BBVA BANCOMER Plaza Loreto - 72240 Puebla

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BBVA BANCOMER Plaza Loreto

Calz. Ignacio Zaragoza 266, Centro Comercial Plaza Loreto, 72240 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Paola galic on Google

Me han hecho caras en los bancos, me han tratado mal, pero de Bancomer no tenía queja hasta hoy: solicite desbloquear mi tarjeta de crédito y me enviaron con un ejecutivo, me atendió el que dice ser su director, y SE BURLO VILMENTE DE MI, le expliqué mi situación, me dijo que solicitaban mi comprobante de domicilio, le dije que lo tenía digital y SONRIO EN BURLA. LO PEOR ES QUE LO PREGUNTE A QUE HORA CERRABAN Y CASI RIÉNDOSE ME DIJO QUE EN UNOS MINUTOS. LA PEOR EXPERIENCIA. Eviten a toda costa este lugar.
They have made faces at me in the banks, they have treated me badly, but from Bancomer I had no complaint until today: I asked to unblock my credit card and they sent me with an executive, the one who claims to be their director attended to me, and I WAS MOCKED BY MY , I explained my situation to him, he told me that they requested my proof of address, I told him that I had it digital and I SMILE IN BURLA. THE WORST THING IS THAT HE ASKED WHAT TIME TO CLOSE AND ALMOST LAUGHING HE TOLD ME THAT IN A FEW MINUTES. THE WORST EXPERIENCE. Avoid this place at all costs.
Jair Van on Google

Mi madre fue a realizar un deposito y le salieron que en ventanilla no se podía realizar, que se hiciera en practicaja se les pidió apoyo y les da flojera, sino quieren trabajar mejor dedíquense a otra cosa.
My mother went to make a deposit and they came out that it could not be done at the window, that it was done in practice, they were asked for their support and they were lazy, if they did not want to work better, dedicate themselves to something else.
Sergio Iván García Vázquez on Google

Llevamos mas de 3 horas y no avanza la fila para pasar con los ejecutivos y la chica que está en recepción les dice a los que se forman que demorarán de 2 a 3 horas para que no se formen y que de todas maneras ellos cierran a las 2:30 si no da tiempo que pasen no los van a atender.
We have been in for more than 3 hours and the line does not advance to pass with the executives and the girl at the reception tells those who are in training that it will take 2 to 3 hours for them not to form and that anyway they close at 2:30 if there is no time for them to pass, they will not be attended to.
Maria Elena Sierra Soria on Google

Pésimo servicio, no solo no hacen los tramites solicitados encima exigen que vaya el titular que es difunto desde marzo del 2020
Terrible service, not only do they not do the procedures requested above, they demand that the owner go, who has been deceased since March 2020
Laura Alejandra Merlo on Google

En verdad es increíble los flojos que son los trabajadores y especialmente uno llamado Abrahm Mora (cómo se escriba) llevaba todos mis documentos todos y eran 3:25 pm y lo único que hacía era preguntar a los que estábamos formados qué trámite haríamos y a muchos nos decía que ellos cierran a las 4 y que sino alcanzábamos lo supiéramos, le comentamos que el trámite que haríamos era muy rápido por lo que estábamos conscientes y aún así insistió en que si estábamos seguros de quedarnos, le dijimos que si, cuando ya tocó pasar, nos revisó nuevamente los papeles, que eran requisitos, el comprobante de domicilio y la INE y finalmente nos dice que el comprobante de total Play no era válido porque era impreso, le enseñamos que ahora la nueva modalidad es digital, así que nos pidió un email que fuera verificado de dicho recibo, de igual forma se lo mostramos y nos dijo que no sabía si pasaría y que preguntaría, se metió a pregunté, demoro (usando tiempo del que según él ya era limitado) y sale diciendo que no es válido ese pero si el de la Luz, Telmex entre otros, menos total Play, le enseñe ahora el de la Luz digital y dijo que ese si pero que ahora lo fuera a imprimir, en verdad es muy triste que con tal de no atender entre ellos sean tan groseros, espero que pronto lo despidan por gente así lo
It is really incredible how lazy the workers are and especially one called Abrahm Mora (how do you write it) had all my documents and it was 3:25 pm and all he did was ask those of us who were trained what procedure we would do and many of us He said that they close at 4 o'clock and that if we did not reach it, we would know, we told him that the procedure we would do was very fast, so we were aware and even so he insisted that if we were sure to stay, we said yes, when it was time to pass , he reviewed the papers again, which were requirements, the proof of address and the INE and finally told us that the proof of total Play was not valid because it was printed, we taught him that now the new modality is digital, so he asked us for a email that was verified of said receipt, in the same way we showed it to him and he told us that he did not know if it would happen and that he would ask, he asked, I delay (using time that according to him was already limited) and leaves saying that this is not valid, but if the one from the Light, Telmex among others, less total Play, I now show him the one from the digital Light and he said that yes but now he would print it, it is really very sad that with such of not attending each other are so rude, I hope they will soon fire him for people like that
Erik Albarran on Google

