Carolinne Sigu Clinique - 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz

1.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Carolinne Sigu Clinique

Address :

Hab Jardines de Santa Monica, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

Categories :
City : Méx.

Hab Jardines de Santa Monica, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
Arianna Reyes on Google

Es un fraude, cuando pedí información me dijeron que los malos comentarios de google eran por competencia y que lamentablemente los de aquí no se podían borrar o sea que borran los de Facebook que les diera la confianza y si no me gustaba me devolvían mi dinero y me realice el alaciado me cobro 4600 y me duro solo un mes me queje y fui nuevamente y me lo pusieron de nuevo y me quedó peor super maltratado le dije que no estaba satisfecha con el trabajo que me devolviera el dinero como había dicho y me dijo que no
It is a fraud, when I asked for information they told me that the bad comments from google were due to competition and that unfortunately those here could not be deleted, that is, they delete those from Facebook that gave them confidence and if I did not like them they gave me back my money and I made the screwing I charge 4600 and it lasted only one month I complained and I went again and they put it back on me and I got worse super mistreated I told him that I was not satisfied with the work that gave me the money back as he had said and told me not
Gabriela Mtz on Google

Le pondría 0 estrellas a este lugar, la verdad es que es un vil fraude hecho y derecho, no dura nada el alaciado, no es garantizado como se vende, pues si lo quieres hacer valer te da largas/te deja plantada y aparte se enoja si le dices que no estás satisfecha con los resultados... sólo atiende por cita así que es la manera en que se evita que vayas a reclamarle algo, y no es NADA barato, me arrepiento de haberle pagado tanto ($4,000) por algo que no servía, ojalá que no estafe a más y mi reseña y las de las demás les sirva, saliendo de ahí el cabello se ve sensacional, pero no es duradero. NO VAYAN Y NO GASTEN SU DINERO, es una estafa.
I would put 0 stars on this place, the truth is that it is a vile fraud, the flattened does not last at all, it is not guaranteed how it is sold, because if you want to enforce it, it gives you long / leaves you standing and apart gets angry if you tell him that you are not satisfied with the results ... he only attends by appointment so this is the way in which he prevents you from going to demand something from him, and it is NOT ANYTHING cheap, I regret having paid so much ($ 4,000) for something that It didn't work, I hope it doesn't cheat more and my review and those of the others will serve them, coming out of there the hair looks sensational, but it is not long-lasting. DON'T GO AND DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY, it is a scam.
Violeta Vázquez on Google

No me duró nada el alisado. Reconozco que cuando salí de ahí me lo dejaron asombroso. Sin embargo cuando me lavé el cabello volvió a su forma original que son chinos. Me hicieron un alisado permanente. “Supuestamente”
The straightening did not last anything. I admit that when I left there they left it amazing for me. However when I washed my hair it went back to its original shape which are Chinese. I got a permanent straightening. "Supposedly"
M B on Google

Me sorprende todos los comentarios que ponen. Yo me realice el Alisado, quede fascinada, segui las indicaciones que me dijeron y mi cabello luce sano, hermoso. Ampliamente recomendado, a las personas que se realizan luces, les ayudará (obvio tambien hagan su labor en hidratarlo, no crean magia por cosas que no ayudan ni tantito). Un producto nada dañino, estoy feliz con la atención y resultados.
I am surprised at all the comments they put. I smoothed, I was fascinated, I followed the instructions they told me and my hair looks healthy, beautiful. Widely recommended, people who make lights, will help (obviously also do their job to hydrate it, do not create magic for things that do not help or a little). A product not harmful, I am happy with the attention and results.
Romina Peraez on Google

