BBVA Centro Pyme - 97000 Mérida

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BBVA Centro Pyme

P.º de Montejo 454, Zona Paseo Montejo, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
Rosalba Velez Ramirez on Google

Un buen servicio, son rápidos y te resuelven todas las dudas.
Good service, they are fast and they solve all doubts.
Marco Aguilar on Google

Solo por decirles algo se siente una paz con el entorno ideal para pasear y relajar el espiritu.
Just by saying something to them you feel a peace with the ideal environment to walk and relax your spirit.
Claudia Lugo on Google

esperas bastante para que te digan que en ventanilla y a esperar de nuevo. (En otras sucursales del mismo banco nunca nos dijeron que en ventanilla. solo que teníamos que esperar una fecha de vencimiento) ??
You wait a long time for them to tell you that at the window and to wait again. (In other branches of the same bank they never told us that at the window. We just had to wait for an expiration date) ??
Niko di Mitro on Google

HORRIBLES CAJEROS para hacer depositos - marcas una letra en el teclado y sale otra, luego te pregunta si necesitas más tiempo, y borra toda la información que has logrado ingresar. MUY DESAGRADABLE EXPERIENCIA!
HORRIBLE ATMs to make deposits - you mark a letter on the keyboard and another comes out, then it asks you if you need more time, and it erases all the information you have managed to enter. VERY UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE!
AtencionaMigrantes Yucatecos on Google

Me hicieron dar 7 vueltas por un plástico, en cajas puedo entender que no tuvieran la información pero los ejecutivos muy flojos, con excepción del escritorio 6
They made me give 7 laps for a plastic, in boxes I can understand that they did not have the information but the executives were very lazy, with the exception of desk 6
alberto lujano rocha on Google

Horrible atencion de bancomer PYME , pesimo asesor como el lic.Aquiles (mal manejo ,no da la cara , da largas y se nota que no lee nada de la información que se le manda ) se nota mucho que entre ellos se incumbren para que la "jefa" no se entere , ojala la que este a cargo haga algo al respecto.
Horrible attention from Bancomer PYME, lousy adviser like Mr. Aquiles (mismanagement, does not show his face, procrastinates and it is obvious that he does not read any of the information that is sent to him) it is very noticeable that among them they incumbre so that the "boss" doesn't find out, hopefully the one in charge will do something about it.
Frederic Nicolas Desjardins on Google

They don't open accounts to permanent residents with CURP and RFC number. I was just trying to open an account. BBVA doesn't want my money, it's fine by me.
2hvnfun on Google

Horrible experience!! We went to open an account . The First Lady we spoke with spoke English. We went back to following day with proper documentation. The lady to help us was very rude and we were not able to open an account. Regardless of providing all that was required. I would not recommend to foreigners in the area. We were not treated well there and we were very pleasant to the staff. This was our experience today. So down to Santander here they are super helpful and friendly to foreigners.

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