Automotriz Mycar - 44670 Guadalajara

4/5 based on 8 reviews

About Automotriz Mycar

Manuel Acuña 2803, Prados Providencia, Guadalajara

Tel. 33 36156030 | Cel. 33 39556976  

[email protected]

Lun-Vie: 8:30am - 6:30pm | Sab: 8:30am - 2:00pm

Contact Automotriz Mycar

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Av. Manuel Acuña 2803, Prados Providencia, 44670 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Av. Manuel Acuña 2803, Prados Providencia, 44670 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Andres Sandoval on Google

Lleve mi carro con fallas en la transmisión automática, tuve que regresarlo tres veces porque me lo entregaban peor, hubo necesidad de que ellos buscaran a un mecánico de otro taller para arreglar la falla, se ve que no tienen personal capacitado para estos trabajos, cada vez que yo se los regresaba, recibia malas caras del dueño del taller, haciéndome pasar corajes y enojos por la falta de profesionalismo que ellos tienen, aparte de lo caro que cobran, nunca regresaré a este lugar.
I took my car with automatic transmission failures, I had to return it three times because they gave it to me worse, there was a need for them to look for a mechanic from another workshop to fix the fault, it is seen that they do not have trained personnel for these jobs, every Once I returned them, I received bad faces from the owner of the workshop, making me feel angry and angry about the lack of professionalism that they have, apart from how expensive they charge, I will never return to this place.
Dina Sanchez on Google

Este taller es muy bueno en cuanto a reparaciones pero la verdad dos cosas no están a su favor 1.- el dueño que te recibe con caras y tiene una forma pésima de tratarte, tanto así que prefiero los mecánicos me reciban el carro y ya imagino si como cliente te trata pésimo de que forma tratará a su personal 2.- el precio de las reparaciones está muy elevado
This workshop is very good in terms of repairs but the truth is that two things are not in its favor 1.- the owner who greets you with faces and has a terrible way of treating you, so much so that I prefer the mechanics to receive the car and I imagine if as a client he treats you in a terrible way, he will treat his staff 2.- the price of repairs is very high
Mario García on Google

PÉSIMO TALLER, NO LO RECOMIENDO Mal servicio, pésimo seguimiento, y además te entregan el coche sucio y con partes faltantes. Desafortunadamente no soy el primero ni el último que tiene una mala experiencia. Hace casi seis meses nos robaron la computadora de una Jeep Grand Cherokee. Pregunté en este taller y me dijeron que sí lo podían arreglar, que tenían un técnico que sabía de eso. Que iban a buscar las partes y me llamarían para darme la cotización. Dejé la camioneta y esperé. Pasaron los días y la siguiente semana les llamé. Me dijeron que no tenían todavía las partes pero que ya estaban por conseguirlas. Así comenzó mi mala experiencia con este taller. Tienen pésimo seguimiento. Tienes que estar llamando constantemente para que te den información. Si no llamas, pueden pasar semanas, e incluso meses sin saber nada. Por fin me llamaron después de dos semanas, que ya habían conseguido las partes y que necesitaban un anticipo de diez mil para poder ordenarlas. Les pagué, pensando que ya que tuvieran las partes iba a ser cuestión de días que lo repararan. Pues eso no pasó. Me trajeron con el cuento de que estaba muy difícil conseguir una computadora compatible con mi número de serie y cada vez que hablaba me decían que ya casi. Siempre un pretexto para no tenerla lista, pero siempre diciendo que ya mero, que tuviera paciencia, blah, blah, blah. Por fin después de casi 3 meses me llamaron, que ya estaba lista y que iban a ser 29 mil pesos (menos el anticipo que ya había dado). Entonces la fui a recoger y me la entregaron muy sucia, con manchas de grasa en el techo y vestidura. Pues le di una vuelta a la manzana y parecía funcionar entonces les pagué. Sali de ahi, y a los 10 minutos comenzaron a encenderse los indicadores de Check Engine, los elevadores de las ventanas comenzaron a fallar, y para colmo se aflojó el plástico que cubre la columna de la dirección. Inmediatamente me regresé y les dije que no estaba bien la camioneta que estaba fallando. Me dijo la señorita, no hay problema, hay que hacer unos ajustes, déjamela y mañana te la entregamos. Eso fue hace casi dos meses. La camioneta sigue ahí y no veo para cuando la terminen. Estoy contemplando asesorarme con un abogado, para ver qué opciones tengo. Jamás en mi vida volvería a llevar mi coche a este taller, y no se lo recomiendo a nadie. Hubiera sido mejor llevarlo a la agencia aunque me hubieran cobrado el doble. Por lo menos el trabajo hubiera sido mejor y más rápido.
WORSE WORKSHOP, DO NOT RECOMMEND IT Bad service, lousy follow-up, and they also deliver the dirty car with missing parts. Unfortunately I am not the first or the last to have a bad experience. Almost six months ago they stole the computer from a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I asked in this workshop and they told me that they could fix it, that they had a technician who knew about it. They were going to look for the parts and call me to give me the quote. I left the truck and waited. The days passed and the next week I called them. They told me that they didn't have the parts yet but that they were about to get them. Thus began my bad experience with this workshop. They have terrible follow-up. You have to be constantly calling for information. If you don't call, weeks can go by, and even months without knowing anything. Finally they called me after two weeks, that they had already obtained the parts and that they needed an advance of ten thousand to order them. I paid them, thinking that since they had the parts it was going to be a matter of days to repair it. Well that didn't happen. They brought me with the story that it was very difficult to get a computer compatible with my serial number and every time I spoke I was told almost. Always a pretext not to have her ready, but always saying that she was just there, that she had patience, blah, blah, blah. Finally, after almost 3 months they called me, that I was ready and that they were going to be 29 thousand pesos (minus the advance I had already given). Then I went to pick it up and it was delivered to me very dirty, with grease stains on the ceiling and clothing. Well, I walked around the block and it seemed to work, so I paid them. I left there, and after 10 minutes the Check Engine indicators began to light up, the window lifts began to fail, and to top it off the plastic covering the steering column was loosened. I immediately returned and told them that the van that was failing was not right. Miss told me, no problem, you have to make some adjustments, leave it to me and tomorrow we will deliver it to you. That was almost two months ago. The truck is still there and I don't see when it's finished. I am contemplating consulting with a lawyer, to see what options I have. I would never take my car back to this workshop in my life, and I do not recommend it to anyone. It would have been better to take him to the agency even if they had charged me double. At least the work would have been better and faster.
Javier Morales on Google

