Capilla Virgen De Dolores - 38000 Celaya

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Contact Capilla Virgen De Dolores

Address :

Independencia 120, Col. Centro, 38000 Celaya, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Gto.

Independencia 120, Col. Centro, 38000 Celaya, Gto., Mexico
Raúl Téllez on Google

Es un lugar bonito y más para visitar de noche
It is a beautiful place and more to visit at night
Ismael Ramos on Google

En templo muy bonito en fachada e interior.
In a very beautiful temple in facade and interior.
Sergio Chavando Cano on Google

Muy bonita
Very nice
Joscopal Rodriguez on Google

Capilla cuya construcción data de 1680, en ella reposan los restos del insigne arquitecto celayense, Don Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras, apodado el “Miguel Ángel mexicano”, por su extraordinario talento. La Capilla consta de un altar y una imagen de la virgen de los Dolores, a la cual está dedicada. Ricamente decorada, es una obra de estilo neoclásico. En esta capilla Don Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras fue su estancia de retiro así como la decoración que fue hecha por él , así como pertenencias importantes de Francisco. lamentablemente la custodia la tiene la orden de los Franciscanos y no se encuentra abierta al público este año 2017 fue abierta un dia despues de diez año de haber estado cerrada y en trabajos de restauración
Chapel whose construction dates back to 1680, it rests the remains of the famous Celayan architect, Don Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras, nicknamed the "Mexican Michelangelo", for his extraordinary talent. The Chapel consists of an altar and an image of the Virgin of Sorrows, to which it is dedicated. Richly decorated, it is a work of neoclassical style. In this chapel Don Francisco Eduardo Tresguerras was his retirement stay as well as the decoration that was made by him, as well as important belongings of Francisco. unfortunately the custody is the order of the Franciscans and is not open to the public this year 2017 was opened one day after ten years of being closed and in restoration work
Juan Pablo Ruiz Franco on Google

Es una capilla de gran belleza. Un refugio y popular lugar para católicos y personas que deseen apreciar el arte que aquí está representado. Contiene muchas representaciones y esculturas que aluden a pasajes bíblicos y personajes históricos de la iglesia católica. Aquí se realizan ceremonias religiosas (católica) tales como bodas, bautizos, primeras comuniones, confirmaciones y funerales.
It is a chapel of great beauty. A refuge and popular place for Catholics and people who want to appreciate the art that is represented here. It contains many representations and sculptures that allude to biblical passages and historical figures of the Catholic Church. Here religious ceremonies (catholic) are performed such as weddings, baptisms, first communions, confirmations and funerals.
Marcos Campos on Google

Una capilla que sin duda alguna resalta la influencia europea en las edificaciones mexicanas, un claro ejemplo de la presencia de arte arquitectónico del estado de Guanajuato.
A chapel that undoubtedly highlights the European influence in Mexican buildings, a clear example of the presence of architectural art from the state of Guanajuato.
Daniel Garcia on Google

Capilla de gran valor para los celayenses, dado que dentro de ella se encuentran los restos del celebre arquitecto celayense Fco. Eduardo Tresguerras.
Chapel of great value for the people of Celaya, since within it are the remains of the famous architect from Celaya, Fco. Eduardo Tresguerras.
Andy Martinez on Google

Although Celaya has become very industrial over the last couple of years there are plenty of arquitectural gems to be found in the center of the city. Take your time to really take this cathedral in as you walk the halls you'll see the paint work looks like it was done yesterday. If you want to admire it's beauty in silence you should visit early in the day since the church holds regular mass.

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