BBVA Centro Pyme - 63000 Tepic

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BBVA Centro Pyme

Av. México Nte. 123, Centro, 63000 Tepic, Nay., Mexico
Yessica Gonzalez on Google

Tenemos mas d 2 hrs esperando y aun kntanfoo a k nos atiendan no es justo k x no ser cliente nos hagan perder tanto tiempo. Todooos tenemos kosas x hacer deverian d poner una fila k sea solo para los k no sean klientes. Mi muy humilde opinion, y otra para personas mayores k aki hay varias personas mayores algunas dormidas xk ya tienen horas esperando muy pesimo sercicio la vdd. Bueno al menos para los k no somos klientes.
We have more than 2 hours waiting and even kntanfoo to k they attend us is not fair k x not being a client makes us waste so much time. We all have koses x do they should put a row k is only for the k are not klientes. My very humble opinion, and another for older people k aki there are several older people some asleep xk they already have hours waiting very bad service for the vdd. Well at least for the k we are not klientes.
Marbella Carrillo on Google

La mayoría de los cajeros están sin servicio ah cada rato los quitan
Most of the ATMs are without service ah every so often they remove them
Andrea Vázquez on Google

Hola buenas tardes yo trabajaba junto con otro medico en el hospital y para cobrar el apoyo que nos dan por parte del mismo, es todo un show porque aparte de que estan saturadisimos de gente no podemos ir temprano por fichas las cuales dan de 8:30am a 9:00am y no podemos ir por que ya sabran que como medicos las jornadas de trabajo son larguisimas y luego tambien si tenemos pacientes positivos covid, cabe mencionar que entendemos que el banco tiene sus protocolos pero si deberian de respetar o bien darnos chance de pasar ya que todos necesitamos de todos y hace poco mas de 3 semanas un guardia del mismo banco me dio chance y puidimos cobrar por que sin el no se que hubiesemos hecho la verdad estabamos desesperados. Igual menciono nosotros somos de otro estado. Espero que se reflexione este tema ya que somos servidores de salud y deberian ser mas comprensibles
Hello, good afternoon, I was working together with another doctor at the hospital and to collect the support they give us from him, it is quite a show because apart from the fact that they are saturated with people we cannot go early for chips which give from 8:30 am at 9:00 am and we cannot go because they already know that as doctors the working hours are very long and then also if we have positive covid patients, it is worth mentioning that we understand that the bank has its protocols but if they should respect or give us a chance to happen since we all need everyone and a little more than 3 weeks ago a guard from the same bank gave me a chance and we were able to charge because without him I do not know we would have done the truth we were desperate. Just mention we are from another state. I hope this issue is reflected on since we are health servants and they should be more understandable
LLReview on Google

Sucursal fraudulenta. Obligan a clientes que abren nuevas cuentas a pagar por un seguro que debería ser opcional. Esto no se pudo evitar ni escalandolo al gerente. Si piensas abrir cuenta con BBVA no uses esta sucursal
Fraudulent branch. They oblige customers who open new accounts to pay for insurance that should be optional. This could not be avoided or escalated to the manager. If you plan to open an account with BBVA, do not use this branch
Lilia Antonia Reyes on Google

Buen día, porque se esta obligando a los trabajadores, a cambiar la nómina a su banco, les condicionan para el pago de sus incapacidades, me puede dar el fundamento jurídico por el cual les dicen que si no se cambian no les pagan su incapacidad, por favor y agradeceré. su respuesta.
Good morning, because the workers are being forced to change their payroll to their bank, they are conditioned for the payment of their disabilities, can you give me the legal basis for which they are told that if they do not change they do not pay their disability, please and I will be grateful. your answer.
Susana Gomez Suarez on Google

Me encanta la tarjeta, pero pésimo servicio, siempre que voy, debo de llevar mínimo dos horas destinadas a estar ahí sentada esperando turno, hasta tres horas eh tenido que esperar, malisima atención al cliente
I love the card, but terrible service, every time I go, I must spend at least two hours sitting there waiting for my turn, I have had to wait up to three hours, terrible customer service
esayure on Google

Pésimo servicio. Habíamos 8 personas esperando atención a clientes y solo tenían una persona atendiendo. 2 horas en promedio esperamos para que nos tocará turno para atendernos. Más aparte afuera esperando otros 15 min.
Terrible service. We had 8 people waiting for customer service and they only had one person attending. 2 hours on average we wait for it to be our turn to serve us. More apart outside waiting another 15 min.
Victor Alejandro Sánchez Meza on Google

El lugar está llenismo, hay mucha gente, les recomiendo que aprendan a usar el cajero automático porque regularmente suelen estar vacíos y haces tus movimientos más rápido. Pero de igual manera si prefieren entrar a las ventanillas deberán espera almenos 30 minutos para ser atendidos. Les recomiendo que vayan de 9 a 10 es la hora más tranquila
The place is crowded, there are a lot of people, I recommend that you learn to use the ATM because they are usually empty and you make your movements faster. But in the same way, if they prefer to enter the windows, they must wait at least 30 minutes to be attended. I recommend that you go from 9 to 10, it is the quietest hour.

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