ATÍPICO - 44160 Guadalajara

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. de la Paz 2276, Col Americana, Lafayette, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Jal.

Av. de la Paz 2276, Col Americana, Lafayette, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Ligar bonito y como, siempre y cuando no pasen loa camiones. Muy mala la comida o por lo menos los chilaquiles que pedí, salsas de los chilaquiles no tienen buen sabor, no utilizan tortilla para los chilaquiles usan totopos, sensación terrosa, café no está bueno sabe quemado, el jugo de naranja muy bien sabor solo que muy pequeña la porción para su costo, en general caro para lo que es, evítalo si tienes otra opción.
Flirt nice and like, as long as the trucks don't pass. The food is very bad or at least the chilaquiles that I ordered, the chilaquiles sauces do not taste good, they do not use tortilla for the chilaquiles they use chips, earthy feeling, coffee is not good, it tastes burnt, the orange juice tastes very good only that Very small the portion for its cost, generally expensive for what it is, avoid it if you have another option.
Rocio Morgan on Google

Muy rico y muy bien presentados los platos, a precios moderados; el concepto muy original y el lugar muy agradable, lleno de plantas y macetas que puedes comprar; las plantas sí están un poco caras, yo optaría por ir a un vivero
The dishes are very rich and very well presented, at moderate prices; the very original concept and the very nice place, full of plants and pots that you can buy; the plants are a bit expensive, I would choose to go to a nursery
matt duffin on Google

Me encanta este lugar. Voy y vengo a GDL asi q siempre busco lugares con buen ambiente...y buena comida! En la terraza de Atípico, estás rodeado de plantas de todo tipo en un ambiente muy acogedor- mi perrita y yo estuvimos muy a gusto allí. Lo inesperado era q la comida era excepcional (cuesta encontrar lugares con ambas cualidades)! Pedí la arrachera arriera y el omelette de camarón- los dos platos eran igual de rico. Me marcho a Barcelona mañana, pero cuando vuelva a GDL seguro q vuelvo a Atípico!
I love this place. I come and go to GDL so I always look for places with a good atmosphere ... and good food! On the terrace of Atypical, you are surrounded by plants of all kinds in a very cozy atmosphere - my dog ​​and I were very comfortable there. The unexpected thing was that the food was exceptional (it is difficult to find places with both qualities)! I ordered the arriera flank steak and the shrimp omelette - both dishes were just as rich. I'm going to Barcelona tomorrow, but when I return to GDL I will surely return to Atypical!
Rodrigo Cortés on Google

El lugar es muy bonito pero es la segunda vez que los visitamos en domingo y el servicio y la comida dejan mucho que desear. La primera vez, después de tomarnos la orden, pasaron 30 minutos para traernos el platillo de mi novia (lonche de chicharrón) y nos dijeron que el platillo que yo había ordenado (espinaca rolls) ya se había terminado. Les pedí enchiladas poblanas, y me dijeron que tampoco había, por lo que terminé pidiendo el mismo platillo que mi novia. Pasaron otros 30 minutos para que nos trajeran mi plato. Nos dimos cuenta que aunque era el mismo platillo (lonche de chicharrón) el segundo sí tenía varios aderezos y complementos, los cuales no venían en el primer plato. Lo que nos hace pensar que no tienen un estándar para preparar sus platillos. Hoy, la segunda vez que los visitamos, para darles una segunda oportunidad, nuevamente nuestros platillos tardaron más de 30 minutos para traerlos. Además de que vimos que varias mesas que llegaron después que nosotros, ya les estaban entregando sus platos poco a poco. Esta vez pedimos espinaca rolls y un Croissant pochado. Cuando por fin trajeron el Croissant, no era el que pedimos. Nos trajeron un simple croissant de pavo o sandwich de pavo. Les dijimos y nos dijeron que lo iba a cambiar (otros 20 minutos más de espera) después de un rato trajeron los espinaca rolls. Se veían bien, pero los champiñones del relleno estaban fríos y crudos, y en general el platillo no tenía mucho sabor. Por fin cuando nos trajeron el Croissant pochado, vimos que solamente le pusieron un huevo estrellado al mismo sandwich de pavo. Nada que ver con la descripción del platillo, que supuestamente es vegetariano. Luego 10 minutos después, nos volvieron a traer un segundo croissant pochado, de cortesía. Se les agradece el gesto. Pero de nuevo, este no era el mismo platillo que decía la descripción. No tenía ni champiñones con queso, y además tenía nuevamente jamón (siendo supuestamente vegetariano). En resumen, es un lugar agradable a la vista pero te hacen pasar un muy mal rato con las demoras de los platillos y las equivocaciones en lo que ordenaste. Parece que cocinan lo que les da la gana sin tomar en cuenta las descripciones que vienen en la carta. Aunque todo esto hace buena alusión al nombre del café.
The place is very beautiful but it is the second time we visited them on Sunday and the service and food leave much to be desired. The first time, after taking our order, 30 minutes passed to bring us the dish of my girlfriend (pork rind lunch) and they told us that the dish that I had ordered (spinach rolls) was already over. I asked them for enchiladas poblalanas, and they told me that there was not, so I ended up asking for the same dish as my girlfriend. Another 30 minutes passed before they brought my plate. We realized that although it was the same dish (pork rind lunch) the second one did have several dressings and complements, which did not come in the first course. Which makes us think that they don't have a standard to prepare their dishes. Today, the second time we visited them, to give them a second chance, again our dishes took more than 30 minutes to bring them. Besides that we saw that several tables that arrived after us, were already delivering their dishes little by little. This time we ordered spinach rolls and a poached croissant. When they finally brought the Croissant, it wasn't the one we ordered. They brought us a simple turkey croissant or turkey sandwich. We told them and they told us that I was going to change it (another 20 minutes of waiting) after a while they brought the spinach rolls. They looked good, but the stuffed mushrooms were cold and raw, and in general the dish didn't have much flavor. Finally when they brought us the poached Croissant, we saw that they only put a crashed egg on the same turkey sandwich. Nothing to do with the description of the dish, which is supposedly vegetarian. Then 10 minutes later, they brought us a second poached croissant, courtesy. The gesture is appreciated. But again, this was not the same dish as the description said. I had no mushrooms and cheese, and I also had ham (supposedly vegetarian). In short, it is a pleasant place to look at but they make you have a very bad time with the delays of the dishes and the mistakes in what you ordered. They seem to cook whatever they want without taking into account the descriptions that come in the letter. Although all this makes good reference to the name of coffee.
John Betancur on Google

Cool place to hang out, get a bite and a drink.
Karen Vega on Google

Excellent food and service. If you are hanging around Guadalajara and want to have a good brunch this is the perfect place to stop by. Every time I go, they have different specialities, plus their already known dishes. Please try “Chilaquiles” and “Lonche Bañado”, they make this recipe unique.
Maria Sanchez on Google

We ordered a pachata special and it was delicious. The amount of food you get for what you pay is worth it. All these together were about 200 pesos total. I totally recommend it.the food is great, the staff are super friendly and the place is very fresh and cozy. Coming here on a Sunday after a run or cycling at "la via" it's revitalizing.
Leslie P on Google

Atípico is an absolute gem - and I would give it 10 stars if that were possible. The quality and presentation of the food is outstanding, and the coffee is THE best! Service is excellent although, if you come on a Sunday before 2:00pm ("bicycle day" in Guadalajara), it gets quite busy so be prepared to wait a few minutes for your order to come up. My wife and I come for breakfast/brunch every Sunday that we possibly can, and it is truly a highlight of the week.

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