Angel Clinic - 54460 Progreso Industrial

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Angel Clinic

Address :

Parque Gloria 65, Progreso Industrial, 54460 Progreso Industrial, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Méx.

Parque Gloria 65, Progreso Industrial, 54460 Progreso Industrial, Méx., Mexico
Jose Antonio Sanchez Romero on Google

Muy buen hospital yo llegué con una urgencia de mi dedo, me inyecte aceite y me atendieron exelente y me salvaron mi dedo
Very good hospital I arrived with an emergency from my finger, I injected oil and they treated me excellently and they saved my finger
Mapa Turístico de Villa del Carbón on Google

Yo ya había ido en varias ocasiones y todo bien, excepto la última vez, mi mamá tenía consulta con el gastro, sólo le mando a hacer una colonoscopia, después ni quiso darle consulta para revisar su estudio dijo q no era necesario q sólo le mandaría por whats una dieta, pero ni en la consulta la reviso, ni nada, fue a ver mientras estaban haciendo el estudio que por cierto mi mamá iba en ayuno de 24 horas!! Una señora de 82 años!! La cita era a las 10 y a pesar de q mi mamá había vaciado su intestino, y ya estaba super débil x la diarrea de dias, aún así los doctores llegaron a las 12.30 a hacerle el estudio y se lo hicieron a la 1(no se como no se puso mal en ese momento) y nunca le dijo x q El sangrado, como tratarse, nada, en la recepción pésima atención de una de las señoritas, resulta q mi mamá sigue con sangrado y diarrea y ese doctor nunca le dio tratamiento ni nada. Yo había asistido en varias ocasiones a diferentes doctores pero no regreso nunca. Pésimo no regresó el doctor es Villavicencio. Mi mamá ya fue a ver otro gastro muy profesional y le dijo q su estudio está pésimo... Q ni siquiera le dio un diagnostico, q no es posible la dieta q le mando... Y gracias a Dios ya la están tratando como deben... Atención urgente
I had already gone several times and everything was fine, except for the last time, my mom had a consultation with the gastro, I only sent her to do a colonoscopy, then she did not even want to consult her to review her study, she said that it was not necessary to just send her for whats a diet, but neither in the consultation did I check it, or anything, he went to see while they were doing the study that by the way my mom was fasting for 24 hours !! An 82 year old lady !! The appointment was at 10 and despite the fact that my mother had emptied her intestine, and she was already super weak x the diarrhea of ​​days, even so the doctors came at 12:30 to do the study and they did it at 1 (they did not know as it did not get bad at that time) and he never said xq The bleeding, how to treat himself, nothing, in the lousy reception of one of the ladies, it turns out that my mom continues with bleeding and diarrhea and that doctor never gave her treatment or nothing. I had attended different doctors several times but never came back. Lousy did not return the doctor is Villavicencio. My mom already went to see another very professional gastro and told her that her study is lousy ... that she didn't even give him a diagnosis, that the diet that she sent is not possible ... And thank God they are already treating her like should ... urgent care
luis aguilar on Google

Muy buena atención siempre y cuando sea paciente hay mucha gente por lo.mismo q sabe la gente q dan una buena atencion
Very good attention, as long as I am patient, there are a lot of people because of what people know that they give good attention
C. Lumiere on Google

Mi familiar dió a luz en plena pandemia, fuimos a verla, no sé qué era peor: el nulo control a la entrada respecto al manejo del virus (ni siquiera te sugieren uso de gel antibacterial, ya ni hablemos de toma de temperatura, cubrebocas, tapete sanitizante, no, nada de eso) o, pésimo también, entrar a la habitación sin control, había un bebé recién nacido en la habitación y ni siquiera te pedían credencial para registrar quién entra o sale, podrías andar dando vueltas hasta en quirófanos, otras habitaciones, control de enfermería, etc, todo un tour y nadie cuestiona nada. En verdad en cuanto a seguridad son lo peor que he visto.
My relative gave birth in the middle of a pandemic, we went to see her, I don't know what was worse: the null control at the entrance regarding the handling of the virus (they don't even suggest the use of antibacterial gel, let's not even talk about taking a temperature, face masks, sanitizing mat, no, nothing like that) or, badly too, entering the room without control, there was a newborn baby in the room and they didn't even ask you for a credential to register who enters or leaves, you could walk around even in operating rooms, other rooms, infirmary control, etc, a whole tour and nobody questions anything. In truth, in terms of security, they are the worst I have seen.
Alejandro Martinez on Google

