Barber Zone - 44690 Guadalajara

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Barber Zone

Address :

Av. México 3333, 44690 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97777
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. México 3333, 44690 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Álvaro Rodríguez on Google

Necesitan mejorar en la comunicación con el cliente en cada parte del corte. No me agrado mucho el corte pero me di cuenta casi al término.
They need to improve in communication with the client in each part of the cut. I didn't really like the cut but I realized it almost at the end.
Jorge Moreno on Google

Eran un buen lugar ,la calidad a bajado pero los precios suben, ni hablar habrá que buscar otro lugar
They were a good place, the quality has gone down but the prices go up, not to mention we will have to look for another place
Eduardo Antonio Ascencio González on Google

La primera vez que acudi a este lugar recibi un trato y una atencion excelente por el barbero Juan Pablo (no sabia su nombre hasta el dia de hoy sin embargo el dia de hoy realice mi cita al llegar me asignan sin preguntarme con quien queria, a la señorita barbera que estaba le tocaba el turno la cual inmediatamente me sienta y pone la bata, durante el corte me pregunto que como quiero el corte mostrandole una fotografia de como me lo habia dejado su compañero a lo que me comentaba que como le habia hecho que si uso tal o cual aparato a lo que le dije que no sabia el simplemente lo hizo y que ella es la experta debe saber, a todo esto note que me fue dejando inconsistencias pero no sabia como quedaria al final, quedando un mal peinado un mal corte de cabello pesimo delineado de barba y bigote el cual me di cuenta bien hasta llegar a casa entre los productos que aplican, hable para preguntar el nombre de quien me habia atendido en la 1era ocacion por reseñas fisicas y para dar retroalimentacion de como me atendio la señorita la llamada la atendio Jorge le comente que no me gusto como me lo dejo los detalles a mejorar y que tambien se debia preguntar con quien gustaba atenderme a lo que su repuesta desinteresada por el cliente grosera y despectiva menciono que no podia admitir ninguna queja de ella ya que tenia 3 años de experiencia trabajando a lo que le conteste que yo soy Medico de Profesion 12 años y siendo una persona imperfecta me puedo equivocar el tiempo no era una razon, se puso a defenderla en lugar de escuchar al cliente me reto que por que no se lo dije en persona a lo cual acudi a la sucursal donde siguio siendo pesimamente grosero en la atencion al cliente sin escuchar ni atender mis quejas comentando que si lo que queria era un descuento el cual no me interesa, Quiero solamente ser escuchado y algun consejo para realinear la barba que ni siquiera se me ofrecio arreglarla que si queria viniera el Fin de semana, me califico como machista misogeno ya que no me gusto que me atendiera una mujer a lo que mencione pues puede ser la diferencia en el rasurado en el mismo cuerpo de una persona que atiende sin embargo hay mujeres muy capaces ese no era el detalle si no que me dejo mal no el sexo de la persona. y basicamente me dio a entender con su indiferencia que poco le importaba mi opinion. Hago esta publicacion como retralimentacion a las personas que atienden en esta sucursal, por que defender inutilmente a capa y espada a un compañero en una retroalimentacion es pesima atencion al cliente, No digo que el cliente tenga la razon siempre pero escucharlo y darle su lugar es muy importante ya que esta persona es la que paga el servicio. Como he de recomendarlo con este trato. Cualquier retroalimentacion de parte de gerentes/dueños estoy a sus ordenes Subo las fotos del primer servicio por Juan pablo y el del dia de hoy
The first time I went to this place I received excellent treatment and attention from the barber Juan Pablo (I did not know his name until today, however today I made my appointment when I arrived they assigned me without asking who I wanted, The barber lady who was there, it was her turn, who immediately sat me down and put on the gown. During the cut, she asked me how I want the cut, showing her a photograph of how her partner had left it for me, to which she told me how she had done it. that if I use this or that device to which I told her I didn't know he simply did it and that she is the expert she should know, to all this I noticed that she left me with inconsistencies but I didn't know how it would turn out in the end, leaving a bad hairstyle bad haircut, terrible outline of beard and mustache which I realized well until I got home among the products that they apply, I called to ask the name of the person who had attended me on the 1st occasion for physical reviews and to give feedback Informing me of how the lady attended me, the call was answered by Jorge. I told her that I did not like how she left the details to improve and that she should also ask with whom she liked to attend me, to what her disinterested response to the rude and contemptuous client mentioned that I could not accept any complaint from her since she had 3 years of experience working, to which I replied that I am a Doctor by Profession for 12 years and being an imperfect person I can be wrong, the time was not a reason, she began to defend her instead of Listening to the customer challenged me why I didn't tell him in person, so I went to the branch where he continued to be horribly rude in customer service without listening or attending to my complaints, commenting that what he wanted was a discount, which he didn't give me. Interested, I only want to be heard and some advice to realign the beard that was not even offered to fix it that if I wanted to come on the weekend, I qualify as a misogynistic macho since I did not like that a woman attended to what I mentioned, because it could be the difference in shaving on the same body of a person who attends, however, there are very capable women, that was not the detail, but that it left me bad, not the sex of person. and basically he gave me to understand with his indifference that he didn't care about my opinion. I make this publication as feedback to the people who serve in this branch, because futilely defending a colleague in a feedback is lousy customer service, I am not saying that the customer is always right, but listening to him and giving him his place is very important since this person is the one who pays for the service. How can I recommend it with this deal. Any feedback from managers / owners I am at your service I upload the photos of the first service by Juan Pablo and today's
Daniel Millan on Google

No suelo dejar opiniones negativas, pero, El bato no se por que pensó, sintió, decidió recortar la patilla al cero cuando tenia barba de 3 días, entonces... salí con media cara rasurada y otra no, explícate! Porque!
I don't usually leave negative reviews, but, I don't know why the guy thought, felt, decided to trim his sideburn to zero when he had a 3-day beard, so... I came out with half a shaved face and another not, explain yourself! Because!
Isaac Rico on Google

Primer lugar que me agrada como me cortan el cabello, el lugar, la atención y el trabajo todo es una experiencia....
First place that I like how they cut my hair, the place, the attention and the work, everything is an experience ...
david cuevas on Google

Excelente lugar todo muy bien. Solo que mucho cambio de personal justo te acoplas con un peluquero y se va o ya no esta. Me a pasado 3 veces ya
Excellent place all very well. It's just that a lot of change of staff just happens to get you hooked up with a hairdresser and he leaves or is no longer there. It's happened to me 3 times already
Armando D. on Google

Saben cortar el pelo/barba, pero algunos te tratan según vayas vestido, la mayoría al llegar estaban sentados en el sillón de una manera no muy profesional y uno de ellos no fue bueno para sentarse derecho para yo poder pasar al baño sin tener que rodear sus pies y chocar con un de las sillas de corte, en general tienen una actitud de que te están haciendo el favor, el corte de barba y pelo bien, el servicio/actitud me dejó muy mal sabor de boca.
Carlos Dominguez on Google

A bit pricey but worth it.... I arrived early for my 11am appointment... 15 minutes later it got packed with clients.....

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