Barra Matilde Mi Amor - 44160 Guadalajara

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Barra Matilde Mi Amor

Address :

terraza del tercer piso, C. Colonias 221, Col Americana, Americana, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
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Categories :
City : Jal.

terraza del tercer piso, C. Colonias 221, Col Americana, Americana, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Daniela García on Google

La comida está regular y los cócteles también. Me gustó mucho que los tragos los traen en envases muy monos. No tomé fotos a todos pero todos tienen muy buena presentación. Por otra parte, el servicio es muy lento y los meseros nos trataron mal. Hasta groseros. Se tardaron más de 40 minutos en traer la primer pizza y cuando preguntábamos por ella se notaban molestos. Entendemos que al haber casa llena, los meseros tienen más trabajo pero eso no justifica que fueran tan indiferentes y groseros. Éramos una mesa de 6 y estábamos consumiendo mucho, debieron hacernos más caso. Pero bueno. Al final, nos tenían que sellar el boleto de estacionamiento y nos dijeron que como ya no tenían más calcomanías, teníamos que pagar el precio completo del estacionamiento. La verdad, el monto extra no fue lo que nos caló, si no que después de haber consumido una cuenta de más de 3k, nos dijeran que ya no tenían sellos y ya. Sin explicaciones. Fue el guardia del estacionamiento quien más o menos nos explicó. Fueron varios los momentos incómodos y honestamente, eso amerita de sobra que ya no volvamos. Se veía muy prometedor el lugar. Qué lástima.
The food is so-so and so are the cocktails. I really liked that the drinks are brought in very cute containers. I didn't take photos of all of them but they all have a very good presentation. On the other hand, the service is very slow and the waiters treated us badly. Even rude. It took more than 40 minutes to bring the first pizza and when we asked about it they were upset. We understand that when there is a full house, the waiters have more work but that does not justify their being so indifferent and rude. We were a table of 6 and we were consuming a lot, they should have paid more attention to us. Oh well. In the end, they had to stamp our parking ticket and told us that since they had no more stickers, we had to pay full price for parking. The truth is, the extra amount was not what struck us, but after having consumed an account of more than 3k, they told us that they no longer had stamps and that's it. Without explanation. It was the parking lot guard who more or less explained it to us. There were several uncomfortable moments and honestly, that more than deserves that we no longer return. The place looked very promising. What a pity.
Julia GB on Google

El lugar esta muy bonito y la atención de los meseros es excelente, te explican muy bien su menú de bebidas. La comida está bien, pedí tapas 5 al azar y aguachile de camaron, las tapas me encantaron pero al aguachile le falto sazón. Pedimos varias bebidas y he de decir que me gusto mucho las qué son con Gin, especialmente la de Gin con maracuya y la del pony de la pradera.
The place is very nice and the attention of the waiters is excellent, they explain their drink menu very well. The food is good, I randomly ordered 5 tapas and shrimp aguachile, I loved the tapas but the aguachile lacked seasoning. We ordered several drinks and I have to say that I really liked the ones with Gin, especially the Gin with passion fruit and the one with the prairie pony.
Wi Ld on Google

Nice rooftop location
Aymme García on Google

Nice ✨
Laura Campos on Google

Beautiful roof patio, design and decoration!
luis garcia on Google

Bad service, and poor food quality. It takes ages to have your food.
Ð on Google

Great choice of cocktails. Don't expect to hear each other over loud music
Ellen Fritz on Google

Horrible food. The hummus was dry and clumpy. We ordered a pizza with arugula and mushrooms. It was pure, thick cheese and we couldn’t see or taste any pizza sauce. It had about 8 mushrooms on it and 8 tiny slivers of arugula. Worst pizza ever! My friend ordered a glass of white wine and when she sipped it, it was completely fermented so she sent it back and ordered a glass of Prosecco. When we got the bill, the nasty wine was not taken off. We questioned them and they refused to take it off. The ambience of the place is nice (once you can find it), but food and management severely lacking. Stay away!! And their was absolutely no discount on our bill as the owner states. They were, in fact, very rude, when we asked about it.

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