Casa Zocalo - México Central Rooms - 06000 Ejido del Centro

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casa Zocalo / México Central Rooms

Address :

José María Izazaga 34, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Ejido del Centro, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : CDMX

José María Izazaga 34, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Ejido del Centro, CDMX, Mexico
Francisco Delgado (Don Paco) on Google

Para empezar es un lugar difícil de localizar no tiene nada que indique que se trate de un hotel ,casa de huéspedes ó como quieran llamarlo,solo tiene un letrero con la dirección Izazaga 34 y por un lado de la puerta unos botones de interfón con letreros de una oficina de gobierno. Llamas por teléfono y No contestan. Las habitaciones demasiado pequeñas de aproximadamente 2 × 3 1/2 MTRS. Con 2 camas individuales,el área donde puedes moverte es muy pequeña,no hay una sola silla,una repisa para comer parado,una pequeña mesita que puedes usar como buró. Pero lo que no te mencionan es que NO hay servicio sanitario en la habitación,que son dos retretes para caballeros y 2 para damas y para todo los huéspedes del hotel. Las duchas están en área común,que había una sola tualla para todos,y si estaba mojada,pues no. Los pasillos en penumbras,sin tv solo en la recepción. Te ofrecen el desayuno y te lo cobran por adelantado,pero no te dicen que es hasta las 9 y te tarda 40" en llegar,y si mencionas que tienes que salir temprano No te reembolsan el costo,se lo quedan. Hay falta de higiene en general. NO LO RECOMIENDO, LO QUE PAGAS NO LO VALE.
For starters it is a difficult place to locate It has nothing to indicate that it is a hotel, guest house or whatever they want to call it, it only has a sign with the address Izazaga 34 and on one side of the door some intercom buttons with signs of a government office. You call by phone and do not answer. Too small rooms of approximately 2 × 3 1/2 MTRS. With 2 single beds, the area where you can move is very small, there is not a single chair, a shelf to eat standing, a small table that you can use as a bureau. But what they do not mention is that there is NO sanitary service in the room, which are two toilets for men and 2 for ladies and for all hotel guests. The showers are in common area, that there was only one tualla for all, and if it was wet, then no. The halls in twilight, without TV only at the reception. They offer you breakfast and they charge you in advance, but they don't tell you it's until 9 and it takes 40 "to arrive, and if you mention that you have to leave early, they don't reimburse you for the cost, they keep it. There is a lack of hygiene in general. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT, WHAT YOU PAY IS NOT VALID.
Santa Diabla on Google

Es ho-rri-ble!!! De principio parecen atractivas por ubicación y precio, pero al pasar de los días te das cuenta: desde que entras las escaleras están sucias y ese pasillo huele mal; en los espacios donde tienen plantas, años de no limpiarle; habitaciones sucias en todos aspectos ( muebles, colchones asquerosos e inservibles, paredes sucias) Ojo por si fuera poco hay chinches en algunas habitaciones tanto en camas como en mobiliario de madera; los baños siempre están sucios (limpian una vez al día y eso medio limpian) batidos los lavabos asquerosos, botes de basura apestoso y asquerosos el baño de mujeres siempre apesta a drenaje; las regaderas no funcionan, siempre sucias, bastante ineficientes, no calientan el agua, una instalación pésimasima; sin agua durante días, no puedes ni bañarte, la limpieza en general en cocina, pasillos y de mas no la hay, creeo ni trapean; aceptan mascotas y a veces los dejaban hacer pipí donde fuese, otras veces de las habitaciones de los dueños los orines de los perritos se salían y escurrian en el pasillo y obvio mal olor; casi nunca hay agua para bañarse ni para baños ni lavamanos ni en cocina; el refri no funciona tienen un frigobar que siempre estuvo lleno y asqueroso, trastes sucios y mal olor en la cocina sus botes de basura asquerosos y mal-olientes; me percate que se van huéspedes y ni sábanas cambian, ni limpian la habitación... Y no, nada que ver con las fotos de Internet, esta muy deficiente su servicio, pe-si-mo! Son amables las personas pero eso no quita lo cochino que está el lugar, muy económico pero, no vale la pena... Si pudiera no dar estrellas, no merece ni una... Si checan en todas las páginas donde se anuncian tienen mayoría de comentarios malos, quejas y de mas... Deberían de mejorar todo lo anterior y mantenerlo en excelentes condiciones y por precio y ubicación tendrían el mejor de los hostales
It is awful!!! At first they look attractive because of location and price, but as you go by, you realize: since you walk in, the stairs are dirty and that hallway smells bad; in the spaces where they have plants, years of not cleaning them; dirty rooms in all aspects (furniture, filthy and useless mattresses, dirty walls) Eye on top of it there are bedbugs in some rooms both beds and wooden furniture; the bathrooms are always dirty (they clean once a day and that means they clean) shakes disgusting toilets, stinking and disgusting garbage cans women's bathroom always stinks of drainage; the showers do not work, always dirty, quite inefficient, they do not heat the water, a terrible installation; without water for days, you can not even bathe, the general cleanliness in kitchen, corridors and of more there is not, I do not believe or mop; they accept pets and sometimes they let them pee where they were, other times from the owners' rooms the urine of the puppies would come out and run off in the corridor and obvious bad smell; almost never there is water to bathe neither for bathrooms nor sinks nor in kitchen; the fridge does not work they have a frigobar that was always full and disgusting, dirty frets and bad smell in the kitchen their filthy and bad-smelling garbage cans; I realize that guests are leaving and neither sheets change, nor do they clean the room ... And no, nothing to do with the photos on the Internet, their service is very deficient, pe-si-mo! People are friendly but that does not take away the pig that is the place, very cheap but, it's not worth it ... If I could not give stars, it does not deserve even one ... If you check in all the pages where they advertise they have a majority of bad comments, complaints and more ... Should improve all of the above and keep it in excellent condition and for price and location would have the best of the hostels
榎本渚 on Google

The bed is dirty. There is no hot water in the shower. There is no dryer. The website is full of lies. There is no service. It is cheap, but you should never stay. The minimum human life is not possible. The staff was very poor.
Flavio Bonamini on Google

Como muitos nao ha asseio nos quartos tampouco troca de roupa de cama, papel higienico tem q pegar pequenos pedaços na recepçao nao ha no banheiro e meu cartao foi clonado inclusive a senha e realizaram compra de hospedagem na cdmx enquanto eu estava em veracruz. MUITO CUIDADO.
As many do not have cleanliness in the rooms or change of bed linen, toilet paper has to pick up small pieces at the reception, there is no bathroom and my card was cloned including the password and purchased accommodation at cdmx while I was in Veracruz. VERY CAREFUL.
Gabriel Avila on Google

Horrible everything!!
Jorge Robles on Google

Too noisy, not recommended even if its cheap, you wont sleep at all
Rosa María Álvarez Solís on Google

Bad place, uncomfortable beds, dirty restroom and dirty showers. No paper rolls, no towels, it's cheap but it's not worth
Kyle Pierce on Google

do not stay. bed bugs in the mattress so you will leave with many bites beacuse the sheets do stay on bed. no hot water in shower. most rooms have no windows. prison feeling. not good for your health.

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