BEO World - 01219 Ciudad de México

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Contact BEO World

Address :

Av. Santa Fe 505, Lomas de Santa Fe, Contadero, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, 01219 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : CDMX

Av. Santa Fe 505, Lomas de Santa Fe, Contadero, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, 01219 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Susana Rivera on Google

Buenas tardes mi hija también estaba convocada para BEO 2020 y por la pandemia el colegio Greenvalley School nos comentó que esperáramos porque nuestros hijos aún tenían oportunidad de ir y ya pasaron 2 años y han perdido contacto con la agencia de Mexico, alguien sabe donde podemos mandar nuestra situación somos 7 familias, gracias de antemano
Good afternoon, my daughter was also summoned for BEO 2020 and due to the pandemic, the Greenvalley School told us to wait because our children still had the opportunity to go and 2 years have passed and they have lost contact with the Mexican agency, does anyone know where we can send our situation we are 7 families, thanks in advance
Ana Rius on Google

Pesimo, muy iiresponsables en su accionar, tener cuidado con esta gente ya que no se hacen cargo y al no tener oficinas en cada pais, no se puede reclamar, se quedaron con la totalidad de los pagos de los programas en uruguay, cualquier cosa estoy a las ordenes para detalles legales desde Uruguay
Terrible, very irresponsible in their actions, be careful with these people since they do not take responsibility and as they do not have offices in each country, you cannot claim, they kept all the payments of the programs in Uruguay, I am at your service for legal details from Uruguay
Guada Pizzuto on Google

Realmente un desastre!! Desde Argentina, muchos colegios estamos hace 2 años con un viaje pago a Oxford, Londres y ahora la empresa no responde, solo pidieron, por mail, más dinero u$s 1200 de incremento para poder viajar... Somos muchos los damnificados aquí y en el resto de América latina. Estafa(?) parece que sí... No dan respuesta.
Really a disaster!! From Argentina, many schools have been with a paid trip to Oxford, London for 2 years and now the company does not respond, they only asked, by mail, for more money, an increase of US$1,200 to be able to travel... We are many victims here and in the rest of Latin America. Scam (?) it seems so... They don't give an answer.
Mara Perez on Google

Son unos inmorales, estafadores que incumplen compromisos, promesas y no dan la cara con los padres que pusimos en sus manos dinero para enviar a nuestros hijos a un viaje a Inglaterra. No confíen en ellos, no les den dinero. En Facebook hay una pagina que se llama @beo estafadores donde podrán observar la problemática del fraude a nivel Latinoamérica
They are immoral, swindlers who break commitments, promises and do not face the parents who put money in their hands to send our children on a trip to England. Don't trust them, don't give them money. On Facebook there is a page called @beo scammers where you can see the problem of fraud in Latin America
Alvaro Rosas on Google

BEO Son una tropa de sinvergüenzas. Ofrecen todo y después que uno les paga y luego desaparecen . No crean en ellos ... mi hijo que viajaba este año y cambiaron por tercera vez las tarifas ... No dan la cara tropa de sinvergüenzas
BEO They are a bunch of crooks. They offer everything and after one pays them and then they disappear. Do not believe them ... my son who was traveling this year and they changed the rates for the third time ... They do not show their faces troop of scoundrels
Sandra García Flores on Google

Mi hermana iba a mandar a mi sobrino en abril del 2021, pero debido a la pandemia tuvo que cancelar, envío una carta en tiempo y forma, ésto fue a finales del 2020, pero desafortunadamente no le han dando una respuesta, no le ha hecho la devolución de lo pagado, no le toman las llamadas y tampoco le contestaron los correos que se mandaron. Puedo decir, que existe una falta de empatía por parte de la empresa, además de hipocresía, pues mientras mi hermana estuvo pagando, todo le contestaban, pero cuando canceló dejó de recibir la atención que tuvo en un principio.
My sister was going to send my nephew in April 2021, but due to the pandemic she had to cancel, I sent a letter in a timely manner, this was at the end of 2020, but unfortunately they have not given her an answer, she has not the return of what was paid, they do not take the calls and they did not answer the emails that were sent. I can say that there is a lack of empathy on the part of the company, as well as hypocrisy, because while my sister was paying, they answered everything, but when she canceled she stopped receiving the attention she had at first.
Agustin Rosas on Google

