Cajero Banorte - 11550 Ciudad de México

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cajero Banorte

Address :

Av. Homero 229, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11550 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. Homero 229, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11550 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Gerardo Gonzalez on Google

Está en remodelación.
It is under renovation.
Yan Cho on Google

자동 기계를 탓할 수는 없다
You can't blame an automatic machine

Siempre hay demasiada gente y solo hay un cajero
There are always too many people and there is only one ATM
Monserrat Guerrero on Google

MUY MAL SERVICIO, el día de hoy 20 se septiembre de 2013 y quiero decirles que el personal es con toda la expresión de la palabra es muy "HUEVONA"
VERY BAD SERVICE, today September 20, 2013 and I want to tell you that the staff is with all the expression of the word is very "HUEVONA"
Gretel Manríquez on Google

La última ves que fui tuve un problema con mi tarjeta y necesitaba dinero pero ninguno me quería ayudar, querian que hiciera una bola de cosas que en mi sucursal nunca me piden si quiero sacar dinero en ventanilla
The last time I went I had a problem with my card and I needed money but none of them wanted to help me, they wanted me to make a ball of things that in my branch they never ask me if I want to get money in a window
Israel Damian on Google

No olviden llevar su última carta de los reyes magos, sellada de "surtido", así como su carnet con su esquema de vacunación al corriente, aparte de su identificación oficial vigente! Se retrasarán menos al querer sacar su propio dinero!
Do not forget to bring your last letter from the Magi, stamped "assortment", as well as your card with your current vaccination schedule, apart from your current official identification! They will be less delayed by wanting to get their own money!
Miguel Guevara on Google

Puras caras largas. Que mal le han de pagar a los empleados.
Pure long faces. How bad they have to pay the employees.
Ernesto H. Mendez on Google

Hoy acudí a esta sucursal en horario de las 2 de la tarde necesitaba ayuda para recuperar mi contraseña de la app Banorte Móvil en la puerta un señor grueso alto relativamente joven, me dice ser el subgerente le dijo a la muchacha de la puerta que no me permitiera pasar, el se colocó como una barrera y me dice que tenía que ir a la sucursal donde aperture mi cuenta, le expliqué que estaba cerrada y me dijo que no podía hacer nada que era mi problema si no podía acceder a mi dinero que tenía en Banorte confiando en este banco, detrás de mi una muchacha con el mismo problema, me dijo este señor que solo estaban para hacer aperturas de nuevas cuentas nuevas, y portabilidades de otros bancos hacia banorte, o sea en otras palabras, solo estaban para recibir dinero, no para ayudar a los que tienen dinero ya ahorrado en Banorte. Como es posible que alguien que diga ser subgerente no sea capaz de ayudar a sus clientes que han confiado su dinero a este banco. Luego fui a la sucursal de Masarik y la muchacha de la puerta muy amable y atenta me oriento que fuese a la sucursal de Moliere que eran los que estaban asumiendo los clientes de la sucursal donde aperture mi cuenta que lleva varios días cerradas, la del Hospital Español, acudí a esta sucursal de Moliere y efectivamente de manera muy amable atenta sus trabajadores más de uno fueron 3 me ayudaron por casi 2 horas incluso coincidió con el horario de cierre hasta resolver mi problema. Increíble que un funcionario maltrate y no se solidariza en esta contingencia con sus clientes sea tan inhumano y déspota además de desprestigiar una de las bancas más fuertes de México.
Today I went to this branch at 2 o'clock in the afternoon I needed help to retrieve my Banorte Mobile app password at the door a tall, relatively young gentleman, he tells me that the assistant manager told the girl at the door that I did not allowed to pass, he placed himself as a barrier and tells me that I had to go to the branch where I opened my account, I explained that it was closed and he said that he could not do anything that was my problem if he could not access my money that he had In Banorte trusting this bank, behind me a girl with the same problem, this man told me that they were only to open new new accounts, and portability of other banks to banorte, that is, in other words, they were only to receive money, not to help those who already have money saved in Banorte. How is it possible that someone who claims to be assistant manager may not be able to help his clients who have entrusted their money to this bank. Then I went to the Masarik branch and the girl at the door, very kind and attentive, directed me to go to the Moliere branch, which were the ones that were assuming the clients of the branch where I opened my account that has been closed for several days, that of the Hospital Spanish, I went to this branch in Moliere and indeed in a very friendly way its workers more than one were 3, they helped me for almost 2 hours and even coincided with the closing time until solving my problem. It is incredible that a civil servant mistreats and does not show solidarity in this contingency with his clients, is so inhuman and despotic, in addition to discrediting one of the strongest banks in Mexico.

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