Auto Trade Market - Gustavo A. Madero

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Contact Auto Trade Market

Address :

Av. de los 100 metros #639 Col, Nueva Industrial Vallejo, Gustavo A. Madero, 07700 CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 07700
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. de los 100 metros #639 Col, Nueva Industrial Vallejo, Gustavo A. Madero, 07700 CDMX, Mexico
Saul Arturo Damian Cruz Vega on Google

Aguas!! no den dinero si ellos se los solicitan para apartar o para poder sacar mas rapido el auto!!!! si les dices que ya no lo quieres, que viste otras opciones o si su financiera te pide mas dinero de enganche y no es tu culpa que te rechacen, ellos salen con la jalada de que no es su culpa y que esta en ti declinar, cuando nadie ni nadie te debe de penalizar por nada. Aguas con JC GROUP.
Waters!! do not give money if they ask you to move away or to be able to get the car out faster!!!! If you tell them that you don't want it anymore, that you saw other options or if your finance company asks you for more down payment and it's not your fault that they reject you, they come out with the idea that it's not their fault and that it's up to you to decline. when no one and no one should penalize you for anything. Waters with JC GROUP.
Luis Fons on Google

Excelente atención y trabajan muy bien, completamente confiable y mucho más barato que agencia.
Excellent attention and they work very well, completely reliable and much cheaper than an agency.
luis trillo on Google

Todas la personas o vendedores son muy amables, te apoyan y te muestran los vehículos en lo que que estás interesados, no te hacen malas caras, realmente un lugar bastante amplio y hay mucha variedad tanto de vehículos como de precios
All the people or sellers are very friendly, they support you and show you the vehicles in which you are interested, they do not make bad faces, really a quite wide place and there is a lot of variety in both vehicles and prices
Raul Rivera Lara on Google

tengan cuidado venden autos de muy mala calidad especialmente con el Sr. Giovanny el cual no respalda los autos que vende compre recientemente un auto el cual a la semana de tenerlo fallo de las poleas del diferencial las tube que cambiar despues fallo el termostato lo tube que cambiar me gaste mas de $8,000 y tube el auto parado mas de una semana. Después de un tiempo me llamaron para para amenazarme, que si seguia publicando opiniones me iba a ir mal, sin embargo y después de pensarlo ratificó que los autos que venden no sirven menos tienen garantía resulta que el auto que compré tiene reparado el arnés de la computadora es por eso que me manda puras fallas no sé que hacer
Be careful, they sell cars of very poor quality, especially with Mr. Giovanny, who does not support the cars he sells. I recently bought a car which, a week after having it, the differential pulleys failed and I had to change them, after the thermostat failed, I had to change them. change I spent more than $8,000 and had the car stopped more than a week. After a while they called me to threaten me, that if I kept posting opinions I was going to go wrong, however, and after thinking about it, they confirmed that the cars they sell are no good and have no warranty, it turns out that the car I bought had the harness repaired. computer that's why it sends me pure failures I don't know what to do
ranfery carranza guerra on Google

Muchas gracias a esas personas que publican sus experiencias y comentarios este sabado 23 de abril pretendía directo ir a comprar un vehículo pero estaba intentando hablar con dos señores allan Medrano y salvador González pero realmente su atención en línea fue muy mala y mas aun leo estos comentarios y definitivamente se me quitaron las ganas de ir. Muchas gracias a todos por sus opiniones para evitar pasar malos ratos y sobre todo hacer una mala invercion, gracias y bendiciones
Thank you very much to those people who publish their experiences and comments this Saturday, April 23, I intended to go directly to buy a vehicle but I was trying to talk to two gentlemen, Allan Medrano and Salvador González, but really their attention online was very bad and even more so I read these comments and definitely made me want to go. Thank you all very much for your opinions to avoid having a bad time and above all making a bad investment, thanks and blessings
carlos castro on Google

Tengan cuidado los autos solo estan limpios puro coyote fui a ver un peugeot y cuando le puse reversa le prendio el check la tapa de los fusibles agarrada con cinta de aislar y dicen que asi es de agencia yo no regreso lastima de auto muy bonito pero mejor alejarse a despues gastar miles en reparacion
Be careful, the cars are only clean, pure coyote, I went to see a peugeot and when I put it in reverse, the fuse cover caught with insulating tape turned on the check and they say that's the way it's from the agency, I don't return, it's a very nice car, but better walk away after spending thousands on repair
Willy Pérez Martínez on Google

Alfonso Guzman on Google

uiii yo viaje much as vese x ahi

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