CARGO RECHY S.A. DE C.V. - 15520 Ciudad de México

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Tenemos claro que ningún cliente es igual a otro, por ello te proporcionamos soluciones y servicios integrados de logística y comercio exterior adaptados a sus necesidades específicas.


Address :

Aaadam, L-6, C. 602 s/n, México (Lic. Benito Juárez), Venustiano Carranza, 15520 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7889
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City : CDMX

Aaadam, L-6, C. 602 s/n, México (Lic. Benito Juárez), Venustiano Carranza, 15520 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Enrique Díaz Marín on Google

Excelente servicio, excelente precio
Excellent service, excellent price
Sergio Zepeda on Google

Terrible: Primero, sus oficinas estan TOTALMENTE inadecuadas para albergar animales (sanitariamente, espacio, equipo, personal, etc, etc, Segundo: No tienen la menor idea de los requisitos, en otros paises, para importar animales (procedimientos, documentos, costos, tiempos, etc., etc.), Tercero: Dan informacion completamente diferente a la que nos dijeron las autoridades (de Salud, Aduana, etc.) de E.U., Cuarto: Su costo es altisimo, por hacer NADA y no incluyen costos adicionales de otros paises y aerolinea (tuvmos que pagar ya estando en E.U.). Exportamos de Mexico a E. U. un perro por Cargo (via AEROUNION), tuvimos que cambiar (comprar otra) jaula, porque nos dieron ellos mala informacion del tamano requerido, despues nos la cambiaron o no aceptaban el perro. Despues, nos pidiero el perro en sus oficinas 1 dia antes del viaje (sin razon alguna), quedandos en instalaciones deplorables. Ya llegando a E.U., nos hicieron ir (los de AEROUNION) a las oficinas de Aduana de E. U. 2 Km de sus oficinas, a las 11:30PM, lo cual hicimos para conseguir los sellos requeridos (que debio haber conseguido RECHI), pagar a Aduana (solo se acepta en cheque), regresar a AEROUNION (a las 12:30AM), pagarle a AEROUNION otros US$60.00 (solo en cheque), esperar 1.5 hrs por el perro, lo recojimos y nos fuimos a las 2:00AM, en una zona terrible, al hote. PAGAMOS MUCHO, RECHI hizo nada, y no sabian nada. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCIA -no se arriezguen- Terrible: First, their offices are TOTALLY inadequate to house animals (healthwise, space, equipment, staff, etc.), Second: They have no idea of the requirements for other countries, to importing animals (procedures, documents, costs, times, etc., etc.), Third: They gave us completely different information from what the U.S. authorities gave us (Health, Customs, etc.), Fourth: Its cost is very high, for doing NOTHING and do not include additional costs by other countrie's authorities and airline (we have to pay one in the U.S.). We exported a Labrador from Mexico to the U.S. via AEROUNION, we had to change (and buy another) cage, because they gave us bad information of the size required, then they changed it or would not accept the dog. Afterwards, we asked for the dog to be in their offices 1 day before the trip (for no apearent reason), he was left in deplorable facilities. Then, as arriving in the US, we were required to go (by AeroUnion) to the U.S. Customs offices, 2 km from their offices, at 11:30PM to get the required stamps (which should have been obtained by RECHI), have to pay US Customs (accepting only checks) , returned to AEROUNION (at 12:30AM), paid AEROUNION another US$60.00 (by check only), wait 1.5 hrs for the dog, pick it up and left at 2:00AM, in a terrible area of the City, to our hote. WE PAID A LOT, RECHI in Mexico and did nothing, they didn't know anything. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE -don't gamble with them-
Terrible: First, their offices are FULLY inadequate to house animals (sanitary, space, equipment, personnel, etc., etc.) Second: They have no idea of ​​the requirements, in other countries, to import animals (procedures, documents, costs, times, etc., etc.), Third: They give completely different information to what the US authorities (Health, Customs, etc.) told us, Fourth: Their cost is very high, to do NOTHING and do not include additional costs of other countries and airline (we had to pay while being in the US) We exported a dog from Mexico to the US for a fee (via AEROUNION), we had to change (buy another) cage, because they gave us bad information of the required size, then we they changed or did not accept the dog, and then we asked for the dog in their offices 1 day before the trip (without any reason), staying in deplorable facilities, and arriving in the US, they made us go (those of AEROUNION) to Customs offices from EU 2 Km from s Us offices, at 11:30 PM, which we did to get the required stamps (which RECHI should have gotten), pay Customs (only accepted by check), return to AEROUNION (at 12:30 AM), pay AEROUNION Another US $ 60.00 (only by check), waiting 1.5 hours for the dog, we picked it up and left at 2:00 AM, in a terrible area, at the hotel. WE PAID A LOT, RECHI did nothing, and they didn't know anything. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE -do not risk it- Terrible: First, their offices are TOTALLY inadequate to house animals (healthwise, space, equipment, staff, etc.), Second: They have no idea of ​​the requirements for other countries, to importing animals (procedures, documents, costs, times, etc., etc.), Third: They gave us completely different information from what the US authorities gave us (Health, Customs, etc.), Fourth: Its cost is very high, for doing NOTHING and do not include additional costs by other countrie's authorities and airline (we have to pay one in the U.S.). We exported to Labrador from Mexico to the U.S. via AEROUNION, we had to change (and buy another) cage, because they gave us bad information of the size required, then they changed it or would not accept the dog. Afterwards, we asked for the dog to be in their offices 1 day before the trip (for no apearent reason), he was left in deplorable facilities. Then, as arriving in the US, we were required to go (by AeroUnion) to the U.S. Customs offices, 2 km from their offices, at 11:30 PM to get the required stamps (which should have been obtained by RECHI), have to pay US Customs (accepting only checks), returned to AEROUNION (at 12:30 AM), paid AEROUNION another US $ 60.00 (by check only), wait 1.5 hrs for the dog, pick it up and left at 2:00 AM, in a terrible area of ​​the City, to our hotel. WE PAID A LOT, RECHI in Mexico and did nothing, they didn't know anything. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE -don't gamble with them-
Karolina Rododaktylos on Google

