Atento Site Arboledas - 54040 Tlalnepantla de Baz

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Contact Atento Site Arboledas

Address :

Anillo Perif. Norte 3063, San Andres Atenco, 54040 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

Categories :
City : Méx.

Anillo Perif. Norte 3063, San Andres Atenco, 54040 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
Luis Fernando López Saucedo on Google

Un lugar con explotación laboral a todo lo que da. Promesas que nunca cumplen, un departamento de recursos humanos deplorable. favoritismos , baños insalubres; despidos injustificados. Su capacitación es inútil. No respetan los asuetos laborales. Cambian horarios a su antojo sin ver tu disposición. La capacitación no es pagada y prometen un bono por la misma que muy pocas veces cumplen. La "enfermería" es una broma. Las instalaciones ni siquiera son aptas para ser oficina. Un lugar muy malo para trabajar y cero recomendable.
A place with labor exploitation to everything that gives. Promises that never come true, a deplorable human resources department. favoritisms, unsanitary baths; unfair dismissals. Your training is useless. They do not respect work matters. They change schedules at their whim without seeing your disposition. The training is not paid and they promise a bonus for it that they very rarely fulfill. "Nursing" is a joke. The facilities are not even suitable to be an office. A very bad place to work and recommended zero.
alan arce on Google

Es muy doble moral de su parte cuando dicen que no discriminan a nadie pero en mi caso cuando pedí empleo me rechazaron por mi peso según ellos los iba a contagiar de covid lo cual no se me hace profesional de su parte
It is very double standards on their part when they say that they do not discriminate against anyone but in my case when I applied for a job they rejected me because of my weight according to them I was going to infect them with covid which does not make me professional on their part
hernesto tosca on Google

alguien me puede decir que campañas hay ahi???, hay alguna de atencion a clientes? y que campas son
Can someone tell me what campaigns are there ???, is there any customer service? and what fields are they
Julian Zorrilla on Google

Pesimo lugar para trabajar. Empece a trabajar para la nueva campaña bilingue de esta compañia, Instacart. El contrato era por 3 meses y al final del contrato, un dia antes, nos informaron que no nos renovarian el contrato. Despues de eso pasaron 15 dias hasta que alguien de RH se comunico conmigo para dejarme saber de mi finiquito. En mi finiquito no me quisieron pagar mis bonificaciones a mes vencido de Junio y salieron con que no sabian si lo iban a pagar. Tambien en la carta de terminacion, pusieron que el motivo era porque yo renuncie voluntariamente, cosa que es mentira porque fue recesion de contrato. Ahora estoy abriendo una demanda contra ellos y contra Instacart.
Terrible place to work. I started working for this company's new bilingual campaign, Instacart. The contract was for 3 months and at the end of the contract, a day before, they informed us that they would not renew the contract. After that, 15 days passed until someone from HR contacted me to let me know about my settlement. In my settlement they did not want to pay me my bonuses in June and came out that they did not know if they were going to pay it. Also in the termination letter, they stated that the reason was because I voluntarily resigned, which is a lie because it was a contract recession. Now I am filing a lawsuit against them and Instacart.
Lore Becerril on Google

Es la peor empresa donde he trabajado, estuve aprox 2 meses para un proyecto que nunca comenzó, solo me hicieron perder mi tiempo y a demás que ni mi liquidación me dieron, los quiero demandar, solo tomaron cualquier pretexto para correrme y todo lo que disque te prometen es pura mentira, a demás de los lugares donde están los ejecutivos están llenos de chinches y goteras, no se les ocurra meterse a trabajar en esta incompetente empresa.
It is the worst company where I have worked, I was about 2 months for a project that never started, they only made me waste my time and in addition they did not even give me my liquidation, I want to sue them, they only took any pretext to run me and everything I told you They promise it is a pure lie, other than the places where the executives are are full of bugs and leaks, do not think about getting to work in this incompetent company.
Rach McAdler on Google

Es el PEOR lugar para trabajar. Piensa dos o tres veces si vas a entrar. Te vas a llevar una muy mala experiencia. Te cambian de campaña cuando quieren, te corren por un tiempo con permiso sin goce de sueldo (o sea sigues trabajando ahí pero no, con tal de no liquidarte) y si te liquidan te hacen firmar una renuncia. Es una empresa a le que no le interesa el valor de un empleado. Que asco que México tenga empresas así.
It is the WORST place to work. Think two or three times if you are going to enter. You are going to have a very bad experience. They change your campaign whenever they want, they fire you for a time with unpaid leave (that is, you continue working there but no, as long as they don't kill you) and if they kill you they make you sign a resignation. It is a company that is not interested in the value of an employee. Disgusting that Mexico has companies like this.
Dorlen Martinez (Dorchis de Paris) on Google

Existe una empresa un Call Center se llama atento, tiene campañas de ventas hay vacantes
Elisa Roes on Google

De los peores call centers, no lo recomiendo. Rotan demasiado de personal, no dan finiquito aunque tengas antiguedad de mas de un año. Yo no se como no los demandan, son nefastos y dan un trato muy inhumano. De verdad NO SE POSTULEN.
One of the worst call centers, I do not recommend it. They rotate too much staff, they don't give a severance pay even if you have more than a year's service. I don't know how they don't sue them, they are disastrous and they give very inhumane treatment. Really DO NOT APPLY.

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