Pésimo servicio, hoy 23.12.2021 entre las 9:15 y 9:30 acudí a la sucursal para un trámite y al llegar no me dieron el acceso para pasar con un asesor; el motivo fue que según ellos no traia completo los documentos para el trámite. Ayer marque a línea BBVA y me dijeron que solo requería comprobante de domicilio e INE, pese a haberlos dicho eso me negaron la entrada, volví a marcar a la línea BBVA y me volvieron a decir lo mismo (solo comprobante de domicilio e INE) y delante de las cuatro personas (3 hombres 1 mujer) de la sucursal de Plaza Loreto la señorita de la línea de BBVA les repitió lo mismo y les solicito que les llamaran a la línea para corroborar. Uno de los cuatro señores comento que no hiban a marcar, no me voltearon a ver ni siquiera y de hecho la mujer comento que llmarrian a la patrulla y además me retirarían la cuenta por estar ahí. Por cierto nunca me quisieron dar sus nombres BBVA estás de acuerdo con el trato que me dieron tus empleados?
Terrible service, today 12.23.2021 between 9:15 and 9:30 I went to the branch for a procedure and upon arrival they did not give me access to go to an advisor; The reason was that according to them he did not have the complete documents for the process. Yesterday I dialed the BBVA line and they told me that I only required proof of address and INE, despite having told them that they denied me entry, I dialed the BBVA line again and they told me the same thing again (only proof of address and INE) and In front of the four people (3 men 1 woman) from the Plaza Loreto branch, the lady from the BBVA line repeated the same thing and asked them to call them on the line to confirm. One of the four gentlemen commented that they were not going to dial, they did not even turn to see me and in fact the woman commented that they would call the patrol and they would also withdraw my account for being there. By the way they never wanted to give me their names BBVA, do you agree with the treatment your employees gave me?
Ignacio Zeferino on Google

Bien ubicado, generalmente l atención es rápida y hay varios cajeros para realizar tus operaciones.
Well located, generally the attention is fast and there are several ATMs to carry out your operations.
Nidya Patricia González Granados on Google

Para empezar te hacen esperar aun cuando ya sacaste cita, iba por un desbloqueo de cuenta porque en la app me solicitaba actualizar mi expediente, sin mentir estuve 1 hora y media esperando mientras veia como atendían a otros, la ejecutiva que me atendió me dijo que tenían que cobrarme una comisión mensual o tenia que vincular mi cuenta a un seguro para que me descontaran 200 al mes y que era la única manera de desbloquear la cuenta, llevé mi comprobante de domicilio de enero y yo fui en marzo y me dijo que no era aceptable porque quería uno mas reciente, (siendo que es no mayor a 3 meses) le dije que solo me querían sacar dinero y que no quería ningún seguro. A parte me dijo que iba a tardar de 30 a 45 min para que se desbloqueara, tuve que ir a la suc. de Plaza Tolin donde un chico muy amable me atendió, no hice fila y en 12 min me desbloqueó la cuenta. Si van a hacer un trámite no vayan a esa sucursal, solo atienden si vas a pedir un crédito o quieren meterte a fuerza un seguro innecesario, pésimo servicio!
To begin with, they make you wait even when you already made an appointment, I was going to unlock my account because in the app it asked me to update my file, without lying I was waiting 1 hour and a half while I saw how they attended to others, the executive who attended me told me that they had to charge me a monthly commission or I had to link my account to insurance so that they deducted 200 per month and that was the only way to unlock the account, I brought my proof of address from January and I went in March and he told me no It was acceptable because I wanted a more recent one, (being that it is not older than 3 months) I told him that they only wanted to get money from me and that I did not want any insurance. Besides, he told me that it would take 30 to 45 minutes for it to unlock, I had to go to the suc. from Plaza Tolin where a very kind guy attended me, I didn't stand in line and in 12 minutes he unlocked my account. If you are going to carry out a procedure, do not go to that branch, they only attend if you are going to ask for a loan or they want to force unnecessary insurance on you, lousy service!

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