Cabello Studio - 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cabello Studio

Address :

Blvd. Eduardo Vasconcelos 403, Barrio de Jalatlaco, 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : Oax.

Blvd. Eduardo Vasconcelos 403, Barrio de Jalatlaco, 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
Viniza Serrano on Google

Me ha fascinado el trabajo. Mi cabello luce radiante. Los productos usados son de la mejor calidad y la técnica es invaluable. 100% recomendada
Alberto Mendoza Ramirez on Google

Es un lugar donde nos atendieron increíble. El servicio y el personal muy amable y muy profesionales. Nos dieron opciones para que nuestra estadía en el lugar y los resultados fueran los mejores. Nos manejaron asesoría y alternativas para continuar con productos muy buenos para segur con los resultados en casa. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.
It is a place where they treated us incredible. The service and the staff are very friendly and very professional. They gave us options so that our stay in the place and the results were the best. They managed advice and alternatives to continue with very good products to ensure the results at home. I highly recommend it.
Patricia Mas Herrera on Google

Hola a todos, Vengo a reflejar aquí la vergonzosa e indescriptible experiencia que tuve en Cabello Studio la semana pasada. Escribo esta reseña no desde el ánimo de devaluar de forma alguna el establecimiento, ya que todos los procesos legales pertinentes están en proceso y poco tengo ya que intercambiar con ellos, sino para ti, para el cliente. Espero de corazón que leer esta reseña pueda ayudarte a tener una experiencia positiva en otros de los muchos centros que hay en Oaxaca, y no poner en riesgo tu salud, tiempo y dinero como yo lo hice. Así que todo lo que aquí comparto, incluidas las imágenes, espero que ayuden a EVITAR que más personas tengan que vivir la devastadora experiencia que yo viví. Contaré la situación bastante resumida, ya que entiendo que una imagen vale más que mil palabras. El personal de esta peluquería NO ES PROFESIONAL, NI ESTÁ CUALIFICADO para cambiar o cuidar el estilismo de ninguna persona. Pedí un tratamiento sencillo en el que quería repasar mi corte y unas mechas balayage que ya traía de varios meses atrás. El peluquero Rodrigo, asegurándome que conocía el procedimiento trató de efectuar lo que pedí sin éxito. Adjunto fotos de la primera vez, la segunda e incluso la tercera en la que mi pelo tuvo que pasar por tratamientos químicos, rompiéndolo por completo, ya que estos “profesionales” aseguraban saber arreglarlo y proporcionarme lo que les había pedido. Para resumiros la experiencia, en ninguno de los casos consiguieron hacerlo. Llegamos a un acuerdo ante mi gran descontento con mi imagen y mi pelo de cubrirme todo el pelo de tinte de mi color natural, eliminar así todo el trabajo realizado e irme a las 22h, habiendo entrado en la peluquería a las 12h el día 31 de diciembre. No conformes con haber dañado mi cabello por completo, decidieron incumplir a medio proceso el tinte que me estaban realizando y echarme de la peluquería con el pelo sin lavar, medio tinte aplicado en la mitad de la cabeza y sin ningún tipo de miramiento por orden de la jefa Karla Cabello. Como digo. Creo que una imagen vale más que mil palabras, y ya me demostraron la falta de valor que tiene la palabra para los integrantes del estudio. Así que no voy a abrir aquí una respuesta o seguimiento a las excusas, justificaciones y otras respuestas que imagino que se les ocurrirá dar al equipo de “peluqueros” que conforman este lugar. Espero de corazón que esta reseña sirva para que puedas poner tu cabello en buenas manos, ya que aunque un peluquero debe ser alguien que lo cuide y mime, esta lamentable experiencia habla de si sola de los valores de este lugar. PD: Karla, compartir datos como nombres y apellidos de vuestros clientes, así como fotos que os han compartido de forma confidencial por WhatsApp es un delito, ya que incumple la ley de protección de datos que como empresa estáis comprometidos y obligados a mantener. Lo digo por las fotos que veo aquí compartidas y las numerosas veces que veo que mencionas mi nombre innecesariamente en los comentarios. Igualmente, no sé cuanto de profesionalidad brinda a vuestra empresa llenaros masivamente de comentarios positivos para camuflar este tipo de comportamientos deplorables.
Hi all, I come to reflect here the shameful and indescribable experience I had at Cabello Studio last week. I write this review not from the intention of devaluing the establishment in any way, since all the pertinent legal processes are in process and I have little to exchange with them, but for you, for the client. I sincerely hope that reading this review can help you have a positive experience in other of the many centers in Oaxaca, and not put your health, time and money at risk as I did. So everything I share here, including the images, I hope they help PREVENT more people from having to live the devastating experience that I did. I will tell the situation quite briefly, since I understand that a picture is worth a thousand words. The staff of this hairdresser IS NOT PROFESSIONAL, NOR ARE THEY QUALIFIED to change or care for the style of any person. I asked for a simple treatment in which I wanted to review my cut and some balayage highlights that I had already brought from several months ago. The hairdresser Rodrigo, assuring me that he knew the procedure, tried to carry out what I asked without success. I attach photos of the first time, the second and even the third in which my hair had to go through chemical treatments, breaking it completely, since these "professionals" claimed to know how to fix it and provide me with what I had asked. To sum up the experience, in none of the cases they managed to do so. We reached an agreement in the face of my great dissatisfaction with my image and my hair to cover all my hair with dye of my natural color, thus eliminating all the work done and leaving at 10 p.m., having entered the hairdresser at 12 p.m. on the 31st of December. December. Not satisfied with having completely damaged my hair, they decided to breach the dye they were giving me in the middle of the process and kick me out of the hairdresser with my hair unwashed, half dye applied to the middle of the head and without any kind of consideration by order of the boss Karla Cabello. As I say. I believe that an image is worth a thousand words, and they have already shown me the lack of value that the word has for the members of the study. So I am not going to open an answer or follow-up here to the excuses, justifications and other answers that I imagine the team of "hairdressers" that make up this place will come up with. I sincerely hope that this review helps you to put your hair in good hands, since although a hairdresser must be someone who takes care of it and pampers it, this unfortunate experience alone speaks of the values ​​of this place. PS: Karla, sharing data such as names and surnames of your clients, as well as photos that have been shared confidentially by WhatsApp is a crime, since it violates the data protection law that as a company you are committed and obliged to maintain. I say this because of the photos I see shared here and the many times I see you mention my name unnecessarily in the comments. Likewise, I do not know how much professionalism your company provides to fill you massively with positive comments to camouflage this type of deplorable behavior.
Stacy Howe on Google