Es una empresa, donde trabaja la gente mentirosa, floja y desagradable. Conoci a su personal durante el EXPO Veterinaria. Mi proposito de acudir a ellos era transladar mis conejos de Mexio a Polonia. Al inicio me dijeron, que no hay problema, que tienen mucha exoeriencia y otras mentiras. Luego, me comunique con ellos para empezar el trámite correspondiente. Pedí la cotización de todo el servicio, pero lamentablemente no me respondieron. Les mandé mensaje via FB, y bastante rápido recibí la respuesta, que pareció una broma, ya que me pidieron que yo les mandé requerimientos para que mis conejos puedan salir del pais. Entonces donde se fue la experiencia de la cual hablaban tanto antes? Finalmente hize todo el proceso sola y los mismo recomiendo a todos, ya que el contacto con SAGARPA/SENASICA resultó ser muy bueno, rapidisimo y eficiente, por lo que opino que es un verdadero desperdicio del tiempo ydinero acudir a las empresas como esta.
It is a company where lying, lazy and unpleasant people work. I met your staff during the Veterinary EXPO. My purpose of going to them was to move my rabbits from Mexio to Poland. At the beginning they told me that there is no problem, that they have a lot of exoerience and other lies. Then, I contacted them to start the corresponding process. I asked for a quote for the entire service, but unfortunately they didn't answer me. I sent them a message via FB, and quite quickly I received the answer, which seemed like a joke, since they asked me to send them requests so that my rabbits can leave the country. So where did the experience you talked about so much before? Finally I did the whole process alone and I recommend them to everyone, since the contact with SAGARPA / SENASICA turned out to be very good, very fast and efficient, so I think that it is a real waste of time and money to go to companies like this.
Marta López Carreiro on Google

