BanCoppel Madrid - 28200 Manzanillo

3.5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact BanCoppel Madrid

Address :

Blvd. Miguel de la Madrid 1426, Playa Azul Salagua, 28200 Manzanillo, Col., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Col.

Blvd. Miguel de la Madrid 1426, Playa Azul Salagua, 28200 Manzanillo, Col., Mexico
Fernando Segura on Google

King DemonX on Google

Justo Cristobal Cristobal on Google

David Munguia on Google

Mal servicio empleados sin capacitación las cajas de cobro exeibamente lentas y precios muy elevados
Bad service employees without training the extremely slow collection boxes and very high prices
Job De Bernal on Google

Es una tienda departamental que se dedica a la venta de artículos para el hogar, puedes encontrar adentro de las instalaciones un banco propiedad de bancoppel y afuera un cajero automatico de la misma bancoppel.
It is a department store dedicated to the sale of household items, you can find inside a facility a bank owned by bancoppel and outside an ATM of the same bancoppel.
Charly Robles on Google

Se que la situación no es algo general de la tienda, pero tuve una experiencia desagradable el pasado viernes 16 de julio de 2021 en las ventanillas de Bancoppel. Llegue a las 11:15 aproximadamente, solo habpia dos chicas atendiendo, mientras que otras dos personas no se que hacían, parecía hacer pruebas del sistema de seguridad o que sé yo, pero no atendían a nadie. Para no hacer el cuento largo se hicieron las 11:40 y no me pudieron atender porque las dos chicas estaban extremadamente lentas. llegue hasta el final de cola, ya apunto para que me atendieran, pero ahí duré cerca de 15 minutos, porque no más no podían dar tramité a las dos personas que tenían en ventanilla. Por lo que puede escuchar a una la atendían por un envío de dinero que iba a recoger a otra por un deposito a una tercera persona, tramites sencillos que ya antes me ha tocado hacer, y nunca se tardan tanto. De hecho la chica que atendía la transferencia a terceros tuvo que solicitar ayuda porque al parecer no sabía cómo, pese a que la cliente le insistió varias veces que ya antes había el mismo tramite y solo le habían pedido el número de cuenta del receptor. Al final, pese a que ya esta yo a nada de que me tocara me tuve que retirar y no pude hacer mi tramite ya que tenía una cita medica a las 12 y tenía que llegar a tiempo. En serio se me hace muy ridículo y me causo mucha molestia que tenga que gastar casi media hora de mi tiempo para nada, siendo que cuando llegue solo había como 5 clientes delante de mi, y cuando me fui ya tenía una fila con más de 10 personas esperando.
I know that the situation is not something general in the store, but I had an unpleasant experience last Friday, July 16, 2021 at the Bancoppel windows. I arrived at approximately 11:15, there were only two girls attending, while two other people do not know what they were doing, they seemed to test the security system or what I know, but they did not attend to anyone. To cut a long story short, it was 11:40 and they couldn't attend me because the two girls were extremely slow. I got to the end of the queue, I'm already aiming for them to attend to me, but there I lasted about 15 minutes, because they couldn't just process the two people they had at the window. From what you can hear, one was attended to by sending money that was going to collect another for a deposit to a third person, simple procedures that I have had to do before, and they never take so long. In fact, the girl who attended the transfer to third parties had to request help because apparently she did not know how, despite the fact that the client insisted several times that there was the same procedure before and they had only asked her for the recipient's account number. In the end, despite the fact that I was no longer there, I had to withdraw and I could not do my paperwork since I had a medical appointment at 12 and I had to arrive on time. It really makes me very ridiculous and it caused me a lot of annoyance that I had to spend almost half an hour of my time for nothing, being that when I arrived there were only like 5 clients in front of me, and when I left I already had a line with more than 10 people waiting.

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