Candiles Shelly - Cuauhtémoc

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Candiles Shelly

Address :

Victoria 24 y 26 local 3 Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06050 CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 06050
Categories :
City : CDMX

Victoria 24 y 26 local 3 Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06050 CDMX, Mexico
Adela Morales Andrade on Google

Muy mal servicio, no entregan sus pedidos a tiempo
Very bad service, they do not deliver your orders on time
MrMonoTV on Google

Me convencieron de comprar producto solo por un envío, del cual al final no se hicieron responsables, la señora es prepotente, ignorante y mentirosa. Aún no me llega, pero no dudo que pueda llegar roto. En cuyo caso regresare.
They convinced me to buy product only for one shipment, for which in the end they were not responsible, the lady is arrogant, ignorant and liar. It still doesn't come to me, but I don't doubt that it can get broken. In which case I will return.
Erendira Solis on Google

NO COMPREN AHÍ. Si se pudiera le daría cero estrellas. La peor experiencia que he tenido comprando. Cero responsabilidad, mil errores, cientos de excusas. Pésimo servicio de post venta y atención.
DO NOT BUY THERE. If I could I would give it zero stars. The worst shopping experience I have ever had. Zero responsibility, a thousand mistakes, hundreds of excuses. Terrible after sales service and attention.
Mónica Cervantes Oviedo on Google

No compren en este lugar, quedaron de entregar y colocar mis lámparas y ya tengo un mes esperando. No merecen ni una estrella. Voy a meter una demanda contra este lugar. Todos los días dicen que vienen y que ya están cerca y nada que entregan. Pero eso sí quieren que pagues.
Do not buy in this place, they left to deliver and place my lamps and I already have a month waiting. They don't deserve a single star. I'm going to sue this place. Every day they say that they come and that they are already close and that they deliver nothing. But they do want you to pay.
Hugguens Mexico on Google

MUY MALA EXPERIENCIA, PERSONAL NEFASTO, nos dieron los lingotes de cristal que pedimos usados, rayados y despostillados, después también nos hicieron creer que así eran pero la realidad es que nos estaban dando los de exhibición por quiso final nos dijeron “pues elijan uno de estos” y les dijimos que habíamos pagado por qué nos dieran algo nuevo y en buenas condiciones, apesta este lugar.
VERY BAD EXPERIENCE, NEFASTO STAFF, they gave us the glass ingots that we asked for used, scratched and chipped, then they also made us believe that they were but the reality is that they were giving us the exhibition ones for the end they told us “then choose one of these ”and we told them that we had paid to give us something new and in good condition, this place sucks.
Juan Castillo on Google

Es un verdadero asco éste lugar, se comprometieron a entregar en 10 dias y entregarlas a domicilio, después de un mes en qué me repitieron más de diez veces que al día siguiente venían y me dejaban plantado sin siquiera llamar para avisar. Tuve que ir yo y cuál fue mi sorpresa, las lámparas ni siquiera estaban armadas y no les había llegado el ónix. Sigo esperando y ya va para seis semanas. Es un verdadero timo está tienda, compren ahí bajo su propio riesgo.
It is a truly disgusting this place, promised to deliver within 10 days and deliver them home after a month when I repeated more than ten times that came the next day and left me standing without even calling to warn. I had to go and what was my surprise, the lamps were not armed and had not even reached them onyx. And it is still waiting for six weeks. Thymus is a real shop, buy there at your own risk.
Erika L. T. on Google

Una experiencia pésima. Pagué al contado (2400)y quedaron en entregarme en 3 días. Se tardaron un mes y apesar de que se comprometieron a enviarlas a mi domicilio, yo tuve que ir a recoger 1 lámpara. Tuve que cambiarla pues la hicieron mal, prometieron solucionarlo en dos días y se volvieron a tardar dos semanas y media. La entregaron en malas condiciones como una burla. Nefastos! No gasten ni un peso ahí.
A lousy experience. I paid in cash (2400) and they agreed to deliver me in 3 days. It took a month and even though they promised to send them to my home, I had to go pick up 1 lamp. I had to change it because they did it wrong, they promised to fix it in two days and it took two and a half weeks again. They delivered it in bad condition as a mockery. Nefarious! Don't spend a peso there.
Dare Stevens on Google

Solo escribo una mala crítica cuando he tenido una experiencia realmente terrible. Me prometieron 2 semanas para recibir la luz, tomó 3 meses y 2 semanas. Mala comunicación y la luz era de baja calidad cuando se recibió con muchos rasguños, abolladuras y juntas visibles. Al ver que pagué la misma cantidad por una luz similar de excelente calidad de otra tienda que estaba agotada, me sentí muy decepcionado. Si lo puedes ver en la tienda y te parece bien, cómpralo. No pidas una luz hecha a medida.
I only write a bad review when I've had a truly terrible experience. I was promised 2 weeks to receive the light, it took 3 months and 2 weeks. Poor communication and the light was of poor quality when received with many scratches, dents and visible joints. Seeing that I paid the same amount for a similar excellent quality light from another store that was out of stock, I was very disappointed. If you can see it in the store and it looks good to you, buy it. Don't order a custom made light.

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