Viendo las buenas críticas que teníais y que además me habían recomendado vuestro servicio, quedé desilusionada con el resultado final. Al principio todo bien, recibí buena información sobre mi viaje y me facilitaron toda la documentación e información para el mismo. El problema llegó cuando se acercó la fecha del viaje. A finales de octubre habiamos quedado en que se realizaría la reserva del viaje de mis gatitas el dia 1 de Noviembre. La desorganizacion y la atención al cliente fue para llorar. Una semana antes de nuestra mudanza, estuve dos días esperando a que me llamasen para confirmarme el vuelo de mis gatitas ya que habían pasado del día 1 de Noviembre y todavia no sabia nada de ellos y la reserva estando a dia 7. Después de varios intentos de comunicarme, al fin me dijeron que el vuelo ya estaba reservado, así que les pedí que me mandasen la confirmación por mail. Como no me la mandaron ese mismo día que me lo dijeron por telefono, les escribí mail al dia siguiente rogando por la confirmación y además expresandoles mi malestar. Me dieron la confirmación de vuelo y ni una disculpa ni explicaciones por la demora y resulta que finalmente el número de vuelo estaba mal y que era un vuelo distinto y llegados nosotros a nuestro destino, no sabiamos si mis gatitas estaban en el vuelo correcto o si habian viajado tan siquiera, porque después de que en nuestro destino nos confirmasen que ya estaban en la aduana, vosotros me volvísteis loca diciendo que todavía estaban en México y que habían reprogramado el vuelo ( entiendo que pudo ser problema de comunicación con la aerolínea,que también vaya desastre, porque antes de decir algo así se comprueba la información). Entiendo que un tramite como este requiere atención y tiempo y precisamente por eso queríamos tener todos los detalles de su viaje listos y organizados antes de viajar, lo que no entiendo es que haya tenido que estar yo detrás de vosotros para que me informaseis de todo porque sino no me avisabais con tiempo. Yo entiendo que tengáis carga de trabajo y que a lo mejor tardeis unas horas en devolverme la llamada o en contestar mi mail, pero es que no lo hacíais, quedabais de llamarme y nunca llamabais y esa atención al cliente deja mucho que desear. Afortunadamente mis mascotas llegaron bien a su destino, que es lo importante y estamos agradecidos por ello pero sin duda, por mi experiencia yo no os recomiendo.
Seeing the good reviews you had and who also recommended your service, I was disappointed with the final result. At the beginning everything was good, I received good information about my trip and they provided me with all the documentation and information for it. The problem came when the date of the trip approached. At the end of October we had agreed to book my kittens' trip on November 1. The disorganization and customer service was to cry. A week before our move, I spent two days waiting for them to call me to confirm the flight of my kittens since they had passed the day of November 1 and still did not know anything about them and the reservation being on day 7. After several attempts After communicating, they finally told me that the flight was already booked, so I asked them to send me the confirmation by email. As they did not send it to me that same day that they told me by phone, I wrote them an email the next day asking for confirmation and also expressing my discomfort. They gave me the flight confirmation and neither an apology nor explanations for the delay and it turns out that finally the flight number was wrong and that it was a different flight and when we arrived at our destination, we did not know if my kittens were on the correct flight or if They had even traveled, because after they confirmed to us that they were already at customs, you drove me crazy saying that they were still in Mexico and that they had rescheduled the flight (I understand that it could have been a problem with communication with the airline, that also disaster, because before saying something like that the information is checked). I understand that a process like this requires attention and time and precisely for that reason we wanted to have all the details of your trip ready and organized before traveling, what I do not understand is that I had to be behind you to inform me of everything because if you did not warn me in time. I understand that you have a workload and that it may take a few hours to call me back or to answer my email, but you didn't, you just called me and you never called and that customer service leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately, my pets got to their destination well, which is the important thing and we are grateful for it but without a doubt, from my experience I do not recommend you.
Paola G on Google

Se tardaron mucho en enviar la información que necesitaba ya que me urgía saber por la premura del tiempo, además de que me comentaron que necesitaba un certificado de viaje vía terrestre para cruzar la frontera cuando no te lo piden.
They took a long time to send the information I needed since I needed to know due to the pressure of time, in addition to the fact that they told me that I needed a land travel certificate to cross the border when they did not ask for it.
Hiram Rechy on Google

Agencia aduanal y agencia de carga. Empresa miembro IATA e IPATA con varios años de experiencia y especialización en comercio exterior. Expertos en manejo de animales vivos y perecederos.
Customs agency and cargo agency. IATA and IPATA member company with several years of experience and specialization in foreign trade. Experts in handling live and perishable animals.
Andrea Razo on Google

