Banco BBVA - 07800 Ciudad de México

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banco BBVA

Calle, Real del Monte 5, Industrial, Gustavo A. Madero, 07800 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Antonio Campos on Google

Mala atención, mal trato hacia las personas mayores piden miles de documentos para renovar un plástico (solo falto que le pidieran cartilla de vacunación) que pena fue la misma gerente quien nos atendió. 3 días dando vueltas
Poor attention, bad treatment towards the elderly people ask for thousands of documents to renew a plastic (only lacking to ask vaccination card) what a shame it was the same manager who took care of us. 3 days circling
Jorge Paz on Google

El servicio de esa sucursal es pésimo los dos chavos de la entrada dan un servicio pésimo parece que te hacen un favor y la chica del modulo 2 dice que te hace un favor con una actitud pésima de verdad que mal que un banco tan bueno tengan gente tan incompetente que lástima
The service of that branch is lousy, the two guys at the entrance give a lousy service, they seem to do you a favor and the girl from module 2 says that she does you a favor with a really bad attitude that bad that such a good bank has people so incompetent that pity
Jorge alberto Gonzalez on Google

El dia 16 abril del 2020 fui al cajero como al medio día a depositar una cantidad a una agencia de autos ..el cajero decía no poder entregar comprobantes ... Pidiendo una dirección de un mail para mandarlo ...... Estúpidamente confíe y deposite .... Nunca llegó al mail y ahora la agencia me reclama al pago ... Considero que me robó el banco con eso que parece un muy bueb truco .... Deseo recuperar mi dinero o me den mi comprobante de que les deposite a la agencia .... Vivo a 3 calles en la industrial y debí de escuchar a los vecinos q me recomendaron NUNCA ir a esa sucursal .... Debí de hacerles caso ....
On April 16, 2020 I went to the ATM at noon to deposit an amount to a car agency ... the ATM said they could not deliver vouchers ... Asking for an email address to send it ...... Stupidly I trusted and deposit .... It never came to the mail and now the agency is asking me to pay ... I consider that the bank was robbed with what seems like a very good trick .... I want to recover my money or give me proof that I deposited them to the agency .... I live 3 streets away from the industrial one and I must have listened to the neighbors who NEVER recommended me to go to that branch .... I should have listened ...

Pésimo servicio, hace unos momentos acudí a sucursal para abrir una cuenta, me tuvieron esperando una hora, como no era cliente me dieron un turno con la letra D, cuando llegué había 3 personas antes que yo, y cuando pensé que ya seria mi turno pasaron a otra persona, deje pasar por alto eso, terminaron con esa persona y sucedió lo mismo con la siguiente persona, entonces le dije a la señorita de recepción que porque no había pasado mi numero si yo había llegado antes y me comento que como lo mío era apertura de cuenta y mi tramite era más tardado por eso pasaban primero los demás, realmente eso no se me hace lógico, aunque yo no era cliente no pueden jugar así con tu tiempo, en el turno que me dieron decía tiempo de espera 12 minutos, estuve 50 minutos esperando a que me atendieran y pasaban y pasaban más personas que llegaron después de mi, hasta que fui con la ejecutiva y le dije que porque no pasaba yo, y me dijo que porque no tenia turno de clienta y que a parte no tenia sistema para apertura de cuenta, estuve esperando tanto tiempo para que no me pudieran abrir la cuenta, realmente estoy muy molesta, no pueden jugar con el tiempo de las personas, yo acudí en mi hora de comida y regresé tarde al trabajo por esperar y ni siquiera me pudieron atender.
Terrible service, a few moments ago I went to the branch to open an account, they had me waiting for an hour, since I was not a client they gave me a turn with the letter D, when I arrived there were 3 people before me, and when I thought it would be my turn They passed another person, I missed that, they ended up with that person and the same thing happened with the next person, then I told the lady at the reception that because my number had not passed if I had arrived before and I commented that I eat mine was an account opening and my procedure was longer, so the others passed first, really that does not make sense to me, although I was not a client, they cannot play like this with your time, in the turn they gave me said waiting time 12 minutes, I was 50 minutes waiting for me to attend and more people passed by and passed after me, until I went to the executive and told her why I did not pass, and told me that because I had no client's turn and that part I didn't have a system to open an account, I was waiting so long so they couldn't open my account, I'm really very upset, they can't play with people's time, I went in my lunch hour and returned late to work to wait and they couldn't even help me.
Luis Carlos Urrutia González on Google

Según el trámite que vas a realizar, es de un tiempo aproximado en el papel de turno. Se tardan mucho en atender en las cajas y para pasar con el ejecutivo, es peor. Dejan que se meta gente que, ni siquiera es su turno para pasar. Estoy pensando muy seriamente en cambiar de banco.
According to the procedure you are going to perform, it is an approximate time in the role of the shift. They take a long time to attend the boxes and to spend with the executive, it is worse. They let people get in that, it's not even their turn to pass. I am thinking very seriously about changing banks.
Marigel Morato Luna on Google

Esta sucursal siempre resuelve y son atentos
This branch always solves and they are attentive
Eulalia Lopez (Laly) on Google

Cada día mejoran sus tiempos de espera...
Jesus M Garibay on Google

The best asset of this bank even though it constantly crashes, it's the app

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