruin your trip
Dorus de Vries on Google

DO NOT BOOK WITH ALAMO (Oaxaca Airport). UNMAINTAINED CARS, NO EMERGENCY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE, SCAMMED OUR CREDIT CARD DEPOSIT. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. - Mandatory and really expensive insurance fees - Got a lower-class vehicle without notification - Vehicle was not well maintained (broken windshield, poor engine maintenance, no proper coolant) - Vehicle didn’t have the right papers when stopped by the police - Engine of vehicle failed!! The company didn’t handle this case well at all! - Extremely poor customer service - No emergency roadside assistance (while being charged for) - Could not deliver a replacement car (earliest 28 hours later after begging and 15 phone calls) - We had to leave the car behind and cancel the rental. We were charged a large amount (3500 pesos) for the vehicle pickup on our credit card - We feel treated completely unfair, it has costed a lot of stress and the company did not handle well in any case. Would NOT recommend anyone to book with Alamo. They have endangered us and on top of that scammed our credit card deposit. They are unreachable right now to discuss the issue further. Terrible experience.
J Alvarez on Google

Don’t. Just don’t. God where to begin..... so we arrived already having booked our car for 4 people, which was changed to a smaller car because of overbooking. The car just would not fit us and we ask them to change. The lady says ok, well change it. She takes us outside to the sun, and leaves us there for 2 HOURS!!!! Just terrible, go with any other option but this. Seriously, do not book here. Just don’t.

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