Hola, yo iba a ir al programa de masters el año 2020, y por temas de COVID se “postergó”. Pasó el 2021 y nada, poco a poco fueron desapareciendo hasta que claramente como muchas otras personas indican, la empresa no se hizo responsable. No contestan llamadas, mails ni reclamos. No hacen devoluciones, NADA!!! No recomiendo esta empresa para nada!! Lamentablemente fui ESTAFADO. También les cuento la verdad sobre el programa, yo fui hace un par de años al programa de beo world, llegamos el primer día, nos llevaron al campus donde alojábamos y nos tuvieron encerrados en una sala de 40 m2 mas o menos, éramos mas de 40 estudiantes de distintos países, me acuerdo que ahí adentro estaba sofocado porque pusieron el aire acondicionado a una temperatura muy alta y sin ventilación. No nos dejaban salir y estuvimos ahí por lo menos unas 3 horas y media (ya que supuestamente todavía no tenían las habitaciones listas). El staff es precario siempre anduvimos por nuestras cuentas y menos se preocupaban de ayudarnos con el inglés, incluso nos decían que habláramos en español (ya que son todos mexicanos). El transporte que contrata el programa no lo encontré seguro, casi chocamos como 3 veces ya que el conductor iba muy rápido y frenaba bruscamente a último segundo, incluso paso a llevar el espejo retrovisor del bus un día hasta que lo rompió. En el bus íbamos 3 grupos de colegios (20 personas más o menos más los profesores). Mis padres hicieron un esfuerzo para que yo pueda ir ya que no es algo económico, ahora se perdió todo. Llevamos más de un año tratando de tener algún contacto y recién me mandaron un mensaje ayer. El cual indica que nunca me inscribí, cosa que no es verdad ya que tengo confirmación y papeles de parte de ellos. La verdad una vergüenza! Una ESTAFA!
Hello, I was going to go to the master's program in 2020, and due to COVID issues it was "postponed". 2021 passed and nothing, little by little they disappeared until clearly, as many other people indicate, the company was not responsible. They do not answer calls, emails or complaints. They do not make refunds, NOTHING!!! I do not recommend this company at all! Unfortunately I was SCAMMED. I will also tell you the truth about the program, I went to the beo world program a couple of years ago, we arrived the first day, they took us to the campus where we were staying and they kept us locked in a room of 40 m2 or so, we were more than 40 students from different countries, I remember that I was suffocated in there because they put the air conditioning at a very high temperature and without ventilation. They wouldn't let us out and we were there for at least 3.5 hours (since they supposedly didn't have the rooms ready yet). The staff is precarious, we always walked on our own and they cared less about helping us with English, they even told us to speak in Spanish (since they are all Mexicans). I did not find the transportation that the program hires safe, we almost collided about 3 times since the driver was going very fast and braked abruptly at the last second, he even took the rearview mirror of the bus one day until he broke it. On the bus we were 3 groups of schools (20 people more or less plus the teachers). My parents made an effort so that I can go since it is not something economic, now everything is lost. We have been trying to have some contact for more than a year and they just sent me a message yesterday. Which indicates that I never registered, which is not true since I have confirmation and papers from them. The truth is a shame! A fraud!
Dany Macneed on Google

Assim como outros devem estar passando - avisamos a quem possa interessar que não enbarquem nessa jornada...estamos passando pela mesma situação que outras famílias: eles não dão retorno do que foi pago, eles não aceitam as chamadas e não responderam aos e-mails que foram enviados. Durante as etapas do pagamento, a comunicação fluía, mas com a pandemia a viagem não saiu e simplesmente não respondem nem devolvem o dinheiro. Já tercerizaram para um escritorio de advogados que relata que não pode dar retorno por que a BEO também não dá retorno a eles.... Enfim, não entrem nessa furada. Just like others must be going through - we warn anyone who may be interested not to embark on this journey... we are going through the same situation as other families: they do not return what was paid, they do not accept calls and do not respond to emails that were sent. During the payment stages, communication flowed, but with the pandemic, the trip did not go out and they simply did not respond or return the money. They have already outsourced to a law firm that reports that they cannot respond because BEO does not respond to them either.... Anyway, do NOT do business with this company....
Just like others must be going through - we warn anyone who may be interested not to embark on this journey... we are going through the same situation as other families: they do not return what was paid, they do not accept calls and do not respond to emails that were sent. During the payment stages, communication flowed, but with the pandemic, the trip did not go out and they simply did not respond or return the money. They have already outsourced to a law firm that reports that they cannot respond because BEO does not respond to them either.... Anyway, don't get in this hole. Just like others must be going through - we warn anyone who may be interested not to embark on this journey... we are going through the same situation as other families: they do not return what was paid, they do not accept calls and do not respond to emails that were sent. During the payment stages, communication flowed, but with the pandemic, the trip did not go out and they simply did not respond or return the money. They have already outsourced to a law firm that reports that they cannot respond because BEO does not respond to them either.... Anyway, from the NOT do business with this company....

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