Casa de Consertos - Vila Velha - ES

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casa de Consertos

Address :

Casa de Consertos - Av. Leila Diniz, 67 - Novo Mexico, Vila Velha - ES, 29104-070, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +79889978
Postal code : 29104-070
Categories :

Casa de Consertos - Av. Leila Diniz, 67 - Novo Mexico, Vila Velha - ES, 29104-070, Brazil
João Pedro Neves on Google

Paulo Sergio on Google

M. Netto on Google

sm doiszao on Google

360 Prime ES on Google

Jose Ferreira on Google

Os meninos me atenderam bem, mas têm que cuidar do prazo de entrega, ou então avisar. Precisei ir lá quatro vezes!!! Nas outras vezes, o serviço não estava pronto apesar das promessas e do compromisso.
The boys took care of me well, but they have to take care of the delivery time, or else tell them. I had to go there four times !!! At other times, the service was not ready despite the promises and the commitment.
Alice Ribeiro on Google

Deixei uma semana e pedi prioridade. Disse que faria e nem encostou na mala. Tinha boa vontade, mas via-se que estava atolado de coisas para fazer, mas sem qualquer organização.
I left a week and asked for priority. He said he would and didn't touch the suitcase. He was willing, but you could see he was swamped with things to do, but without any organization.
Dr. Anderson Maia on Google

Pelo menos para a minha experiência com o prestador do serviço, não recomendo. Atendimento um tanto confuso. Deixei minha mala de mão para trocar o zíper e entreguei os carros originais da mala de cor prata para não diferenciar dos outros. Quando fui pegar a mala, o zíper eatava trocado, os carros colocados foram da cor "preta" diferenciando da cor dos demais e os carros originais que deixei na loja para ser colocado, um deles foi trocado por outro de qualidade inferior. Moral da história: NÃO RECOMENDO!!!
At least for my experience with the service provider, I don't recommend it. Service somewhat confusing. I left my carry-on bag to change the zipper and handed over the original silver-colored suitcase cars so as not to differ from the others. When I went to get the suitcase, the zipper was changed, the cars placed were "black" different from the color of the others and the original cars that I left in the store to be placed, one of them was replaced by another one of inferior quality. Moral of the story: DO NOT RECOMMEND !!!

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