Arco Del Tiempo - 30424 Cintalapa

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Arco Del Tiempo

Address :

30424 Cintalapa, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +989
Categories :
City : Chis.

30424 Cintalapa, Chis., Mexico
Luis Salazar on Google

El lugar es impresionante, las dimensiones del lugar lo hacen un sitio imponente al que solo se puede accesar practicando rappel, la caminata al lugar es agotadora, los senderos tienen mucho lodo y el desnivel es bastante por lo que ayuda llevar bastones para la caminata.
The place is impressive, the dimensions of the place make it an imposing site that can only be accessed by rappelling, the walk to the place is exhausting, the trails are very muddy and the slope is quite high, so it helps to carry walking sticks.
Juan carlos Ramirez on Google

Complicado y espectacular El campamento o cabañas están a 1 hora de Cintalapa, para ello pasas un tramo de 10 KM de terracería, prácticamente desde Cintalapa en adelante no hay señal de teléfono. Las cabañas bien, básicas, alimentos básicos a precio moderado. Ahí pagas adelantado el rappel y guía (650) acceso a la reserva ($150) Saliendo de ahí puedes adelantar 3km en moto con algún local ($50 p/p) o en tu coche solo que quedaría en la selva 1 día, de ahí tendrás que rentar mula para que te lleve tu mochila los primeros 5km ($250 p/mochila) (la cual será muy grande y pesada imposible de cargar solo considerando que acamparás en el arco, sleeping bag, casa campaña, agua, alimentos, ropa) y de ahí rentar un sherpa ($125) para que la cargue el último km que es de bajada y más complicado. De que sales del punto donde dejas los autos a llegar al arco te haces 4.5 hrs. luego 2 hrs en esperar entre que llegue tu mochila y turno para bajar al arco en rappel, bajas y ya es tarde asi que aprovechas a tomarte las fotos antes que anochezca, cruzas el río cargando tu mochila y acampas en un playón, (en fin de semana normalmente hay como 70 personas, recomendable ir entre semana para que el tiempo del rappel sea menos). Se te acaba el agua así que tienes que tomar de un ojo de agua. Al otro día muy temprano levantar tu campamento y hacer cola 2 o 3 o 4 horas para salir del arco en rappel, esta parte es la mas extenuante ya que son cerca de 40 mtrs de altura. Esperas otro tiempo mas que suban tu mochila por tirolesa y comienzas a caminar los 6 km de regreso, pagas de nuevo para que te ayude el sherpa y la mula con tu equipaje. Vienes llegando al campamento al anochecer, 6 o 7 pm y de ahí agarrar carretera de noche. Algo complicado, caro y exigente pero lo que verás no tiene comparación, es una verdadera maravilla de la naturaleza, no hay foto que le haga justicia al lugar. Necesaria buena condición física, saber nadar y adecuarse a situaciones inesperadas. Recomendable no ir en fin de semana o festivo por cantidad de gente, en mi opinión se disfrutaría mas ir con agencia y te despreocupas de muchas cosas solo que te sale el doble de caro.
Complicated and spectacular The camp or cabins are 1 hour from Cintalapa, for this you pass a 10 KM stretch of dirt road, practically from Cintalapa onwards there is no telephone signal. The cabins are good, basic, basic food at a moderate price. There you pay in advance for the rappel and guide (650) access to the reserve ($150) Leaving from there you can advance 3km on a motorcycle with a local ($50 p/p) or in your car only that it would remain in the jungle for 1 day, from there you will have to rent a mule to carry your backpack for the first 5km ($250 p/backpack) (which will be very large and heavy, impossible to carry only considering that you will camp at the arch, sleeping bag, tent, water, food, clothing) and hence, rent a sherpa ($125) to carry it for the last km, which is downhill and more complicated. From leaving the point where you leave the cars to reaching the arch, you make 4.5 hours. then 2 hours to wait between the arrival of your backpack and the turn to rappel down to the arch, you go down and it's already late so you take the opportunity to take the photos before nightfall, cross the river carrying your backpack and camp on a beach, (well During the week there are usually about 70 people, it is advisable to go during the week so that the abseiling time is less). You run out of water so you have to drink from a spring. The next day, very early, pick up your camp and queue for 2 or 3 or 4 hours to rappel out of the arch, this part is the most strenuous since they are about 40 meters high. You wait another time for your backpack to go up the zip line and you start walking the 6 km back, you pay again for the sherpa and the mule to help you with your luggage. You arrive at the camp at dusk, 6 or 7 pm and from there take the road at night. Something complicated, expensive and demanding but what you will see has no comparison, it is a true wonder of nature, there is no photo that does the place justice. It is necessary to be in good physical condition, know how to swim and adapt to unexpected situations. It is recommended not to go on weekends or holidays due to the number of people, in my opinion it would be more enjoyable to go with an agency and you don't worry about many things, only that it is twice as expensive.
Nash Rojs on Google

Un lugar increible que vale la pena toda la caminata y todo lo sufrido en el camino, relativamente 4 horas de camino sobre la selva el ocote para poder llegar aqui pero que lo vale, el lugar es tan imponente y que te conecta con la naturaleza, acampar aqui es lo ideal para disfrutarlo al maximo, las noches son tan tranquilas y te iluminan las estrellas y en la mañana el ruido de las aves cantar junto con el eco que hace el lugar es fascinante. Me encanta si por mi fuera regresaría mas veces aqui.
An incredible place that is worth the entire walk and everything suffered along the way, relatively 4 hours of walking through the ocote jungle to get here but it is worth it, the place is so imposing and that connects you with nature, camping here is the ideal to enjoy it to the fullest, the nights are so calm and the stars light up and in the morning the noise of the birds singing along with the echo that the place makes is fascinating. I love it if it were up to me I would come back here more times.
Dharma Raja on Google

Wow what a place
Ricardo Torres on Google

Samuel G de Alba Zenteno on Google

Is not a place to do by yourself. You most to pay for guidance
Ewelina Wysocka on Google

Giovanni organized for us two days trip to Arco del Tiempo which was amazing!!! We went there with our guide Simon and we liked it very much. This place is outstanding. Definitely worth going there. We also recommend Giovanni's service ? Muchas gracias por una esperienza increible ☺️
Cristian Diaz on Google

Beautiful experience!! The arc itself isn’t too big, but it’s very pretty and the bridges and pathways next to the river are charming. Highly recommend going into the caves (grutas)! Very interesting sights.

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