Banco BBVA - 56400 Los Reyes Acaquilpan

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banco BBVA

Autopista México - Puebla, Los Reyes, 56400 Los Reyes Acaquilpan, Méx., Mexico
Pedro Paez Jimenez on Google

Un servicio demasiado lento, y una pésima atención , tuve que retirarme por qué no me atendieron.
A too slow service, and a terrible attention, I had to leave because they did not take care of me.
alberto mota on Google

Pésima sucursal, lo cajeros fallan, las prácticajas igual, equipo viejo!
Terrible branch, ATMs fail, practices the same, old equipment!
Francisco Hernández on Google

Me parece increíble que a un cuentahabiente no le permitan el acceso a cajas para hacer un simple deposito. Pésima atención.
It seems incredible to me that an account holder is not allowed access to boxes to make a simple deposit. Terrible attention.
Maus García on Google

Espantoso servicio, hoy 5 de marzo, estuvimos parados fuera de la sucursal esperando accesar a cajas más de 2 horas, en pleno rayo de sol ( sin contar el riesgo por covid), la fila era enorme y no avanzaba, contraten personal, no sean miserables y agilicen su servicio.
Terrible service, today March 5, we were standing outside the branch waiting to access boxes for more than 2 hours, in full sunlight (not counting the risk of covid), the line was huge and did not advance, hire staff, do not be miserable and expedite your service.
Daniel Anaya Pacheco on Google

Asqueroso servicio y actitud nefasta por parte del personal, el 8 de marzo más de 40 min formado en el solaso para que no me dejaran pasar, porque supuestamente mi depósito no era mayor a 25mil pesos ? les recomiendo ir a otra sucursal para evitar tratar con gente sin empatía, moral y ética.
Disgusting service and disastrous attitude on the part of the staff, on March 8 more than 40 min trained in the soloso so that they would not let me pass, because supposedly my deposit was not more than 25 thousand pesos ? I recommend going to another branch to avoid dealing with people without empathy, morals and ethics.
Ramírez Emmanuel on Google

La sucursal muy mal ubicada y a varios conocidos los han asaltado al salir de la sucursal, no recomiendo ir a los cajeros en horario que no esté abierta la sucursal.
The branch very badly located and several acquaintances have been assaulted when leaving the branch, I do not recommend going to the ATMs during hours that the branch is not open.
José Antonio Caballero Martínez on Google

No quieren trabajar si deseas hacer un depósito o pago menor a 25mil se ponen pesados y te mandan a la.practicaja dónde hay una mega fila gigante :/ y si por alguna razón la fregada prácticaja no te acepta un billete ya es tu bronca y tienes que volver a hacer una fila eterna en el sol
They don't want to work if you want to make a deposit or payment of less than 25 thousand they get annoying and send you to the practiceja where there is a giant mega queue :/ and if for some reason the practiceja scrub doesn't accept a ticket, it's already your anger and you have to return to make an eternal row in the sun
César Moreno on Google

Recuerdo todavía 2008, bancomer estaba en tercer lugar, por su pésimo servicio!! Segundo lugar Scotiabank, creo que realmente es el banco para las masas Ignorantes!! Por favor no tengan cuenta en Bancomer!! Por que dirán? Sus cajeros se tragan las tarjetas y no entregan dinero, supuestamente es error del mismo cajero, no del banco, por supuesto!!! Verdad!
I still remember 2008, Bancomer was in third place, due to its lousy service!! Second place Scotiabank, I think it really is the bank for the Ignorant masses!! Please do not have a Bancomer account!! Why will they say? Their ATMs swallow the cards and do not deliver money, supposedly it is the ATM's own mistake, not the bank's, of course!!! Truth!

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