Autofin Mĕxico - 81200 Los Mochis

1.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Autofin Mĕxico

Address :

Blvd. Antonio Rosales 985, America, 81200 Los Mochis, Sin., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +888
Categories :
City : Sin.

MariCarmen Rodriguez Apodaca on Google

David Duarte on Google

Cristian Valenzuela on Google

En lo personal tuve muy mala experiencia, antes de hacer la apertura del crédito andan llamándote y detrás de ti prometiendo que que si eres puntual pagando los días 1 de cada mes a máximo 6 meses se adjudicaba el crédito, a pero mentira, solo les importa a los asesores su comisión por apertura, porque fui puntual cada primero de mes, se cumplieron los 6 meses fui a sucursal y me dijeron el subgerente que todavía estaban en sus 180 días hábiles del plazo que tenían para salir liberado y pague los otros 3 meses para cumplir los 180 días y nada, tanto gerente de sucursal los Mochis como el que se hizo pasar por gerente ese día de la apertura y la asesora se hechan la bolita, yo marcando y fui a sucursal y ninguna respuesta de porque no se adjudicó si estaba todo en regla, al final salió el gerente con poca ética y profesionalismo que estaba con folio de 12 mensualidades cuando eso desde un principio me lo podían ver informado porque obvio eso está en el sistema, porque se supone es su control, así que piense la si acuden ahí porque seriedad no tienen, al asesor te hechara mentiras y prometerá cosas porque lo único que importa es su comisión, y el gerente no tiene las capacidades para resolver tus dudas y cuestionamientos o solo hace caso omiso porque ya sabe cómo se manejan ahí con mentiras para que el cliente caiga y acepte apertura de crédito con ellos, y nunca está en sucursal cuando se le requiere que podía ir, que porque no trabaja en sábado ni en domingo, cuando asesora lo delató el día que fui y me dijo que el se presentaba en domingo, y el por teléfono me dijo que no, y entre semana que porque anda fuera de ciudad por motivos de trabajo... En fin puras mentiras.
Personally, I had a very bad experience, before opening the credit they are calling you and behind you promising that if you are punctual, paying on the 1st of each month at a maximum of 6 months, the credit will be awarded, but lie, they only care to the advisers their commission for opening, because I was punctual every first of the month, the 6 months were completed I went to the branch and the assistant manager told me that they were still in their 180 business days of the deadline they had to be released and pay the other 3 months To meet 180 days and nothing, both the Los Mochis branch manager and the one who pretended to be manager that opening day and the advisor made the ball, I dialing and went to the branch and no answer as to why it was not awarded if Everything was in order, in the end the manager came out with little ethics and professionalism who was with a 12-month folio when that from the beginning they could see him informed because obviously that is in the system, because it is supposed to be his co ntrol, so think about whether they go there because they are not serious, the advisor will lie to you and promise things because the only thing that matters is his commission, and the manager does not have the skills to resolve your doubts and questions or he only ignores because You already know how they deal with lies so that the client falls down and accepts opening of credit with them, and is never in a branch when they are required to go, because they do not work on Saturday or Sunday, when they advise, they gave away I went and he told me that he would show up on Sunday, and on the phone he said no, and during the week that because he is out of town for work reasons ... In short, pure lies.

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