El alaciado es un FRAUDE, el tratamiento es muy caro, y las condiciones para mantener tu alaciado es SIEMPRE USAR SECADORA después de bañarte, por lo que es como si lo alaciaras normal, si dejas de hacer esto tus rizos vuelven igual, no te dan garantía por escrito como dicen. Reclame, me citaron y me cobraron nuevamente por arreglar lo que hicieron mal, hoy por hoy mi cabello sigue como cuando llegue a esa clínica, rizado natural. NO GASTES TU DINERO AHI!!!
Straightening is a FRAUD, the treatment is very expensive, and the conditions to maintain your straightening is ALWAYS USE A DRYER after bathing, so it is as if you were to straighten it normal, if you stop doing this your curls will return the same, they do not give you written guarantee as they say. Claim, they summoned me and charged me again for fixing what they did wrong, today my hair continues as when I arrived at that clinic, naturally curly. DO NOT SPEND YOUR MONEY THERE !!!
Nadia Carreon on Google

El “alaciado permanente” es una mentira, para mantenerlo supuestamente tienes que secarlo inmediatamente después de lavarlo, obviamente se maltrata muchísimo y al mes ya lo tienes como antes y muy seco. Pague 3500 por un tratamiento que no duró, funciona más un keratina de mil pesos, cuando quise hacer algo al respecto me dejó plantada y después de rogarle me puso una mascarilla que me dejó el cabello horrible. Todavía quería que le pagara más jajaja. Nefasto! No vayan por favor
The "permanent straightening" is a lie, to keep it supposedly you have to dry it immediately after washing it, obviously it is mistreated a lot and after a month you already have it as before and very dry. I paid 3500 for a treatment that did not last, a thousand peso keratin works more, when I wanted to do something about it, he left me standing and after begging him he put a mask that left my hair horrible. He still wanted me to pay him more hahaha. Disastrous! Don't go please
Asuna Olvt on Google

Es un fraude!!! Acudes a la dichosa cita, te aplican un tratamiento el cual debes dejar actuar aprox 1 hora y que te deja el cabello oliendo horrible. Lo secan y proceden a plancharlo, efectivamente cuando termina queda de princesa. Sin embargo, al lavar tu cabello el efecto desaparece, queda peor que antes de aplicarlo, y cuando al tipo le reclamas te da largas y largas, argumenta que es el shampoo que usas o que no lo secaste como él lo indicó. Dice que el alaciado es garantizado y es una vil mentira. A mi me cobró $3,500, la estética está súper X, para lo que cobra no tiene nada de lujo ni profesionalismo. Chicas por favor no se dejen engañar
It is a fraud !!! You go to the happy appointment, they apply a treatment which you should leave for about 1 hour and that leaves your hair smelling horrible. They dry it and proceed to iron it, effectively when it ends it is princess. However, when you wash your hair the effect disappears, it is worse than before applying it, and when the guy claims you it gets long and long, he argues that it is the shampoo you use or that you did not dry it as he indicated. He says that the screed is guaranteed and is a vile lie. He charged me $ 3,500, the aesthetic is super X, for what he charges he has nothing fancy or professionalism. Girls please don't be fooled
Karla Mejia on Google

Niñas por favor no caigan en este fraude, te engañan diciendo que no se maltrata tu cabello y que dura 6 meses y a mi solo me duró una lavada y se me hizo como estropajo el pelo. Además me costó casi 4000. Al decirle que no sirvió me dijo que me lo volvía a hacer (cosa que fue un tema ya que canceló mil veces y según siempre estaba). Cuando al fin dio la cara, me dijo que no funcionó por que según tenía que secarlo, cosa que no te dice al principio (pues si no, que casi tendría). En resumen, una clínica del cabello espantosa, carísima y fraudulenta.
Girls please do not fall for this fraud, they deceive you by saying that your hair is not mistreated and that it lasts 6 months and I only had a wash and it was done as a hair scourer. It also cost me almost 4000. When I told him that it didn't work, he told me that he was going to do it again (something that was an issue since he canceled a thousand times and as always he was). When he finally turned his face, he told me that it didn't work because he had to dry it, which he doesn't tell you at the beginning (well, if not, he would almost have it). In short, a scary, expensive and fraudulent hair clinic.

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