Border Crossing Subteniente Lopez - Av México 125

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Border Crossing Subteniente Lopez

Address :

Av México 125, 77965 Q.R., Mexico

Postal code : 77965
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City : Q.R.

Av México 125, 77965 Q.R., Mexico

I went out of Chetumal, Mexico, to the country of Belize, and was extorted by the Mexican customs for 575 Mexican coins, and I will still find money!
Alexander Haller on Google

Un paso sencillo. Pero si eres extranjero en México, el impuesto de salida es de más de 500 pesos, que es recomendable pagar en el cajero del banco antes de pasar el pasaporte para el sellado.
A simple step. But if you are a foreigner in Mexico, the departure tax is more than 500 pesos, which is recommended to pay at the bank ATM before passing the passport for the stamp.
Juan Gr on Google

Puente peatonal para cruzar entre México-Belize. El cruce peatonal es durante las 24 horas del día. No se permite el paso a vehículos, el servicio de taxi es solo para el área de la zona libre el cual también tiene un horario para poder hacer uso del puente. En la parte de la aduana hay un punto en el que se hace una revisión para aquellas personas que compran mercancía para la cual hay un límite en pesos mexicanos, la cual si se excede se debe pagar los impuestos por ello. Para poder entrar con vehículo, es necesario utilizar el puente fronterizo de "Chactemal"
Pedestrian bridge to cross between Mexico-Belize. The pedestrian crossing is 24 hours a day. Vehicles are not allowed, the taxi service is only for the free zone area which also has a schedule to use the bridge. In the customs part there is a point where a review is made for those people who buy merchandise for which there is a limit in Mexican pesos, which if exceeded, must pay taxes for it. In order to enter with a vehicle, it is necessary to use the "Chactemal" border bridge
Juan Fernando Lopez Ochoa. on Google

Frontera de Belice cuenta con productos libre de impuestos, caninos y gran cantidad de mercancía para todo gustó, y para todo bolsillo necesitas ir un fin de semana y cotejar y comparar precios para hacer una mejor compra sin gastar más. Así que si estas en el Caribe aprovecha a visitar Belice la zona fronteriza con México y consiente comprando a mitad de precio.
Frontera de Belize has duty-free products, canines and a large amount of merchandise for everyone, and for every pocket you need to go for a weekend and compare and compare prices to make a better purchase without spending more. So if you are in the Caribbean, take the opportunity to visit Belize the border area with Mexico and agree to buy at half price.
Marcel Sproesser on Google

They'll make you pay the leaving fee even if you already paid it, and they'll say they know you paid it but will charge you anyways.
Jerry Aucoin on Google

Bring a printout of your airline ticket showing that you paid the "Derecho No Inmigrante." They'll still try to get you to pay $533, but once you step back and call your embassy they back off and let you through. Be polite, but stand your ground. If you flew in, you paid the taxes.
TxTonya on Google

Bring a print out of your airline invoice or receipt that details your taxes (not your airline ticket) to show you have paid your exit tax along with your immigration form you received from the airport or airline. Give them that and your airline receipt to exit. Stand your ground that you have paid the exit tax. When you enter back into Mexico the first small building on your right, stop there and get a new immigration form, go to the next building on right and enter. At the second building they have tables to fill out your form. Be sure to fill out section 1 and section 2. Go to the left and on the left is a small booth to get your immigration paper stamped and your passport stamped. Keep the small form section 2 ( they keep section 1) to give back to the airline when you exit Mexico via air. Be sure to mark you entered Mexico by land and air. Then proceed to leave the border by getting your car inspected which will be your last step. Give them your passport and the immigration form section 2 to view and to give to the airline when you depart. The buildings are not clearly marked. Some staff are friendly, helpful and speak English. We used our google translator which helped a lot. Download Spanish before you go and you can use even if you dont have internet.
Holger Pils on Google

Crossing on foot from Belize to Mexico: $2 BZD for bus from Corozal to Belize border. Quick chat in the office of very relaxed Belize border agent. Paid our $40 BZD departure fee and off we were into the Belize Free Zone. Walked past a Belize police checkpoint where they waived us through to the bridge. Across the bridge a surprised Mexican border agent ushered us into the immigration building. 3 friendly, surprised and very entertained border agents helped each other navigate the formalities on the screen of their computer system. Paid our 638 Peso tourism fee and on we go to customs. The 3 boys there were also surprised that we came on foot from Belize and somewhat haphazardly checked our backpacks and wished us a good day. A few hundred meters further we ran into a taxi line and some equally surprised locals were eager to find out where we came from and where we would like to go. Chetumal was the first assumption but we were aiming for Bacalar. $300 pesos was probably not the best price but since it was pouring we were not in a good negotiation position. The driver took us to a local Cajero Autmatico around the corner where we retrieved some effectivo to pay him and on we go to Bacalar! All in all a very relaxed and uneventful border crossing. Would have been perfect if not for the rain. Google refused to add the ATM location closeby the driver took us to. here are the GPS coordinates 18.4916915, -88.3952092

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