Bodega Aurrera, Chac Mool - 77518 Cancún

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bodega Aurrera, Chac Mool

Address :

Av. Chac Mool 218, 216, 77518 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

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City : Q.R.

Av. Chac Mool 218, 216, 77518 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Tours en cancun Sol Riviera Cancun on Google

Sucursal prácticamente nueva, cumpliendo todas las medidas de sanidad e inocuidad. Los protocolos son aceptables e implementaron medidas para la rápida atención de los consumidores, cajas más ágiles y personal capacitado asistiendo en todo momento a los usuarios.
Practically new branch, complying with all health and safety measures. The protocols are acceptable and measures have been implemented for the rapid attention of consumers, more agile checkouts and trained personnel assisting users at all times.
Adriana J on Google

Hay de todo !! Los guardias desinfectan tu carrito de compras al ingresar, hay máquina para tomar la temperatura, hay maquinita para tomar gel, hay unos Lockers muy modernos para guardar tus cosas y hay maquinas de autopago. La atención de los trabajadores es muy muy amable y los precios excelentes !!!
There is everything !! The guards disinfect your shopping cart when you enter, there is a machine to take your temperature, there is a machine to take gel, there are some very modern lockers to store your things and there are self-checkout machines. The attention of the workers is very very friendly and the prices are excellent !!!
Jorge Paganoni on Google

Pregunta sería: Si las tiendas de grupo #Wallmart y #Bodega Aurrerá se ahorran salarios de las cajeras y ahora uno tiene que cobrar sus propios artículos como cajero... Que descuento o beneficio tengo yo como usuario?? Porque en esta sucursal siempre hay 2 o 3 cajeras y aún que hay poca gente, seguramente habrá muy pocas cajas funcionando y uno tiene que entrarle al quite... Deberían aplicar un descuento especial o algún incentivo para los que además de ir a comprar a sus tiendas TIENEN QUE HACERLA DE CAJERO Y AUTOCOBRAR SUS COMPRAS... ! No es divertido y es súper molesto tener que hacerlo con tal de salir rápido de las cajas... Debería ser una opción para el que quiera hacerlo. Y no tener que verse OBLIGADO a hacerlo porque solo hay 1 o 2 cajas con cajeras en TODA la tienda! #Wallmart avaro deja de ahorrar en puestos y salarios de cajeras y mejora tus servicios. El autoconbro no me beneficia en nada como comprador.
Question would be: If the #Wallmart and #Bodega Aurrerá group stores save cashiers' salaries and now one has to collect their own items as a cashier... What discount or benefit do I have as a user? Because in this branch there are always 2 or 3 cashiers and even though there are few people, surely there will be very few cashiers working and one has to go to the trouble... They should apply a special discount or some incentive for those who, in addition to going to buy their stores HAVE TO DO IT AS A CASHIER AND SELF-COLLECT THEIR PURCHASES... ! It's not fun and it's super annoying to have to do it in order to get out of the boxes fast... It should be an option for anyone who wants to do it. And not having to be FORCED to because there are only 1 or 2 checkout lanes in the ENTIRE store! Greedy #Wallmart stops saving on cashier positions and salaries and improves your services. The autoconbro does not benefit me at all as a buyer.
Lizbeth Sulub on Google

Excelente para ir por los artículos básicos del hogar, la carne se conserva bien, lo único que no me gusta es que no tienen prichos es lo único todo lo demás muy bien.
Excellent to go for basic household items, the meat is well preserved, the only thing I don't like is that they don't have prichos, that's the only thing, everything else is very good.
Ángel Trinidad on Google

Un buen trato, precios muy competitivos y accesibles, amplio estacionamiento, nueva modalidad al tener cajeros automáticos y rápidos.... Calidad y atención de 9.5!
A good treatment, very competitive and accessible prices, ample parking, new modality by having ATMs and fast.... Quality and attention of 9.5!
Rosario Moya Medina on Google

Amo las medidas de higiene que han implementado en ésta sucursal. Las proteínas en refrigeración cerrada, lacteos, salchichas y productos de mayor necesidad de refrigeración también, a buena temperatura. Mantiene precios bajos. También tienen cajas de autocobro.
I love the hygiene measures they have implemented in this branch. Proteins in closed refrigeration, dairy products, sausages and products that require greater refrigeration also, at a good temperature. Keeps prices low. They also have self-checkout boxes.
Chris Sánchez on Google

La primera vez que fui no me agradó mucho. Fue el día de su inauguración y todo era un caos. Los precios estaban mal, las cajeras desorganizadas y había mucha gente porque había cosas muy baratas. Un par de semanas después regresé y me agradó. Hay lockers que no ocupan dinero pero que te dan un papel con un número para abrirlos. Hay productos baratos y tienen variedad. Casi nunca hay mucha gente. El aire acondicionado tiene una agradable temperatura. Hay disponibilidad de cajas para auto cobrarte. Hoy fui y salí muy satisfecha con mis compras y mi servicio al cobrar ?.
The first time I went I didn't like it very much. It was the day of its inauguration and everything was chaos. The prices were wrong, the cashiers were disorganized and there were a lot of people because there were very cheap things. A couple of weeks later I came back and liked it. There are lockers that don't take money but they give you a piece of paper with a number to open them. There are cheap products and they have variety. There are hardly ever many people. The air conditioning has a pleasant temperature. There are boxes available to self-charge you. Today I went and left very satisfied with my purchases and my service when charging ?.
Teacher David de la Peña on Google

Finally a Bodega Aurrerá in this neighborhood. It has a fresh look with its classic style. It even has a "Pick Up" area. Looking for good prices and a lot of products, this is the spot. The lockers are automatic and the restrooms are well located inside the store on the last aisle. (This is like a Wal-Mart Style). The store is well organized and it has a mint look. Great store. This store even has a "self check-out" area to avoid lines, it is the first one in Cancún. For sure this is the most modern supermarket in Cancún.

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