Hiram, el agente aduanal, nos oculto información importante (que él tenía en la mente que no la había dado) Mandamos con esta empresa nuestra moto a Colombia, tuvimos una cita directamente en su oficina donde "nos explico todo el proceso" paso a paso, nos dijo que en Colombia habría alguien de su mismo cargo que nos ayudaría a recibir la moto y allá solo tendríamos que pagar los impuestos de aduana, cuando llegamos allá resulta que teníamos que pagar al nuevo agente aduanal en Colombia (cuando Hiram nos dijo que ya no habría nada más que pagar por ese concepto) 1.- nos cotizo mal, ya que el billete de avión salió con sorpresa de saldo más alto a pagar (700 dólares más ) gracias a qué no busca opciones de vuelos para comparar y darnos a conocer los diferentes costos y parace que es nuevo, normalmente debería saber que la dimensión afecta el costo cuando mandas cosas por avión y el por nada se preocupa por ayudar, parece que le importa poco, como el no paga claro que no le importa, solo te habla bonito y te dice que todo está bien que el se encarga, pero no sé encarga para ayudar... Seguro el dirá: el costo del billete no lo controlo yo (porque a Hiram le encanta hablar y justificarse) pero lo que si le competia era el enjaulado de la moto, el estuvo 100% con ese tema, el consiguió quien lo hiciera y bien pudo haberse asegurado de que la caja fuera más pequeña pero no, la caja en la que mando la moto era muy grande con espacio muerto que afecto en el costo del billete y que si le competia a él! 2.- estando allá, le pidió al agente aduanal de Colombia MENTIRNOS para calmarnos respecto al saldo extra que teníamos que pagar cuando el ya había recibido la información completa por parte del agente aduanal de Colombia 2 meses antes. Nosotros con el problema ya estando en Colombia, ya que si no pagamos no podíamos sacar la moto de aduana. La mala sorpresa fue de un saldo de 1300 dólares más de lo que el cotizo entre el agente aduanal, servicios de logística y el billete de avion. El problema no es que cada cosa tiene un costo, el problema es que nos haya escondido los costos e información y encontranos con la mala sorpresa cuando el dijo: "soy totalmente transparente con ustedes" o al menos, eso es lo que el tiene en la mente. Así que si les puedo recomendar mandar su moto a cualquier lado, mejor vayan con otro y dejamos a Hiram seguir mandando gatitos y perritos :)
Hiram, the customs agent, withheld important information from us (which he had in mind that he had not given) We sent our motorcycle to Colombia with this company, we had an appointment directly at his office where "he explained the whole process" step by step, he told us that in Colombia there would be someone in his own position who would help us receive the motorcycle and there we would only have We had to pay customs taxes, when we got there it turned out that we had to pay the new customs agent in Colombia (when Hiram told us that there would be nothing more to pay for that concept) 1.- I quote us wrong, since the plane ticket came out with a surprise of higher balance to pay (700 dollars more) thanks to the fact that you are not looking for flight options to compare and let us know the different costs and it seems that it is new, Normally, he should know that the dimension affects the cost when you send things by plane and he does not care about helping at all, it seems that he cares little, as he does not pay of course that he does not care, he only talks nice to you and tells you that everything is fine that he takes care of it, but I don't know he takes charge to help ... Surely he will say: the cost of the ticket is not controlled by me (because Hiram loves to talk and justify himself) but what if he competed was the motorcycle cage, the He was 100% with that issue, he got someone to do it and could well have made sure that the box was smaller but no, the box in which he sent the motorcycle was very large with dead space that affected the cost of the ticket and that if he competed with him! 2.- Being there, he asked the Colombian customs agent LIE to us to calm us down regarding the extra balance that we had to pay when he had already received the complete information from the Colombian customs agent 2 months before. We with the problem already being in Colombia, since if we did not pay we could not get the motorcycle out of customs. The bad surprise was a balance of $ 1,300 more than what was quoted between the customs agent, logistics services and the plane ticket. The problem is not that each thing has a cost, the problem is that he has hidden the costs and information from us and we find ourselves with the bad surprise when he said: "I am totally transparent with you" or at least, that is what he has in the mind. So if I can recommend you to send your motorcycle anywhere, you better go with another and we let Hiram continue sending kittens and puppies :)
Fernanda Mantilla on Google

Muy buena atención, resolvieron mis dudas me acompañaron en todo el proceso, mi mascota es muy nerviosa y la trataron como un miembro de la familia, quede encantada con el servicio, los recomiendo mucho.

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