Muy buena atención, hasta el dueño esta pendiente
Very good attention, until the owner is pending
Leonardo David Vazquez Flores on Google

Excelente servicio! Muy profesionales y honestos! Atención personalizada.
Excellent service! Very professional and honest! Personalized attention.
Francisco Cázares on Google

¡Magnífico taller! Me atendieron super bien, la cotización fue muy acertada, honesta y además entregaron a tiempo. Por si fuera poco fueron por mi auto hasta mi domicilio o sea que no perdí mi tiempo en el tráfico. Altamente recomendable ?
Great workshop! They treated me super well, the quote was very accurate, honest and also delivered on time. As if that were not enough, they went by my car to my home so I did not waste my time in traffic. Highly recommended ?
carmen depm on Google

si quieres que te roben tu dinero y hacer corajes ve a este taller.segun ellos ,me limpiaron el cuerpo de aceleracion de mi auto pues hechaba mucho humo,se tardaron dos horas mas de lo que me habian dicho,y cuando me lo lleve note que salia incluso mas humo,lo lleve a otro taller y el sistema estaba puerquisimo,resulta que no le limpiaron nada!!!!!! fui a reclamarles y me mandaron a la fregada pues segun el dueño " el es muy influyente"...malos y delicados!!!!
If you want your money to be stolen and make you brave, go to this workshop, according to them, they cleaned the throttle body of my car because it made a lot of smoke, it took two hours longer than what they had told me, and when I take it note That even more smoke came out, I took it to another workshop and the system was very preposterous, it turns out that they did not clean anything !!!!!! I went to claim them and they sent me to the scourge because according to the owner "he is very influential" ... bad and delicate !!!!
Juan Carlos on Google

Muy mal diagnóstico. Tardados y pésimo seguimiento con el cliente. Dejaron peor mi coche y no lo pude sacar si no lo pagaba. Querían seguir cobrando más cosas. Fui a otro taller y me dijeron que el trabajo que me habían hecho había sido deficiente y una mala instalación.
Very bad diagnosis. Late and lousy follow-up with the client. They left my car worse and I couldn't take it out if I didn't pay it. They wanted to keep charging more. I went to another workshop and they told me that the work they had done to me had been poor and a bad installation.

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