Banco BBVA - 01400 Ciudad de México

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banco BBVA

Av. Sta. Lucia 1500, Uprez, Álvaro Obregón, 01400 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Automex 2050 on Google

Excelente servicio. Rapido y eficiente
Excellent service. fast and efficient
Laura Vazquez on Google

Su atención a clientes es muy lenta. Siempre hay fila afuera de sus instalaciones. Los cajeros automáticos tambien son muy lentos y se traban cuando tecleas rápido. Al parecer es un mal general , ya que la sucursal que esta en Plateros también es igual de lenta.
Your customer service is very slow. There is always a line outside their facilities. ATMs are also very slow and lock up when you type fast. Apparently it is a bad general, since the branch that is in Plateros is also just as slow.
Lilia Cruz on Google

Hay suficientes cajeros para hacer operaciones
Bryant Camacho on Google

Pesimo servicio, largas filas, pésima logística, si quieres ir a perder tu tiempo es el lugar ideal, pésimos ejecutivos.
Terrible service, long lines, terrible logistics, if you want to go waste your time this is the ideal place, terrible executives.

Pésimos ejecutivos, lástima que no anote el nombre que quien me atendió, pero urge los capaciten de forma adecuada, no es posible que los dejen operar sin el conocimiento suficiente…
Terrible executives, too bad I didn't write down the name of the person who attended me, but it is urgent that they be properly trained, it is not possible for them to let them operate without sufficient knowledge ...
Leo on Google

Te ponen excusas para no atenderte
They make excuses for not attending you
German Aldana Arroyo on Google

El banco no esta mal. Lo feo es la zona de practicajas ya que regularmente 1 practicaja no sirve. Cuando la fila de la practicaja estaba muy larga quise hacer mi pago en ventanilla y la persona de la entrada no me lo permitio a pesar que en el banco no había casi nadie.
The bank is not bad. The ugly thing is the practice area since regularly 1 practice does not work. When the practice line was very long, I wanted to make my payment at the window and the person at the entrance would not let me, even though there was hardly anyone at the bank.
T&M Security systems on Google

Tengan mucho cuidado... Con el dinero que le entregan al cajero, enviamos personal de mi empresa a cambiar y el cajero guardo el dinero y le dijo que solo le dio $7,000 y no los $8,000 que llevaba... Asi que solo le entragan el cambio de $7,000 y ahora dicen que como solo le cambiaron no se registra en la caja y no pueden hacer nada... Y las cámaras y videos de seguridad para que sirven??? Solo queda recomendar que tengan mucho cuidado con este personal deshonesto que labora en dicha sucursal... Yo espero que la Gerencia que no dio esta respuesta no este involucrada en los hechos... A mi compañera yo le demostré con videos que si llevaba los $8,000 ya que ella vio tan seguro al cajero que también dudó si llevaba completo el dinero Espero que esto sirva para que la gente sea mas cuidadosa. 08 de diciembre 2021 Actualizando, depues de mas tiempo, tramites y seguir sus procesos de todos modos no se resuelve nada... Dicen que el que nada debe, nada teme... No poder verificar sus videos para comprobar si tengo o no un empleado amigo de lo ajeno y checar algo tan sencillo teniendo hora y fecha del evento se limitan a no procede su reclamación... En fin... Todo cae por su propio peso y como decia mi abuela perro que como huevos, ni aunque le quemén el hocico... Gracias que lo aprovechen.
Be very careful ... With the money you give to the cashier, we sent staff from my company to change and the cashier kept the money and told him that he only gave him $ 7,000 and not the $ 8,000 he had ... So they only gave him the change of $ 7,000 and now they say that since they only changed it, it is not registered in the cash register and they cannot do anything ... And what are the security cameras and videos for ??? It only remains to recommend that they be very careful with these dishonest personnel who work in said branch ... I hope that the Management that did not give this answer is not involved in the facts ... I showed my partner with videos that she was carrying the $ 8,000 since she saw the cashier so sure that she also doubted if she had the full money I hope this helps people to be more careful. December 8, 2021 Updating, after more time, paperwork and follow their processes anyway nothing is resolved ... They say that he who owes nothing, fears nothing ... Not being able to verify his videos to check whether or not I have an employee friend of him someone else and checking something so simple having the time and date of the event are limited to your claim is not applicable ... Anyway ... Everything falls under its own weight and as my dog ​​grandmother said that I eat eggs, not even if they burn her snout ... Thank you take advantage of it.

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