Autotransportes Turisticos Colombo - 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Autotransportes Turisticos Colombo

Address :

Hermenegildo Galeana 322 - A, Zona Lunes Feb 09, Centro, 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +989
Website :
Categories :
City : Oax.

Hermenegildo Galeana 322 - A, Zona Lunes Feb 09, Centro, 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
josé manuel jiménez garcia on Google

Hoy 240720 a las 15:40 hrs me tocó en suerte ser atendido por una joven muy amable al comprar mi boleto. Generalmente las muchachas en ese puesto son bastante ásperas, intolerantes e impositivas para despachar un boleto o tramitar un envío. Deberían capacitar a ese personal y no cumplir sólo con la contratación para cubrir ese puesto.
Today 240720 at 15:40 hrs, I was lucky enough to be attended by a very nice young woman when I bought my ticket. Generally the girls in that position are rough, intolerant, and taxing enough to dispatch a ticket or process a shipment. They should train that staff and not just fulfill the hiring to fill that position.
Kalu Zárate on Google

Bonito lugar, buen transporte, los choferes igual, pero lo único que veo (en los viajes que me a tocado) es que van despacio por ratos y paran mucho a comer oh a checar algo y se hacen 8 horas de viaje. En todo lo demás súper bien (aire acondicionado, TV, cuidado a los pasajes)
Nice place, good transport, the drivers the same, but the only thing I see (in the trips that I have touched) is that they go slowly at times and stop a lot to eat oh to check something and they make 8 hours of travel. In everything else super good (air conditioning, TV, watch out for the passages)
Jose Duran ramirez on Google

Juan Salinas on Google

A M on Google

Was very helpful!
Erica Hernandez on Google

best tour ever especially the guide
Dukes 001 on Google

Descent way to travel from Oaxaca to Huatulco bay's. Descent pricing didn't give it 5 stars because we got car sick due to the driver going to fast in windy road.
Elena Garcia on Google

Very nice

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