BBVA Bancomer Rio San Joaquin Square - Santa Cruz Acayucan

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BBVA Bancomer Rio San Joaquin Square

Address :

11250 Interior Río San Juaquin 704 10 de Abril, Santa Cruz Acayucan, 02770 Ciudad de México, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 02770
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City : Ciudad de México

11250 Interior Río San Juaquin 704 10 de Abril, Santa Cruz Acayucan, 02770 Ciudad de México, Mexico
J G A on Google

Me atendieron bien y amablemente, especialmente la señorita de la ventanilla, sugiero preguntar ante cualquier trámite sus opciones en línea bancomer para ir informados y no encuentren trabas en el proceso, sobre todo si les dicen eso de ir a la sucursal de origen y cosas de ese estilo
They treated me well and kindly, especially the lady of the window, I suggest asking before any procedure their options online bancomer to be informed and do not find obstacles in the process, especially if they say that to go to the branch of origin and things of that style
Adara CHz on Google

Muy mala atención, espere 1 horay 30 minutos para que al final no me atendieran. Le brindaron prioridad a un judío y su compañía que llevaba, de echo, les permitieron ingresar a los dos, el tipo hablando por celular adentro de la sucursal y ni quien le dijera que esta prohibido adicional, con esta pandemia se sabe que solo pasa una persona. El director de sucursal Daniel Cedillo García, no hizo nada al respecto, al contrario los atendió por más de una hora. Volví a regresar y la atención de parte del personal ejecutivo es nefasta, te atienden sin ganas, como si te hicieran un favor, es como ir al IMSS.
Very bad attention, I waited 1 hour and 30 minutes so that in the end they did not attend me. They gave priority to a Jew and his company that he was carrying, in fact, they allowed both of them to enter, the guy talking on a cell phone inside the branch and not even whoever told him that it is forbidden additional, with this pandemic it is known that only one happens person. The branch director Daniel Cedillo García did nothing about it, on the contrary he attended them for more than an hour. I came back again and the attention from the executive staff is disastrous, they treat you reluctantly, as if they were doing you a favor, it's like going to the IMSS.
Sara Alcocer on Google

El banco bien, la sucursal pésima; extremadamente lenta, los turnos no los respetan , personas que llegan mucho después pasan primero con los ejecutivos. Independientemente del trámite los ejecutivos muy lentos , la última vez que estuve ahí fui por un cambio de email y tarde 3 horas para eso. Par a que quedara mal, ni me llegan las alertas , esta desconfigurado y se tendré que ir otra vez y esperar otras tres horas. Mal con esa sucursal. Y hay poca gente, imagínense cuando este la Embajada de USA cuiden eso.
The bank is good, the branch is terrible; extremely slow, shifts are not respected, people who arrive much later go first with executives. Regardless of the process, the executives are very slow, the last time I was there I went for an email change and it took 3 hours for that. To make it look bad, I don't even get the alerts, it's misconfigured and I'll have to go again and wait another three hours. Bad with that branch. And there are few people, imagine when the US Embassy takes care of that.
UchihaAvenger3 on Google

He ido aprox a las 14 hrs y no hay mucha gente, lo cual es magnífico, me atendieron rapidísimo, como mi trámite es sencillo no he tenido inconvenientes.
I went at approximately 2:00 p.m. and there are not many people, which is magnificent, they attended me very quickly, as my procedure is simple, I have had no problems.
Elizabeth Aranda on Google

Terrible atención. El día de hoy lleve a mi madre 79 años y en silla de ruedas para hacer la renovación de su tarjeta de nómina en la cual recibe su pensión. y de acuerdo con lo que me fijo el chico que atendió a la entrada no podían atendernos por no ser la sucursal de origen. Me enviaba hasta Xochimilco, lo cual es más que absurdo y discriminatorio. Me retire y acudí a otra sucursal cercana, dónde nos atendieron de manera inmediata. Espero que haya por lo menos un llamado de atención a este "jefe".
Terrible attention. Today I took my 79-year-old mother in a wheelchair to renew her payroll card on which she receives her pension. And according to what I noticed, the boy who attended the entrance could not attend us because it was not the branch of origin. He sent me to Xochimilco, which is more than absurd and discriminatory. I retired and went to another nearby branch, where they treated us immediately. I hope there is at least a wake-up call to this "boss".
Ruth R on Google

Pesima atención por parte del cajero caja dos a las 10 a.m. 2 de Junio 2021. Primer banco que exige una hoja de ayuda impresa . Que "desde ayer se las exigen" cuando ayer mismo en otra sucursal no me la pidieron. Super pedante el cajero y el gerente o al menos estaba en la oficina peor que el. ASCO de sucursal!
Very bad attention from the cashier box two at 10 a.m. June 2, 2021. First bank that requires a printed help sheet. That "since yesterday they are required" when yesterday in another branch they did not ask me for it. Super pedantic the cashier and the manager or at least he was in the office worse than him. Branch ASCO!
Arion Elion on Google

Hoy es jueves santo (14 de abril) y aunque los horarios señalan que está abierto hasta las 4, en realidad se halla cerrado. Deben prestar atención a los horarios.porque a varios nos hacen ir y gastar tiempo o gasolina para encontrar cerrado.
Today is Holy Thursday (April 14) and although the hours indicate that it is open until 4, it is actually closed. They must pay attention to the schedules, because they make several of us go and spend time or gasoline to find it closed.
Chantal Berry on Google

Pésimo trato para una señora de 84 años! Es el banco donde tenemos la cuenta de mi madre por años. Fuimos el lunes 24 de enero a las 2:30 de la tarde. Ahí recibe la pensión cada mes de mi padre. Fuimos para cambiar su tarjeta porque ya no siempre nos dejaba sacar su dinero los cajeros, pues tenía un lugar dañado en la cinta magnética. Nos la cancelaron y ya para darnos la nueva tarjeta Nos pidieron un comprobante de domicilio impreso, ante mi sorpresa y negativa nos mandaron con una supervisora. Ella ya de plano y después de ver que si queríamos proseguir con todo y yo iba a ir a buscar una papelería para imprimirlo, nos dijo que de plano hacer el papeleo de su Actializacion le iba a hacer estar dos horas ahí, que además por ser una persona mayor las huellas digitales no las iba a reconocer y que mejor viniéramos otro día. Así que nos dejaron sin tarjeta y sin posibilidad de hacer el trámite. Ese día era el cumpleaños de mi mamá. Nos fuimos por no querer pasar la tarde enojadas ahí. Pero el trato es pésimo y vamos a cambiarnos en cuanto podemos solucionar nuevamente esto!!!’ .
Terrible treatment for an 84-year-old lady! It is the bank where we have kept my mother's account for years. We went on Monday January 24 at 2:30 in the afternoon. There he receives the pension every month from my father. We went to change his card because the ATMs no longer always let us withdraw his money, as there was a damaged place on the magnetic stripe. They canceled it and to give us the new card They asked us for a printed proof of address, to my surprise and refusal they sent us to a supervisor. She already flat out and after seeing that if we wanted to continue with everything and I was going to go find a stationery store to print it, she told us that doing the paperwork for her Update was going to make her spend two hours there, also because it was An older person was not going to recognize the fingerprints and we better come another day. So they left us without a card and without the possibility of doing the paperwork. That day was my mom's birthday. We left because we didn't want to spend the afternoon angry there. But the treatment is lousy and we are going to change as soon as we can solve this again !!!’ .

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