Banco BBVA - 44770 Guadalajara

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banco BBVA

Av Presa de Osorio, San Joaquín, 44770 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
nonni Logo on Google

Cuídense en el cajero, 1 hombre y dos mujeres se ofrecen ayudar y cuando los dueños de la tarjeta no lo permiten se la arrebatan y se van, en lo que tardas en cancelar ya sacaron dinero. Sumando el pésimo servicio del personal en atender este tipo de denuncias.
Take care of yourself at the ATM, 1 man and two women offer to help and when the card owners do not allow it, they take it away and leave, in what it takes to cancel they have already taken money. Adding the lousy service of the staff in attending this type of complaints.
Marsha Gleri on Google

De los peores bancos si pudiera no le daba ni una estrella, es un asco el servicio ahi solo hay un cajero atendiendo diario y se paran bien seguido de sus lugares para comadrear y tardan horas en volver al lugar a atender a la gente y si te quejas con ellos te dicen pues meta mas dinero para darle mejor atencion. Ni ganas los turnos todos raros llegan personas despues de ti y aunque seas cliente bancomer te pasan despues es un asco ese banco y el bancomer.
Of the worst banks, if I could, I would not give it a single star, the service is disgusting there is only one cashier serving daily and they stop well followed by their places to gossip and they take hours to return to the place to attend to people and if you do Complaints with them tell you then put more money to give you better care. You do not win the shifts, all rare, people come after you and even if you are a bancomer customer, they pass you later, that bank and the bancomer are disgusting.
Alexandra Nuno on Google

Es un banco demasiado pequeño en comparación de la demanda de personas que acuden, siempre está lleno y por la falta de personal lo que provoca que la atención sea muy lenta, pésimo servicio al cliente, los asesores de cajeros y practicajas prefieren voltear a otro lado para no ver que se les llama por ayuda, por lo regular 1 de las 2 practicajas siempre está fuera de servicio, solo cuentan con 2 ejecutivos comerciales que atienden de mala gana y tardan de alrededor de 1 hora en atender a cada cliente. Procuren no visitar éste banco.
It is a bank that is too small compared to the demand of people who come, it is always full and due to the lack of personnel, which causes the attention to be very slow, terrible customer service, the tellers and practitioners advisers prefer to turn to the other side In order not to see that they are called for help, usually 1 of the 2 practices is always out of service, they only have 2 commercial executives who serve reluctantly and take about 1 hour to attend to each client. Try not to visit this bank.
george jung on Google

Si llegas 10 minutos antes de que cierren ya no te quieren atender en ejecutivo
If you arrive 10 minutes before they close, they no longer want to serve you in executive
Gabriel Macias on Google

Pesimo servicio, los ejecutivos toman ventaja de la ignorancia de los clientes y les venden seguros enmascarados como "inversion", ademas son muy rudos e insolentes cuando se les cuestiona y se les pide la cancelacion. CUIDADO
Terrible service, the executives take advantage of the ignorance of the clients and sell them insurance masked as "investment", they are also very rude and insolent when they are questioned and asked to cancel. WATCH OUT
Claudia Pacheco on Google

Pésimo servicio... Los ejecutivos atienden de mala forma y todo quieren que los clientes hagamos por medio de la aplicación, les expliqué que la aplicación no me dejaba hacer mi trámite pero no entienden, tuve que ir 3 veces para que me solucionaran y eso por qué a la tercera vez no me fuí hasta que me solucionaran.
Terrible service ... The executives serve in a bad way and they want the clients to do everything through the application, I explained that the application would not let me do my paperwork but they do not understand, I had to go 3 times to be solved and that why the third time I didn't leave until they fixed me.
midia24 on Google

Entiendo que por la situación actual la espera es mayor pero 40 min para ser atendido es demaciado y eso se debe por qué en esta sucursal solo hay 2 cajeras y obvio no se dan abasto hay más personal que te ayuda en cajeros y da fichas que cajeros eso es ridículo pero bueno si vas ten mucha paciencia
I understand that due to the current situation the wait is longer but 40 minutes to be attended is too long and that is because in this branch there are only 2 cashiers and obviously they cannot cope there are more staff who help you at cashiers and give tokens than cashiers that's ridiculous but hey if you go have a lot of patience
Juan Carlos Ortigoza baez on Google

Pésimo servicio iba a tramitar la tarjeta de crédito y ni me dejaron pasar con un ejecutivo
Terrible service I was going to process the credit card and they didn't even let me go with an executive

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