Autobuses linea VIA - Puebla

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Autobuses linea VIA

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Zona Capu, Puebla, Pue., Mexico

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City : Pue.

Zona Capu, Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Guillermo Garrido on Google

si hay manera de que tengan una corrida ya sea alas 22;30 o si dan un poco mas de tiempo , alas 23;00 en viernes , ya que muchas persona ese día quieren viajar a es hora y por cuestiones de sus horarios restringidos se deben de aguantar y salir temprano en día sábado perdiendo parte del día sábado.
if there is a way for them to have a run either at 22; 30 or if they give a little more time, at 23; 00 on Friday, since many people that day want to travel at this time and for reasons of their restricted schedules they should of enduring and leaving early on Saturday, losing part of Saturday.
Jesus Islas on Google

Es una basura su nuevo sistema, te recargan una tarjeta pero no te dan boleto ni asignan asiento, debes esperar y prácticamente ganar el lugar a las demás personas, aunado a esto no existe para ellos la sana distancia todos vamos extremadamente juntos ya que una cantidad mayor a la que pueden sentar ! No tienen protocolos, gel o distancia adecuada !
Their new system is rubbish, they reload a card but they do not give you a ticket or assign a seat, you have to wait and practically win the place to other people, coupled with this there is no healthy distance for them, we all go extremely together since a quantity greater than they can sit! They don't have protocols, gel or proper distance!
Samantha Bautista Ordoñez on Google

En el servicio Puebla-Cuetzalan suelen hacer paradas en Zaragoza y Zacapoaxtla y es sumamente incómodo estar al pendiente del equipaje para que no se lo vayan a robar (porque ya ha pasado). ¡Por favor implementen la verificación de equipaje! Lamentablemente son la única línea de autobuses que ofrece servicio de Puebla a Cuetzalan. HAN PASADO AÑOS Y TODO SIGUE IGUAL. No es justo que no les interese ni un poquito mejorar la calidad del servicio. Ahora el equipaje es lo de menos: -No hay protocolos de seguridad ante la contingencia sanitaria. -No les interesa implementar un servicio de compra anticipada por internet. Por este mismo motivo puedes llegar hasta una hora antes a comprar tu boleto y a lo mejor tengas que esperar hasta tres o cuatro horas más porque la corrida se llenó. Y, mientras, la terminal llenísima de gente. -No hay forma de conocer los horarios con anticipación, porque no actualizan la información de su página y JAMÁS contestan por teléfono. -Ni hablemos del pago con tarjeta, porque no lo conocen. -La cajeras... atienden como si fuera castigo en vez de trabajo. En fin. Como no tienen competencia, les vale.
In the Puebla-Cuetzalan service they usually make stops in Zaragoza and Zacapoaxtla and it is extremely uncomfortable to be on the lookout for luggage so that it is not stolen (because it has already happened). Please implement baggage check! Unfortunately they are the only bus line that offers service from Puebla to Cuetzalan. YEARS HAVE PASSED AND EVERYTHING REMAINS THE SAME. It is not fair that they are not interested in improving the quality of the service one bit. Now the luggage is the least: -There are no security protocols for the health contingency. -They are not interested in implementing an advance purchase service online. For this same reason you can arrive up to an hour before to buy your ticket and you may have to wait up to three or four more hours because the bullfight is full. And, meanwhile, the terminal is very crowded. -There is no way to know the schedules in advance, because they do not update the information on their page and they NEVER answer by phone. -Not let's talk about card payment, because they don't know it. -The cashiers ... attend as if it were punishment instead of work. Anyway. As they have no competition, it is worth them.
jose Antonio on Google

No me quisieron vender boletos anticipados, el taquillero muy grosero y los autobuses viejos y su servicio es caro. No tienen baños
They did not want to sell me advance tickets, the ticket clerk very rude and the old buses and their service is expensive. They don't have bathrooms
Benny Hernán on Google

No me gusto xk no preguntan si por pista o por federar me urgió llegar y fue un caus ir por pista me tuve k ir por federal culeros.....
I didn't like it because they didn't ask if it was because of the track or because of the federation I was urged to arrive and it was a cause to go on the track I had to go because of the federal assholes.....
Edson Iván Ramírez González on Google

Autobuses confortables, lo criticable son los horarios de salida de autobuses luego van muy llenos
Comfortable buses, the criticism is the departure times of buses then they are very full
Luna M.B. on Google

Autobuses viejos, chóferes pésimos, impuntuales (tarda 5-6 horas un viaje de 2) y honestamente están esperando a que ocurra un accidente, porque en zonas de bajada es evidente que deja que el camión "vaya solo con motor". Terrible servicio.
Old buses, lousy drivers, unpunctual (a trip of 2 takes 5-6 hours) and honestly they are waiting for an accident to happen, because in downhill areas it is evident that they let the truck "go only with the engine". Terrible service.
Germán Vidal on Google

Pues wl conductor del autobús 3626 fue muy amable al.orientarme sobre la tarjeta de ahorro que nos da saldo a favor. Buen viaje...
Well, the driver of bus 3626 was very kind in guiding me about the savings card that gives us a balance in our favor. Good trip...

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