Banorte Monterrey Gran Plaza - 64000 Monterrey

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Banorte Monterrey Gran Plaza

Address :

21 - Ignacio Zaragoza Sur 920, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +889
Website :
Categories :
City : N.L.

21 - Ignacio Zaragoza Sur 920, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Aída Esquivel on Google

No parece que respeten un orden. Me toco esperar más de dos horas y ver como atendían a gente que llevaba menos tiempo esperando para el mismo trámite que yo.
They do not seem to respect an order. I had to wait more than two hours and see how they catered to people who had been waiting for less time for the same process than me.
Lau lobhato on Google

Es muy tardado que te atiendan, pocas cajas abiertas y la sala llena, necesitan mejorar su servicio, una hora esperando para atencion en caja y no, mejor nos salimos... A hacer mas provechoso nuestro tiempo...
It is very late to be attended to, few open boxes and a full room, they need to improve their service, an hour waiting for attention at the box and no, we better go out ... To make our time more profitable ...
Dario Juarez on Google

Pesimo servicio, habia una fila para entrar al banco y dejaban pasar a la gente gandalla que se ponia hasta el frente. Y hay una cajera que solo se la pasa perdiendo el tiempo y no atiende
Very bad service, there was a line to enter the bank and they let the gandalla people who stood up to the front. And there is a cashier who just spends her time wasting her time and does not attend
Rigoleto MTY on Google

Me toco un detalle con las personas que por cierto problema extravían la tarjeta que les da gobierno y van a cobrar a ese banco en ventanilla y la encargada de hacer esa autorización trata pecimo a las personas de la tercera edad , esa sucursal dan un mal servicio al cliente y siempre andan con un genio como si les quitaramos a ellos su dinero,
I touch a detail with the people who for some problem misplace the card that gives them government and will charge that bank at the window and the person in charge of making that authorization treats the elderly people, that branch gives a bad service to the customer and they always walk with a genius as if we take their money from them,
Verónica Ontiveros on Google

Es mucho el tiempo de espera. Necesitan mejorar su organización y atender mejor al cliente.
The waiting time is long. They need to improve their organization and serve the customer better.
Cesar Salazar on Google

9:17 en sabado y aun no abren. Banco de primer mundo eh!!!
9:17 on Saturday and they still don't open. First world bank huh!!!
Lucero Escareño on Google

Pésimo servicio. El sistema de emisión de turnos no es nada eficiente. Es contraproducente esperar. Al escanear el código y elegir tu trámite, no es congruente con el movimiento de "la fila" que a final de cuentas te piden que hagas fuera de la sucursal. Es caótico y evidentemente riesgoso acudir. Tarde una hora en que me resolvieran en problema con mi turno, me fue asignado otro y aun así hice fila que se iba interrumpiendo al avanzar y dejar pasar a quienrnes tenían trámites diferentes.
Terrible service. The shift issuance system is not efficient at all. It is counterproductive to wait. When scanning the code and choosing your procedure, it is not congruent with the movement of "the line" that in the end they ask you to do outside the branch. It is chaotic and obviously risky to go. It took an hour for them to resolve a problem with my shift, I was assigned another one and even so I lined up that was interrupted as I advanced and let those who had different procedures pass.
Menusa Vera on Google

Fatal la atención, todos los que están en los escritorios parecen zombis, pegados al celular. Hoy por la mañana espere más de 30 minutos para ser atendida por medio del turno x whats, al ver que los de escritorio estaban en el celular, me levante y pedí turno con la máquina de la entrada, escritorio # 8, una chica tipo menonita, me atendió 10 min después de haber estado en el cel., cuando dije que solo iba a recoger una t.c. en tanto me atendía no soltaba el cel. ella estaba en el whats, me desespere tanto que le dije "será que me atiendes y después sigues chateando "? Ni se inmutó, se levantó a por la tarjeta, tardo otros 10 minutos, cuando me levante para ver donde estaba ella, vi que estaba en el cel. En esa sucursal no hay Gerencia pues no vi el escritorio, creo por eso los empleados son tan mediocres y valemadres.
Fatal attention, all those who are in the desks look like zombies, glued to the cell phone. Today in the morning I waited more than 30 minutes to be attended through the shift x whats, seeing that the desk people were on the cell phone, I got up and asked for an appointment with the machine at the entrance, desk # 8, a Mennonite type girl , he attended me 10 minutes after having been on the cell phone, when I said that I was only going to pick up a CT scan As long as he attended to me, he didn't let go of the phone. She was in the whats, I got so desperate that I told her "could it be that you attend to me and then continue chatting"? She didn't flinch, she got up to get the card, it took another 10 minutes, when I got up to see where she was, I saw that she was on the cell phone. In that branch there is no Management because I did not see the desk, I think that is why the employees are so mediocre and worthless.

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