Banco BBVA - 34080 Durango

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banco BBVA

Blvd. Felipe Pescador 1401, La Esperanza, 34080 Durango, Dgo., Mexico
Cesar Vazquez on Google

con el simple echo de no contar con una rampa pierde toda calificacion. me toco ver adultos mayores batallar para entrar al banco.
with the simple fact of not having a ramp loses all qualification. I had to see older adults battle to enter the bank.
sergio Trejo on Google

Muy mala experiencia es la segunda vez que Asísto a este banco y nunca tienen sistema aparte el servicio por parte de los empleados de lo más pesimo
Very bad experience is the second time that Assisi to this bank and never have system apart the service on the part of the employees of the most pessimistic
Elia Avice on Google

Pésimo servicio. Mas de una hora esperando. Pasar con un ejecutivo y nada preferencia para las amistades o conocidos.
Terrible service. More than an hour waiting. Spend with an executive and no preference for friends or acquaintances.
Valeria Alvarez on Google

Me parece pésimo el servicio,que tengan preferencia a las personas con tarjeta mientras que las personas que no tenemos nos atiendan casi 1 hora después,pésimo banco.
I think the service is lousy, that they have a preference for people with a card while the people we don't have attend us almost 1 hour later, lousy bank.
China Doga on Google

Molesta por la atencion de este banco...por los horarios,ya que no los respetan...hoy sabado 27 de agosto del 2016...quiero reportar mi queja de que el banco bancomer sucursal paseo durango en durango,dgo.mexico... no respeta horarios ya que antes de las 3:00pm horas ya tenian cerrado el acceso a cualquier persona para ingresar al area de ejecutivos y ventanillas...siendo que el horario que dicho banco tiene registrado en su pagina oficial es su cierre para las 4:00 p.m en dia sabado...y al llegar una señorita no muy amable(algo grosera diria yo, por cerrarle a las personas la puerta en la cara a pesar de que estaban hablando con ella sin dar ninguna solucion ni mucho menos una explicacion convincente para los clientes;esto le sucediò a mi madre quien iva a realizar un retiro le sucediò en dos ocaciones y en el tiempo que estuvimos ahi fuì testigo de esta misma situacion en repetidas ocaciones con diferentes personas ya que fueron muchas las personas que llegaron antes y despues de las tres de la tarde,muchos mostrandole a la señorita el horario marcado en la pagina de internet )ella solo decìa que los sabados cerraban a las 2:30pm. Yo aun quisè sersiorarme del horario que ella mensionó, y fuí a la puerta del banco que es donde esta puesto el horario para que las personas lo podamos ver...y no tiene registrado ningun horario en sabados...solo de lunes a viernes hasta ls 4:00pm me parece...pero en sabados nada...en mi opinion estan mal en las dos situaciones...tanto en el horario publicado en la pagina de internet que no es respetado...como en el horario de lapuerta del banco donde no expone su horario de dia sabado siendo que ai laboran ese dia...solo que cierran a la hora que a ellos les place...ahorita me encuentro en bancomer sucursal constitucion donde pasa exactamente la misma situacion con la diferencia de que en este ya no hay ninguna persona encargada de la puerta...
Annoyed by the attention of this bank ... for the schedules, since they do not respect them ... today Saturday, August 27, 2016 ... I want to report my complaint that the bank bancomer branch Paseo Durango in Durango, Mexico City ... does not respect schedules since before 3:00 pm they had already closed access to anyone to enter the area of ​​executives and windows ... being that the schedule that said bank has registered on its official website is its closing by 4:00 pm on a Saturday ... and when a not very friendly lady arrived (I would say something rude, for closing people the door in her face even though they were talking to her without giving any solution or much less a convincing explanation for the clients; this happened to my mother who went to make a withdrawal happened to her in two occasions and in the time we were there I witnessed this same situation in repeated occasions with different people since there were many people that arrived before and after three o'clock in the afternoon, many showing Miss the schedule marked on the website) she only said that on Saturdays they closed at 2:30 pm. I still wanted to leave the schedule she mentioned, and I went to the bank's door, which is where the schedule is set so that people can see it ... and has no registered hours on Saturdays ... only from Monday to Friday until 4:00 pm I think ... but on saturdays nothing ... in my opinion they are wrong in both situations ... both in the schedule published on the website that is not respected ... and in the schedule from the bank of the bank where it does not expose its Saturday day schedule being that they work there that day ... only that they close at the time that they like ... right now I find myself in bancomer branch constitution where exactly the same situation happens with the unlike in this there is no longer any person in charge of the door ...
Clynio Adrian Hernandez Acosta on Google

Un espacio demasiado pequeño para todas las personas que hacen uso de esta sucursal.
A space too small for all the people who make use of this branch.
Cayozama Supremo on Google

Fueron eficientes y amables en su trato, y disponen de cajeros inteligentes en los que se pueden hacer pagos y depósitos a empresas, que antes solo hacia el cajero de ventanilla, ademas en horas hábiles encontrara a alguien que le enseñe o ayude para operar dichos cajeros inteligentes, en conclusión, recomiendo venir a este banco. Por cierto, en sábado cierran hasta las 14:00 horas.
They were efficient and friendly in their treatment, and they have smart ATMs in which payments and deposits can be made to companies, which previously only went to the teller at the teller, also during business hours you will find someone to teach or help you to operate these ATMs smart, in conclusion, I recommend coming to this bank. By the way, on Saturday they close until 2:00 p.m.
VANY RIK on Google

Excelente servicio Y dónde encontré al amor de mi vida ??
Excellent service And where did I find the love of my life ??

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