Llegue con mi esposa con una urgencia aproximadamente a la 1 de la tarde se quedó internada con suero desde esa hora, después de que le pusieran el suero nunca se acercó algún dr o enfermera a ver como se encontraba sino hasta las 11 de la noche que presentó molestias nuevamente y estuvimos buscando a los drs y enfermeras al otro día tenían que realizarle un ultrasonido para ver como seguía desde las 10 am nos dijeron que el especialista la pasaría pronto y no fue hasta las 5 de la tarde que la especialista la pasó después de eso le tenían que entregar los resultados al médico que la estaba tratando pero este ya se había retirado sin dar instrucciones de si la daban de alta o no en lo personal es pésimo el servicio tienes que terminar discutiendo con ellos para que te atiendan de la manera adecuada
I arrived with my wife with an emergency at approximately 1 in the afternoon, she was hospitalized with serum from that time, after they put the serum on her, a doctor or nurse never came to see how she was until 11 at night. He presented discomfort again and we were looking for the drs and nurses the next day they had to perform an ultrasound to see how he was doing from 10 am they told us that the specialist would pass it soon and it was not until 5 in the afternoon that the specialist passed it after From that they had to give the results to the doctor who was treating her but he had already left without giving instructions on whether or not they would discharge her personally, the service is terrible, you have to end up arguing with them so that they can take care of you. properly
Mónica Bueno on Google

Pésimo el servicio de urgencias nocturno. Así que si piensas dar a luz en este lugar, pero llegas en la noche, no hay servicio médico, te dejan esperando hasta la mañana del día siguiente y solo te dicen que aguantes , sin atenderte adecuadamente. Además, el servicio de recepción es pésimo tanto en la mañana como en la tarde, cero amabilidad.
Terrible night emergency service. So if you plan to give birth in this place, but you arrive at night, there is no medical service, they leave you waiting until the morning of the next day and they only tell you to hang on, without taking proper care of you. Also, the reception service is lousy both in the morning and in the afternoon, zero friendliness.
Elizabeth Romero on Google

La enfermera de guardia la que recibe en urgencias es muy déspota no quiere por qué es su trabajo no quiere abrir la puerta es muy déspota y da un pesimo servicio se tardan mucho en atender y uno va grabé y nada que se apuran
The nurse on duty the one she receives in the emergency room is very despotic, she doesn't want to attend...or why is it her job, she doesn't want to open the door, she is very despotic and gives a terrible service, they take a long time to attend and one is recorded and they don't hurry
Yan VB on Google

Llevé ahí mi control prenatal todo el embarazo me dijeron que estaba bien en la semana 37 perdí a mi bebé, comencé con molestias en la madrugada le avisé a mi doctora me dijo que no tenía caso que fuera al hospital que nos veíamos ahí al otro día, los dolores aumentaron y ya no aguanté le avisé que iba a ir al hospital cuando llegue mi bebé ya no tenía signos se desprendió la placenta. Los médicos de turno me preguntaron xq no había ido antes les comenté que la doctora no lo concidero necesario, me dijeron que me practicarían una cesárea de emergencia pero me tuvieron 3 horas en el quirófano sin hacerme nada xq en el quirófano de al lado estaban operando al sobrino de "la doctora" hasta que comencé a sentirme muy mal se movilizaron a atenderme me bajó la precion y aún con anestesia sentía mucho dolor en el vientre por su mala atención casi pierdo la vida también en el quirófano, cuando me bajaron a piso la doctora se disculpaba con mis familiares diciendo que yo ya sabía que era un embarazo de alto riesgo! Cuando nunca en ninguna consulta me lo menciono y también dijo que ella me había dicho que fuera al hospital en la madrugada cuando no fue así. Por negligencia perdí a mí bebé y casi pierdo la vida yo también.... Pésima atención ojalá nadie tenga que pasar por lo que yo pasé. Lamentablemente nada de lo que haga me va a devolver a mi bebé
I took my prenatal control there the whole pregnancy, they told me I was fine at week 37, I lost my baby, I started having discomfort at dawn, I told my doctor, she told me there was no point in going to the hospital, we would see each other there the next day. , the pain increased and I couldn't stand it anymore. I told him that I was going to go to the hospital when my baby arrived, he no longer had any signs, the placenta fell away. The doctors on duty asked me why I hadn't gone before, I told them that the doctor didn't consider it necessary, they told me that they would perform an emergency caesarean section but they kept me in the operating room for 3 hours without doing anything to me because they were operating in the operating room next door to the nephew of "the doctor" until I began to feel very bad, they mobilized to treat me, she lowered my blood pressure and even with anesthesia I felt a lot of pain in my stomach due to her bad attention, I almost lost my life also in the operating room, when they took me down to the floor the doctor apologized to my relatives saying that I already knew it was a high-risk pregnancy! When she never mentioned it to me in any consultation and she also said that she had told me to go to the hospital at dawn when it was not like that. Due to negligence I lost my baby and I almost lost my life too... Terrible attention I hope no one has to go through what I went through. Unfortunately nothing I do is going to bring my baby back

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