Ayuntamiento San Juan Chamula - 29320 Chamula

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Portal de Gobierno - Chiapas.gob.mx

Directorio de funcionarios - Chamula.

Portal de Gobierno - Chiapas.gob.mx

Contact Ayuntamiento San Juan Chamula

Address :

Primero Avenida Central 2, San Pedro, 29320 Chamula, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9778
Website : http://www.chiapas.gob.mx/funcionarios/estatal/municipios/chamula
Categories :
City : Chis.

Primero Avenida Central 2, San Pedro, 29320 Chamula, Chis., Mexico
Adrian Hernandez on Google


Carlos Gomes on Google

Un lugar mágico y muy hermoso la parte que no se te déve de olvidar. De visitar es la iglesia
A magical and very beautiful place the part that you do not forget to forget. To visit is the church
Karina Esobedo on Google

Bonita fachada de este edificio gubernamental, las personas visten sus ropas locales , es agradable ver como todos estan unidos
Nice facade of this government building, people wear their local clothes, it's nice to see how everyone is united
Angel Biker on Google

No vayan , ahí les pueden robar , y más a los turistas en motocicleta! Hay lugares mejores y la gente te recibe mejor !
Do not go, they can rob you there, and even more from motorcycle tourists! There are better places and people receive you better!
Iván Hernández on Google

Cierto hay que respetar "el uso y costumbres" del lugar donde visitemos, pero también las personas no deberían ser tan insistentes con el turista o enfadosos para que les compremos algo o les den una moneda. Mejor decir NO a todos, salvo, lo que quieras comprar y ya.
It is true to respect "the use and customs" of the place where we visit, but also people should not be so insistent with the tourist or angry to buy something or give them a coin. Better say NO to everyone except what you want to buy and now.

Interesante Lugar interesante, envuelto en misterio y tradición. Al llegar a la plaza principal puedes notar que la gente tiene cierta desconfianza por los visitantes.no No obstante, te permiten tomar fotografías de los alrededores. Tomar fotografias a las personas locales en sus atuendos no es tan bien visto pero algunos de ellos se dejan fotografiar por una propina. Los niños y niñas vendedores de sus artesanias te ofrecen pulseras tejidas por ellos como regalo a cambio de que los visites en sus puestos y compres sus productos que no son caros. Despues de ver la forma de elaboracion completamente artesanal tanto en el tejido como en el bordado sientes la necesidad de comprar algo como recuerdo. La cultura y leyes que rigen en el pueblo son enteramente ajenas a los mandos policiacos nacionales ya que ellos tienen su propia policia la cual esta armada con rifles de madera que son emblematicos ya que sus políticas se hacen valer a travez de los principales o autoridades principales del lugar. Tienen los visitantes estrictamente prohibido tomar fotografias dentro del templo o iglesia asi mismo como grabar video. Esta regla se extiende a todo el pueblo en ocasiones especiales como procesiones de Santos o de las autoridades principales del lugar y festividades mayores. Entrar a la iglesia tiene un costo muy módico y te imbuyes de una mezcla de misticismo y tradicion impregnadas de los aromas de copal,incienso,cera y pino ya que astillas de pino tapizan el suelo y no hay bancas. Los lugareños suelen ofrecer sus plegarias de pie o hincados en el suelo. Tienen un cumulo de santos y no tienen un sacerdote catolico aun que para los bautizos si llega uno pero solo realiza el bautizo y se retira. La filosofía religiosa de los habitantes de san juan chamula implica que no necesitas un intermediario para hablar con Dios, asi que ellos lo hacen directamente. Fuera de la iglesia puedes tomar fotos de la cruz y del kiosco que se encuentra en la plaza. Si te gusta la investigación y eres de alma curiosa debes charlar con alguno de los policías del lugar quienes te hablaran (no todos acceden a ello) de las tradiciones mas a fondo y te explicaran algo de sus leyes.
Interesting Interesting place, shrouded in mystery and tradition. When you get to the main square you may notice that people have a certain distrust of visitors, however, they allow you to take pictures of the surroundings. Taking pictures of local people in their outfits is not that popular but some of them get photographed for a tip. The children who sell their crafts offer you bracelets woven by them as gifts in exchange for you to visit them at their stalls and buy their inexpensive products. After seeing the completely handmade way of making both the fabric and the embroidery, you feel the need to buy something as a souvenir. The culture and laws that govern the town are entirely alien to the national police commands since they have their own police which is armed with wooden rifles that are emblematic since their policies are enforced through the main or main authorities of the place. Visitors are strictly prohibited from taking pictures inside the temple or church as well as recording video. This rule extends to the entire town on special occasions such as processions of Saints or of the main authorities of the place and major festivals. Entering the church has a very reasonable cost and you are imbued with a mixture of mysticism and tradition impregnated with the scents of copal, incense, wax and pine since pine chips cover the floor and there are no benches. The locals usually offer their prayers standing or kneeling on the ground. They have a cluster of saints and they do not have a Catholic priest, even if one arrives for baptisms but only performs the baptism and leaves. The religious philosophy of the inhabitants of San Juan Chamula implies that you do not need an intermediary to speak with God, so they do it directly. Outside the church you can take photos of the cross and the kiosk that is in the square. If you like research and you are curious, you should chat with one of the local policemen who will talk to you (not everyone agrees to it) about the traditions in more depth and will explain something about their laws.
Fotocomputergrafica FotoVR on Google

La città di San Juan Chamula (talvolta anche solo Chamula) è a capo del comune di Chamula, nello stato del Chiapas, Messico. Conta 2.959 abitanti secondo le stime del censimento del 2005 e le sue coordinate sono 16°47'N 92°41'W. Dal 1983, in seguito alla divisione del Sistema de Planeación, è ubicata nella regione economica II: ALTOS. È situata 10 km a nord di San Cristóbal de las Casas, a 2.200 m di altezza. Un luogo notevole di Chamula è la locale chiesa, nella quale si celebrano riti di sincretismo religioso. L'edificio è di confessione cristiano cattolica. All'interno si trovano statue di santi, ognuna delle quali porta uno specchio al collo, perché i fedeli vi si possano specchiare. Il pavimento è ricoperto di aghi di pino e di candele accese. Mancano le panche. I fedeli si riuniscono in gruppi inginocchiandosi o sedendosi a terra e celebrano riti di guarigione derivanti dall'antica cultura Maya[1]. L'aspetto più sconcertante è la presenza di pollame che viene sacrificato per ottenere grazie. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
The city of San Juan Chamula (sometimes even just Chamula) is at the head of the municipality of Chamula, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It counts 2,959 inhabitants according to the 2005 census estimates and its coordinates are 16 ° 47'N 92 ° 41'W. Since 1983, following the division of the Sistema de Planeación, it has been located in the economic region II: ALTOS. It is located 10 km north of San Cristóbal de las Casas, at an altitude of 2,200 m. A notable place in Chamula is the local church, where rites of religious syncretism are celebrated. The building is of Christian Catholic confession. Inside there are statues of saints, each of which carries a mirror around his neck, so that the faithful can be reflected in it. The floor is covered with pine needles and lighted candles. Benches are missing. The faithful gather in groups kneeling or sitting on the ground and celebrate healing rites deriving from the ancient Mayan culture [1]. The most disconcerting aspect is the presence of poultry which is sacrificed to obtain graces. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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