I NEVER write negative reviews, but I feel I needed to share this. I went in to get my hair high-lighted and trimmed. Not only did it take FIVE HOURS, it literally cost me $270 USD (4830 pesos). I have NEVER had my hair take that long to do, nor cost that much in my life, and I’m not a cheap woman. I felt that was incredibly unreasonable both the length of time and the price. Yes, I ended up liking my hair (thank god), but I was concerned several times while I was there as to why the heck it was taking so long, and I was seriously concerned that the man who did my hair did not know what he was doing. I questioned why it was so much at the end, (especially when I told the man who did my hair that I was concerned how he was doing it, and stopped to express my concerns - basically, he foiled my roots, then reopened the foils almost two and a half hours later to then do the rest of the length of hair in the foil (i’ve never had anyone do that before), and I even stopped him to tell him that, that was unnecessary - after he proceeded to tell me that yes it was), and I was told “that’s the price, and our regular customers have no problem paying it, if you don’t pay we will call the police.” I seriously felt ripped off when I left. I will never be back. Needless to say, you have been warned. I hope this in some way helps someone else.
Memo Trejo on Google

Recommended Good place and prices It is better to call first to make an apointment
Netta O on Google

Very happy with my visit! We communicated through google translate, but they understood exactly what I had in mind and the outcome is great. ¡Gracias!
Omar Alonso on Google

This is the best place to take care of yourself, they have the best attitude and customer service, they offer coffee or drinks when you arrive and always make you feel at home. The salon itself it’s very clean and spacious. I go twice per month for maintenance.
Luis Cabrera on Google

If you either wanna get a decent haircut or a red carpet new style, you have to get it from Cabello Studio, not only they’ve got the proper tools and hands to do it, but their hospitality is one of a Mexican kind. Looking forward to come back for my next season look.

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