AZYCO Suc. Periférico - 45010 Zapopan

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Azyco | Pisos - Sanitarios - Grifería -

¡Encuentra los mejores acabados para tu hogar y crea tu espacio que siempre imaginaste! Pisos, Sanitarios, Grifería, Adhesivos, Calentadores y mucho más, todo a un simple click de distancia. Compra en linea y aprovecha nuestras entregas a domicilio gratis.

About AZYCO Suc. Periférico

AZYCO es una comercializadora de materiales de acabado para construcción, dedicada a ofrecer experiencias memorables en el diseño, la construcción de espacios y la realización de sueños, por medio de la excelencia en el servicio, con el objetivo de mejorar la vida de sus consumidores.


Contact AZYCO Suc. Periférico

Address :

Periférico Pte. M.G, Av. Perif. Pte. Manuel Gómez Morin 7371, Granja, 45010 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Filips Leandro on Google

Muy buen Lugar para comprar pisos y azulejos para cuando quieras remodelar tu casa,tu baño o cualquier espacio tienen gran variedad
Very good place to buy floors and tiles for when you want to remodel your house, your bathroom or any space they have a great variety
Luis Maldonado on Google

Hice una compra, y me trajeron todo un mes con puras mentiras, que ya había llegado el material, que siempre no llego, que ya llego pero ya se vendió, quise cancelar inmediatamente y me seguian mintiendo que ya ahora si me lo hiban a entregar al dia siguiente, prolongando mi devolución mas de 2 semanas, por fin se supone que me tienen mi cheque con la devolución, voy al banco a cobrarlo y resulta que le faltaba una firma, le marco nuevamente a la vendedora y me dice " hay que raro, se supone que ya estaba listo desde el dia de ayer" asi que tuve volver nuevamente a la tienda. Me parecio un pésimo servicio, desde la seriedad de ma vendedora y segun eso el encargado que fue quien se comprometio en resolver pronto mi devolución, les suguiero que si piensan comprar ahi, recojan en el mismo momento su material, por que no tienen profesionalidad en ese negocio.
I made a purchase, and they brought me a whole month with pure lies, that the material had already arrived, that it always did not arrive, that it already arrived but it was already sold, I wanted to cancel immediately and they kept lying to me that now they would deliver it to me The next day, extending my return for more than 2 weeks, finally it is assumed that they have my check with the return, I go to the bank to collect it and it turns out that it was missing a signature, I mark the seller again and she says "you have to weird, it was supposed to be ready since yesterday "so I had to go back to the store again. I thought it was a terrible service, from the seriousness of my salesperson and according to that the manager who was the one who promised to resolve my return soon, I suggest that if you plan to buy there, pick up your material at the same time, because they do not have professionalism in that business.
Hector Garcia on Google

Está muy bien, el personal es amable, el surtido es bueno. Pero había piezas que ya no tenían por eso le pongo 4 estrellas.
It is very good, the staff is friendly, the assortment is good. But there were pieces that they no longer had, so I give them 4 stars.
Miguel Angel Ruiz Morales on Google

Buen servicio
Good service
Alvaro Orozco on Google

Llegue 10 minutos antes de que cerraran y aun asi me atendieron amablemente y pude quedarme a ver opciones hasta tomar una decision. Hay buena variedad de pisos
I arrived 10 minutes before they closed and they still kindly attended me and I was able to stay to see options until I made a decision. There is a good variety of floors
Omar Lizarraga on Google

Tuve una pésima experiencia con esta empresa. Compre varios articulos en su sucursal de periferico y me comentaron que llegarian al domicilio de la instalacion en 2 dias habiles. Tuve que hablarles un par de veces y cuando llego, no traian todos los articulos. Tuve que casi rogarles para que me entregaran el resto y por "problemas de sistema" no las tenian todas en la misma sucursal y que pasara por ellos, que ya las tendrían. Fui de nuevo y aun no estaba completo, así que me lleve de nuevo el pedido incompleto. Al final tuve que comprar el faltante en otro lugar porque el contratista no iba a estar esperando a ver cuando se dignaban en entregarme lo que yo ya habia PAGADO. Llame una ultima vez para ver si me podian hacer una devolucion por lo no entregado y me comentan que no, que iban a verificar y es hora que no me hablan. Ya no quiero que me hablen porque estoy levantando una queja formal con PROFECO. En mi vida me paro en otra de sus tiendas.
I had a terrible experience with this company. I bought several items at their peripheral branch and they told me that they would arrive at the facility's address in 2 business days. I had to speak to them a couple of times and when I arrived, they did not bring all the items. I had to almost beg them to give me the rest and due to "system problems" they did not have all of them in the same branch and to go through them, they would already have them. I went again and it was not yet complete, so I took back the incomplete order. In the end I had to buy the missing item elsewhere because the contractor was not going to be waiting to see when they would deign to deliver what I had already PAID for. I called one last time to see if they could make a refund for what was not delivered and they told me that no, they were going to verify and it is time they did not speak to me. I no longer want to be spoken to because I am filing a formal complaint with PROFECO. In my life I stop at another of your stores.
Alfredo Delgado Mora on Google

Muy surtido tiene muchos accesorios para el baño y muchos modelos en piso de será mica
Very assorted has many accessories for the bathroom and many models on the floor of sera mica
francisco zavala on Google

siempre que hemos necesitado suministros de este tipo era la tienda que asistiamos, la ultima compra realizada cuando me entregaron a domicilio, mi pedido venia incompleto, afortunadamente no era mucho pero cuando nos comunicamos resulta que no lo enviaron por que no tenian existencia en guadalajara; asi que la tienda solicito un traspaso de su tienda en tepic, despues de unas semanas de no saber nada por que segun la vendedora veronica nos lo enviarian por flete, decidi ir a la sucursal a recojer mi producto, despues de mas de una hora de espera a los de almacen me dice un joven que el piso si habia llegado pero como se realizo una compra lo ajustaron con el mio; ya pagado, cuando vuelvo con la vendedora y le pregunto me dice otra cosa distinta al joven por lo que le digo lo que el almacenista me comento, al no hacer ni un minimo intento por resolver el problema que ocasionaron le pedi mi reembolso, por lo que segun dio tramite y otros 30 min de espera sale y me pide numero de cuenta para mi deposito que sinceramente dudo lo hagan y me comenta que si no necesito otro material y me ofrecieron un descuento por las molestias; cosa que no acepte, completamente desilucionado de ese lugar en especial la atencion de la vendedora
Whenever we have needed supplies of this type, it was the store that we attended, the last purchase made when they delivered to my home, my order was incomplete, fortunately it was not much but when we communicated it turns out that they did not send it because they did not have stock in Guadalajara; so the store requested a transfer of its store in tepic, after a few weeks of not knowing anything because according to the seller veronica they would send it to us by freight, I decided to go to the branch to pick up my product, after more than an hour of Wait for the storekeepers, a young man tells me that the apartment had arrived, but since a purchase was made, they adjusted it with mine; already paid, when I go back to the seller and ask him, he tells me something different from the young man, so I tell him what the storekeeper told me, by not making even the slightest attempt to solve the problem they caused, I asked him for my refund, so According to the procedure and another 30 minutes of waiting, he comes out and asks me for an account number for my deposit, which I sincerely doubt they will do, and he tells me that if I don't need other material, they offered me a discount for my inconvenience; thing that I do not accept, completely disappointed in that place, especially the attention of the seller

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