Blue Caribe - Oasis Hotel Tulum

3.9/5 ★ based on 7 reviews

Contact Blue Caribe

Address :

Oasis Hotel Tulum, Akumal Trail, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988797
Categories :
City : Akumal Trail

Oasis Hotel Tulum, Akumal Trail, Mexico
Alexander Kushch on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

My lindo lugares
My nice places
Javier Moyano Jativa on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

IncreĂ­ble, instructores expertos con grandes conocimientos del mar y sus animales. Hicimos con ellos la excursiĂłn del nado con TiburĂłn ballena y fue impresionante, hicieron posible la inmersiĂłn en los momentos clave.
Incredible, expert instructors with great knowledge of the sea and its animals. We did the whale shark swim with them and it was impressive, they made it possible to dive in the key moments.
Diogo Alves on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Nous ne recommandons pas cet opĂ©rateur. Le guide fait rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  un petit dĂ©jeuner offert, une fois arrivĂ© au port. Mais Ă  part nous vendre leur gourde (presque inutile), rien n'a suivi ! Nous sommes partis et Ă  la surprise gĂ©nĂ©rale nous constatons que le bĂąteau prend de la fumĂ©e aprĂšs quelques km's de parcours, le capitaine essaie de rĂ©parer mais en vain (il a fait de son mieux) mais ceci dit la sociĂ©tĂ© a trouvĂ© utile de mettre un engin tout Ă  fait impropre Ă  la conduite et Ă  la navigation au personnel (aucun contrĂŽle d'effectuĂ© la veille). Le personnel a essayĂ© de noyer le poisson maĂŻs nous ne sommes pas dupes, nous n'aurions jamais du partir dans ces conditions (trĂšs pauvre et pas du tout professionnel de la part d'une sociĂ©tĂ© sois-disant sĂ©rieuse). Sur le retour de la Isla Contoy Ă  la Isla Mujeres on nous annonce un voyage Ă  35 minutes, on a fini avec un trajet de 1h15 environ et tout au long du trajet on a Ă©tĂ© balancĂ©s dans tous les sens et mouillĂ©s, arrosĂ©s par les vagues, certes les conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologues n'Ă©taient pas idĂ©ales mais le bĂąteau ne dĂ©gageait que de la fumĂ©e et on a du s'arrĂȘter plusieurs fois, Ă  un moment les compteurs du bĂąteau n'Ă©taient mĂȘme plus fonctionnels (hors contrĂŽle), le personnel Ă©tait sans solutions, on n'a jamais vu ça. Une fois arrivĂ©s Ă  la Isla des Mujeres on nous promet un autre bĂąteau (enfin et ce n'Ă©tait pas faute de demander) et aprĂšs une pause d'une heure sur l'Ăźle il est Ă  noter que le remplaçant Ă©tait fort degradable mais au moins fonctionnel. À la fin nous en avons eu pour +/- 300 EUR pour une visite dans des conditions techniques pitoyables. Nous ne serions pas etonnĂ©s qu'ils fassent le mĂȘme coup aujourd'hui Ă  d'autres... Pour conclure, il est Ă  noter que la nourriture servie Ă  la Isla Contoy etait de bonne qualitĂ©.
We do not recommend this operator. The guide refers to a complimentary breakfast, once arrived at the port. But besides selling us their gourd (almost useless), nothing has followed! We left and to the general surprise we find that the boat takes smoke after a few miles of course, the captain tries to repair but to no avail (he did his best) but that said the company found it useful to put a gear quite unsuitable for driving and navigation to the staff (no check of the day before). The staff tried to drown the fish maize we are not fooled, we would never have to leave in these conditions (very poor and not at all professional from a so-called serious company). On the return of the Isla Contoy to Isla Mujeres we are told a trip to 35 minutes, we finished with a journey of about 1h15 and all along the way we were swayed in all directions and wet, watered by the waves the meteorological conditions were not ideal, but the boat only emitted smoke and we had to stop several times, at one point the boat's counters were no longer functional (out of control), the staff was without solutions, we have never seen that. Once arrived at the Isla des Mujeres we are promised another boat (well and it was not for lack of asking) and after a break of one hour on the island it is noted that the replacement was very degradable but at less functional. In the end we had for +/- 300 EUR for a visit in pitiful technical conditions. We would not be surprised if they make the same blow today to others ... To conclude, it should be noted that the food served at the Isla Contoy was of good quality.
Stephanie Jacquet on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Excellente expĂ©rience de plongĂ©e snorkeling avec les requins baleine accompagnĂ© de Pierre Alexandre Valentin. Moment exceptionnel et unique oĂč l'on peut profiter de Ă  quelques centimĂštres. Le plancton y est si abondant que l'on peut le voir, on dirait des paillettes argentĂ©es avec le reflet du soleil. Les requins baleine nagent tranquillement. À faire une fois dans sa vie. Et les animaux sont protĂ©gĂ©s.
Excellent snorkeling diving experience with whale sharks accompanied by Pierre Alexandre Valentin. Exceptional and unique moment where we can enjoy a few centimeters. The plankton is so abundant that we can see it, it looks like silver glitter with the reflection of the sun. Whale sharks swim quietly. To do once in a lifetime. And the animals are protected.
Jill Carr on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Still not received our pictures chasing no response be wary don’t pay your money up front
adesuwa igbineweka on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Our tour and our tour guide was wonderful.
Sebastian Thielen on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

On our honeymoon we really wanted to experience a snorkeling tour in Akumal to see turtles and sea creatures. Therefore we booked a tour with Blue Caribe. The tour included snorkeling in a private cenote and 45 minutes snorkeling in the open sea at Akumal beach. Our tour guide Jean-Michelle and our driver Ricardo were extremely competent and helpful and offered us a perfect experience, highly recommended. During our tour we saw several green sea turtles as also several rays and other sea inhabitants, the equipment was perfectly ok as also the bus.

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