Cami Esmeralda - 52930 Cd López Mateos

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Contact Cami Esmeralda

Address :

Plaza Esmeralda, Av. Jorge Jiménez Cantú, Rancho Viejo, 52930 Cd López Mateos, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
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City : Méx.

Plaza Esmeralda, Av. Jorge Jiménez Cantú, Rancho Viejo, 52930 Cd López Mateos, Méx., Mexico
Heddi Serret on Google

Por un lavado ocular nos cobraron 1,500 pesos, argumentando que fueron 600 de consulta, 500 del suero y 400 del kit de suero (la manguerita supongo). Un verdadero abuso
For an eye wash we were charged 1,500 pesos, arguing that they were 600 consultation, 500 serum and 400 serum kit (the sleeve I guess). Real abuse
Carlos Lopez on Google

Muy mal el resultado del análisis de Laboratorio TP+INR que venimos efectuando semanalmente Mayo - Julio 2020 , para el control y dosis del medicamento que se suministra a un paciente, por sus resultados erróneos se toman decisiones que afectan la salud. Que lamentable es encontrarse con este tipo de servicios de tan dudosa profesionalidad
Too bad the result of the analysis of the TP + INR Laboratory that we have been carrying out weekly May - July 2020, for the control and dosage of the medicine that is supplied to a patient, due to its erroneous results, decisions are made that affect health. How unfortunate it is to find this type of service of such dubious professionalism
Carmen Gomez on Google

Sin experiencia sin atención sin diagnóstico mejor me salí de ahí...y un medico sin cubrebocas
No experience, no care, no diagnosis, better I got out of there ... and a doctor without a mask
Master Rulax on Google

Me intentaron quitar unos puntos y me abrieron la herida de nuevo, cero profesionales.
Nadia C on Google

Ayer asistí a ponerme una inyección con mi receta correspondiente, 2 dias antes fui y muy amables me pusieron la inyección y todo muy bien, pero ayer lunes 12 de julio de 2021, me atendieron otras señoritas no sabian que hacer les llamaron a unas doctoras y me argumentaron que eran nuevas y no sabian que hacer, tengo neumonia por bacteria en una pequeña parte de mi pulmón derecho y no sabian si el medicamento a inyectarme realmente se usa o no para covid, aún que en la receta especificaba en el diagnostico que no es covid, me dijeron que en inyección covid es mas caro el servico, le dije esta bien tratame como si fuera covid, me dijeron que iban a llamar a otro médico para que hiciera indicaciones, y me fui, imaginense si por una inyección se ponen así, no hay protocolos de seguridad, no están capacitadas y no tienen médicos con criterio, me decepcionó mucho, y me entro una gran duda que sepan de medicina, imaginense si alguien va a hacerse la prueba covid? Y que realmente este muy mal, no saben que hacer .
Yesterday I attended to get an injection with my corresponding prescription, 2 days before I went and they very kindly gave me the injection and everything was fine, but yesterday, Monday, July 12, 2021, other ladies attended to me, they did not know what to do, they called some doctors and They argued to me that they were new and they did not know what to do, I have bacterial pneumonia in a small part of my right lung and they did not know if the medicine to be injected is really used for covid or not, even though the prescription specified in the diagnosis that it was not It is covid, they told me that in covid injection the service is more expensive, I told him that it is okay to treat me as if it were covid, they told me that they were going to call another doctor to make instructions, and I left, imagine if an injection is given Thus, there are no security protocols, they are not trained and they do not have doctors with criteria, I was very disappointed, and I got a great doubt that they know about medicine, imagine if someone is going to take the covid test? And that it really is very bad, they do not know what to do.
Ingrid Leber on Google

Es un asalto! Mi esposo tuvo una fractura de peroné y por inmovilizar el pie; es decir; por poner el pie en la bota que aparte es para que se pueda bañar sin ella, cobraron 1500 pesos, por la bota ortopédica que cuesta en amazon 870 pesos, nos cobraron 2710. La doctora no tenía la capacidad para detectar la fractura en la radiografía y tuvimos que esperar una hora a que llegara el ortopedista, por cierto muy bueno. En la recepción, la señorita, no amable y se equivocó al hacer las cuentas. Naturalmente a su favor! Abusan de ser ls únicos en zona Esmeralda!!!
It's an assault! My husband had a fibula fracture and immobilization of the foot; namely; for putting the foot in the boot that apart is so that you can bathe without it, they charged 1500 pesos, for the orthopedic boot that costs in amazon 870 pesos, they charged us 2710. The doctor did not have the ability to detect the fracture in the X-ray and we had to wait an hour for the orthopedist to arrive, very good indeed. At the reception, the young lady, not friendly and made a mistake when doing the math. Naturally in your favor! They abuse being the only ones in the Esmeralda area !!!
Seguridad on Google

Diagnosticaron a mi hijo de 12 años con apendicitis pedían autorización para cirugía emergencia, afortunadamente no acepte aún con sus advertencias de peritonitis eminente y resultó ser estreñimiento. Pésima experiencia, por poco hacen una cirugía innecesaria.
They diagnosed my 12-year-old son with appendicitis and asked for authorization for emergency surgery, fortunately I did not accept yet with their warnings of eminent peritonitis and it turned out to be constipation. Bad experience, they almost did an unnecessary surgery.
Xver Pededietor on Google

Fui por un dolor punzante, me quitaron el apéndice, fue necesario y aparte si lo dudé pero pregunté a terceros por favor vean primero por su salud
I went for a stabbing pain, they removed my appendix, it was necessary and apart from that I doubted it but I asked third parties please see first for your health

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