BLACK HONEY CAFE - 44810 Guadalajara

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #99, San Andrés, 44810 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #99, San Andrés, 44810 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Eva Jazmin Godinez on Google

Por lo qeneral siempre paso por mi café a la flor de Córdoba. Pero está vez quise darles la oportunidad y probar que tal estaba ahí el café. Llegue 8:15 am ( el horario dice que abren 8am ) de prisa y me dijeron que todavía no habían prendido la máquina para poder hacerme un capuchino. Que se iban a tardar 20 minutos. Y pues al final me quedé sin café por querer darle la oportunidad al negocio local.
For what generally I always pass by my coffee to the flower of Córdoba. But this time I wanted to give them the opportunity and prove that the coffee was there. I arrived at 8:15 am (the schedule says they open 8am) in a hurry and they told me that they had not yet turned on the machine so they could make me a cappuccino. That it was going to take 20 minutes. And well, in the end I ran out of coffee because I wanted to give the local business a chance.
Omar Carnahan on Google

Excelente café ?? Es un lugar muy agradable para ir por un café. Recomiendo que también prueben las opciones alternativas de brew bar que tienen. Es una excelente forma de probar la variedad de regiones que tienen de café. Probé un "Flat white" con un café natural de Veracruz, estaba muy rico y muy bien preparado. No duden en llevar una bolsita de café a su casa, la marca se llama "Poison". ??
Excellent coffee ?? It's a very nice place to go for a coffee. I recommend that you also try the alternative brew bar options that they have. It is an excellent way to taste the variety of coffee regions that they have. I tried a "Flat white" with a natural coffee from Veracruz, it was very tasty and very well prepared. Do not hesitate to take a bag of coffee home, the brand is called "Poison". ??
kasandra gonzalez on Google

El lugar es pequeño pero no le encuentro nada malo a eso... Lo que he probado de este lugar, a estado "bueno" (así a secas). el servicio de las dos muchachas que están ahí, sinceramente es malo. (No son groseras pero su servicio es malo). La limpieza de este lugar, la verdad es OBSOLETO. El manejar cosas dulces, y de comida, no significa que un lugar este asi de sucio y descuidado. (Más descuidado que sucio). Una cosa es que haya moscas en un lugar, y sinceramente las moscas se meten en cualquier lugar, pero otra cosa muy diferente es que haya "mosquitos" (los que parecen moscas pero más chiquitos) esos están siempre donde hay basura (no sé si lo hayan observado alguna vez, y no no solo en la fruta, o baños). Y creo que para muchos no habría problema que haya algunos, el problema en ese lugar es LA CANTIDAD que hay, literalmente son muchísimos, no puedes estár en ese lugar "Agusto" (sinceramente) se meten a tu comida, a tus bebidas, se quieren meter a tus ojos, oídos, cabello, etc, (literalmente en todos lados). si tienes ansiedad, y no estás acostumbrado a que animales se te quieran meter por todos lados, y si tampoco estás acostumbrado y no te gusta que animales se metan a tu comida y bebidas y se mueran ahí, la verdad en lo personal no recomiendo que vayan ahí. La vdd no sé si este decayendo este lugar, porque no lo conozco desde el inicio, pero eso es lo que da parecer este lugar.
The place is small but I don't find anything bad about it... What I've tried from this place has been "good" (just like that). the service of the two girls who are there is honestly bad. (They are not rude but their service is bad). The cleanliness of this place is truly OUTDATED. Managing sweet things, and food, does not mean that a place is so dirty and neglected. (More careless than dirty). It's one thing for there to be flies in a place, and honestly, flies can get into any place, but quite another thing is for there to be "mosquitoes" (those that look like flies but smaller) they are always where there is rubbish (I don't know if have ever observed it, and not only in the fruit, or bathrooms). And I think that for many there would be no problem if there are some, the problem in that place is THE QUANTITY that there is, literally there are many, you can't be in that place "Agusto" (honestly) they get into your food, your drinks, they they want to get into your eyes, ears, hair, etc, (literally everywhere). If you have anxiety, and you are not used to animals wanting to get into you everywhere, and if you are not used to it either and you do not like animals getting into your food and drinks and dying there, the truth is that I personally do not recommend that go there The vdd I don't know if this place is declining, because I don't know it from the beginning, but that's what this place seems like.
Gerardo Hdez on Google

Excelente el café y agradable el ambiente, recomendado ☕???
Excellent coffee and pleasant atmosphere, recommended ☕???
Alejandra Juárez Tolentino on Google

Una gran experiencia de sabores, el sitio muy cómodo, sus alfitriones muy amables. Instalaciones limpias y frescas, ideal para una tarde calurosa.
A great experience of flavors, a very comfortable place, very friendly hosts. Clean and fresh facilities, ideal for a hot afternoon.
Gabriela Rodriguez on Google

Me gusto muchisimo el cafe poison de nayarit, su sabor muy particular con notas que se quedan grabadas en la mente. Me hubiera encantado saber un poquito mas de estos granos de cafe y de algunos otros que tmb ofrecen. Probablemente me hubiera comprado alguna bolsita para degustarlo en casa pero lastimosamente la barisa del turno matutino muy poco empatica. Realice algunas preguntas para conocer un poquito mas del cafe y esta persona pareciera que no tenia ganas de hablar. Solo sirvio el cafe, otra chica me cobro y bye bye. (Cabe destacar que yo era la unica cliente que estaba ahi) Repito el cafe me encanto, el servicio no fue muy desagradable pero me hubiera gustado mas empatia y haberme ido con algo nuevo ese dia.
I really liked the poison coffee from Nayarit, its very particular flavor with notes that remain engraved in the mind. I would have loved to know a little more about these coffee beans and some others that they also offer. I probably would have bought a bag to taste it at home but unfortunately the barisa of the morning shift was very unsympathetic. I asked a few questions to get to know a little more about the coffee and this person didn't seem to want to talk. He only served the coffee, another girl charged me and bye bye. (It should be noted that I was the only client who was there) I repeat I loved the coffee, the service was not very unpleasant but I would have liked more empathy and to have left with something new that day.
Nay Morales on Google

Cafecito de barrio, ambiente relajado, acogedor, idóneo para ir a platicar. Su menú incluye bebidas calientes y frías, desde café hasta cerveza artesanal. Ofrecen menú de desayunos, almuerzos, comida y cena. La decoración es muy agradable, el lugar es limpio, la atención amable. Se ubica frente al parque San Jacinto.
Neighborhood cafe, relaxed, cozy atmosphere, ideal for going to talk. Their menu includes hot and cold beverages, from coffee to craft beer. They offer a breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner menu. The decoration is very nice, the place is clean, the service is friendly. It is located in front of San Jacinto Park.
Raul Manuel Esparza Ramirez on Google

The coffee and food were great. I love the taste of strong black coffee and thats how it tasted. The staff was efficient and friendly.

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